The aim of the study is to present results of the own representative survey How children spend and experience their leisure 2021, which monitor the state of children's leisure at the beginning of the third decade of the 21st century. In the begging of the study, the main findings are summarized and the parameters of the research are introduced. Then, the results of a more detailed analyses are presented. At first, these focus on how much leisure children have. Then, two more extensive chapters follow that represent the main parts of the study. They focus on how children spend their leisure and how they experience it. The final part of the study presents selected factors influencing the possibilities and ways of spending leisure: parents' views on children's leisure, household expenses related to children's leisure, satisfaction with the possibilities for spending leisure and perceived barriers.
Other publication
Patočková, V., D. Čermák, J. Šafr. 2022. „Volný čas dětí staršího školního věku a jeho prožívání. Výsledky reprezentativního výzkumu v České republice 2021 (monitorovací studie).“ Sociologický ústav AV ČR, v. v. i., ISBN 978-80-7330-396-9.
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