Conference Methods in Plant Sciences 2023
We would like to invite you to a conference focused on methodic advances in plant biology. It will take place in South Bohemia on 24–27 September 2023, with many invited speakers from all over Europe.
Mezinárodní konference EUCARPIA zaměřená na trávy a pícniny
Zveme vás na 35. konferenci EUCARPIA Fodder Crops and Amenity Grasses Section nazvanou Nové technologie, strategie a plodiny pro udržitelnost produkce pícnin v měnícím se klimatu. Akce se koná 10.– 14. září 2023 v Brně.
Konference ACPD 2023
We would like to cordially invite you to the regular Auxins and Cytokinins in Plant Development Symposium (ACPD 2023), which will be held in Prague from 25–29 June 2023. ACPD 2023 will be the tenth in a row, and for 2023 we have decided to emphasize the role of these two key phytohormones in plant response to ever-changing environmental conditions. We look forward to seeing you again.