For job seekers

Obráběč/ka kovů / Nástrojář/ka

Ústav fotoniky a elektroniky AV ČR, v. v. i. (ÚFE) je veřejná výzkumná instituce patřící mezi pracoviště Akademie věd České republiky, největší české neuniverzitní výzkumné organizace. ÚFE provádí základní a aplikovaný výzkum v oblasti fotoniky, optoelektroniky a elektroniky. 

Do našeho týmu mechanické dílny hledáme nového kolegu/kolegyni na pozici:



Co bude Vaší pracovní náplní?

  • Výroba přesných mechanických dílů a celých sestav podle výkresové dokumentace, občasná pomoc při montáži sestav.
  • Zajišťování údržby vybavení strojů a nástrojů a další činnosti v rámci týmu mechanické dílny.



  • Vzdělání technického zaměření - odborné vyučení bez maturity.
  • Praxi na konvenčních strojích (frézka, soustruh).
  • Manuální zručnost.
  • Dobrou orientaci a čtení ve výkresové dokumentaci, technické myšlení.
  • Pečlivost, spolehlivost, samostatnost, bezúhonnost.
  • Vyučení v oboru a/nebo uživatelská znalost práce na PC výhodou, nikoliv podmínkou.


Co Vám můžeme nabídnout?

  • Zajímavou a rozmanitou práci (převažuje prototypová a kusová výroba).
  • Přátelské pracovní prostředí v malém kolektivu, klimatizované prostory.
  • Jistotu a zázemí stabilní a respektované veřejné instituce.
  • Plný úvazek (v případě zájmu je možnost i zkráceného úvazku).
  • Pracovní smlouvu na dobu určitou na 1 rok s možností prodloužení.
  • Jednosměnný provoz PO-PÁ, možnost napracovat si hodiny (žádná pásová výroba ani směny o víkendu či v noci).
  • Vlastní organizaci náplně práce.
  • Slušné platové ohodnocení a pravidelnou mzdu 7. den v měsíci.
  • 5 týdnů dovolené, 3 dny zdravotního volna.
  • Závodní stravování (obědy) v místě výkonu práce s příspěvkem zaměstnavatele.
  • Příspěvek na Multisport kartu.
  • Příspěvek na penzijní nebo životní připojištění (po prvním roce).
  • Možnost ubytování v podnikovém bytě v místě výkonu práce (po uplynutí zkušební doby).
  • Lokalita kousek od metra trasy C / Kobylisy, v blízkosti tramvajové i autobusové zastávky.

Nástup možný ihned nebo dle dohody.

Vhodné rovněž pro seniory či uprchlíky z Ukrajiny.


Pokud Vás tato nabídka zaujala, zašlete nám svůj strukturovaný životopis s označením pozice na e-mailovou adresu

Těšíme se na Vaši odpověď!


Informace o zpracování osobních údajů naleznete na webových stránkách ÚFE, na adrese:

Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Optical Systems for Biosensing

The Institute of Photonics and Electronics v. v. i.* invites applications for a Postdoctoral Research Fellow position in the field of Optical Systems for Biosensing. Join the Optical Biosensors research team (team leader Prof. Jiří Homola) and contribute to cutting-edge research in optics and biosensing.


Job description 

The selected candidate will participate in the multidisciplinary research of optical biosensors based on surface plasmons and will be expected to develop novel optical platforms for biosensors based on plasmonic nanostructures for the detection of biomolecules related to biomedicine and investigation of biomolecular and cellular processes.


Specific tasks include: 

  • research of optical systems for sensing, including, in particular, the design and development of optical sensing systems employing plasmonic (nano)structures;
  • integration of the developed optical systems with plasmonic nanostructures and microfluidic devices and characterization of their performance in biosensing experiments involving various biomolecules and cells.

Requirements and essential skills

  • Ph. D. degree in optics, optoelectronics, physics, electrical engineering, or similar;
  • strong publication record in the field of optical systems for sensing, microscopy, or plasmonics;
  • experience in the design and theoretical analysis of optical systems (e.g., using Ansys ZEMAX);
  • hands-on experience in the development of optical systems based on free-space optics, including design, fabrication, and characterization of such systems;
  • ability to efficiently communicate with other team members and supervise students;
  • good command of written and spoken English;
  • expertise in the field of light sources and detectors and image data processing tools (using MATLAB, Python, LabView etc.) is of advantage.

We offer

  • Participation in exciting multidisciplinary research projects with a high societal impact;
  • work in an international and inclusive research team and institution;
  • outstanding research infrastructure including multiple optical labs, cleanroom facilities (incl. electron-beam lithography system, and a 2-photon polymerization 3D printer), chemistry and biochemistry labs with support from professional lab technicians, computational resources, and mechanical workshop for optomechanical prototyping;
  • full-time employment with five weeks of vacation and other benefits.

Terms of employment

The initial period of employment is one year (with the possibility of an extension), starting in August 2023 or soon thereafter.


Application procedure

To apply, please, respond to our HR specialist Mrs. Simona Motlová (e-mail with the following documents: 

  • letter of application (cover letter),
  • CV,
  • list of publications.

In the subject line of your email, please, state that you are applying for a Postdoctoral research fellow position in Optical Systems for Biosensing.


* The selection procedure is announced in accordance with the Act No. 283/1992 of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, as amended by Act No. 420/2005, and in accordance with the Statutes of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic.

Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Plasmonics for Biosensing

The Institute of Photonics and Electronics v. v. i.* invites applications for a Postdoctoral Research Fellow position in Plasmonics for Biosensing. Join the Optical Biosensors research team (team leader Prof. Jiří Homola) and contribute to cutting-edge research in plasmonics and biosensing.


Job description 

The selected candidate will carry out research into plasmonic (nano)structures and their applications in optical affinity biosensors for the detection of biomolecules related to biomedicine and the investigation of biomolecular interactions.


Specific tasks include: 

  • theoretical analysis and design of plasmonic nanostructures;
  • theoretical analysis of the potential performance of biosensors based on plasmonic nanostructures;
  • analysis of theoretical and experimental data concerning optical and biosensing characteristics of plasmonic nanostructures.

Requirements and essential skills

  • Ph.D. degree in optics, optoelectronics, physics, electrical engineering, or similar;
  • strong publication record in the field of plasmonic or photonic nanostructures;
  • expertise and hands-on experience in theoretical analysis and design of optical (nano)structures including the use of advanced simulation tools (i.e., Ansys Lumerical FDTD, RCWA, BEM, COMSOL, CST Studio Suite);
  • ability to efficiently communicate with other team members and supervise students;
  • good command of written and spoken English;
  • knowledge of nanofabrication methods is of advantage;
  • knowledge of optical (bio)sensing principles is of advantage.

We offer

  • Participation in exciting multidisciplinary research projects with a high societal impact;
  • work in an international and inclusive research team and institution;
  • outstanding research infrastructure, including computational resources (incl. in-house-built and commercial simulation software packages), optical labs, cleanroom facilities (incl. electron-beam lithography system, and a 2-photon-polymerization 3D printer) and support from professional lab technicians;
  • full-time employment with five weeks of vacation and other benefits.

Terms of employment

The initial period of employment is one year (with the possibility of an extension), starting in August 2023 or soon thereafter.


Application procedure

To apply, please, respond to our HR specialist Mrs. Simona Motlová (e-mail with the following documents: 

  • letter of application (cover letter),
  • CV,
  • list of publications.

In the subject line of your email, please, state that you are applying for a Postdoctoral research fellow position in Plasmonics for Biosensing.


* The selection procedure is announced in accordance with the Act No. 283/1992 of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, as amended by Act No. 420/2005, and in accordance with the Statutes of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic.

Postdoctoral Research Fellow in the field of Plasmonic Biosensors for Investigation of Cellular Processes

The Institute of Photonics and Electronics v. v. i., under the Act No. 283/1992 of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, as amended by the Act No. 420/2005, and in accordance with the Statutes of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, invites applications for a Postdoctoral Research Fellow position focusing on the development of plasmonic biosensors for investigation of cellular processes.

Our research team Optical Biosensors (team leader Prof. Jiří Homola) is currently looking for a postdoc research fellow focusing on the development of optical affinity biosensors for the investigation of cellular processes.

Do you want to use your knowledge and experience in studying cellular processes? Do you want to develop advanced surfaces for the investigation of molecular systems, medical diagnostics, or environmental monitoring? Are you enthusiastic about multidisciplinary projects where you can work closely with experts from various fields (photonics, microfluidics, chemistry, biology, or medicine)? If your answer is yes, you should apply for this position!


Job description 

The selected candidate will carry out research and development of optical affinity biosensors to investigate cellular processes, especially cell secretion and interactions of cells with biomolecules.

Specific tasks include: 

  • design and development of assays for ultrasensitive detection of selected biomolecules,
  • development of functional coatings for cell adhesion and immobilization of biomolecules, 
  • application of the plasmonic biosensors for the label-free investigation of cellular processes related to oncohematological diseases, 
  • study of interactions of individual cells and their membrane receptors with selected cytokines or growth factors and investigation of cellular secretion of selected cytokines.


  • Ph.D. in biochemistry, molecular and cell biology, bioanalytical chemistry, physical chemistry, chemical engineering or similar,
  • publication record in a relevant field of life sciences,
  • experience in research of cellular processes is of advantage,
  • experience in the development of assays for the detection of biomolecules is of advantage,
  • experience with optical affinity biosensors is of advantage.

We offer

  • interesting and challenging work in an international research team,
  • work on multidisciplinary scientific projects with potentially significant impact,
  • excellent research infrastructure,
  • language and professional training courses,
  • five weeks of vacation,
  • sport allowance (Multisport card).

Terms of employment

Full-time employment contract for two years (with the possibility of an extension) starting from July 2023 or as soon as possible thereafter.


Application procedure

To apply, please, respond to Mrs. Simona Motlová with the following documents: 

  • cover letter,
  • CV,
  • list of publications.

In the subject line of your email, please, state that you are applying for a Postdoctoral research fellow position in Plasmonic Biosensors for Investigation of Cellular Processes.

Start of the first DIGS-BB Topical Partner Cluster with research groups from the Czech Academy of Sciences on "Cytoskeletal Dynamics Across Scales”
Start of the first DIGS-BB (Dresden International Graduate School for Biomedicine and Bioengineering) Topical Partner Cluster with research groups from the Czech Academy of Sciences on "Cytoskeletal Dynamics Across Scales”
Open Days IPE 2022
Visit us during Open Days and see the work of scientists up close! This year we are opening our Institute to public on November 3 - 4. Book your excursion at Capacity is limited.
We support Ukraine!
ÚFE joins the Academy of Sciences initiative offering assistance to Ukraine. Our Institute will offer scientific working stays and our employees spontaneously provide financial support to Ukraine through charitable organizations. We terminate cooperation agreements with the Russian state-funded institutions.
Open Days 2020 cancelled, will be online
Open Days in November will not take place this year due to coronavirus. However, you will be able to visit us online!
Restriction Notice (source:
Due to the current hygienic-epidemiological situation related to the occurrence of a new type of coronavirus we limit the operation of the Institute.
The Open Days IPE, 14. - 15. 11. 2019
We have launched online registration for the Open Days. Do not hesitate and book your excursion in time, our capacity is limited.


IPE carries out fundamental and applied research in the scientific fields of photonics, optoelectronics and electronics. In these fields, IPE generates new knowledge and develops new technologies.

Contact us

Data box: m54nucy

IČ: 67985882
DIČ: CZ67985882