Career development


We support all employees in their career development. Having motivated employees and knowing how they perceive their work and future career matters to us. We help our colleagues meet the expected standards associated with their current and future role at FZU


FZU recognises the importance of continuous education and career development. Tailored made development programs in combination with various forms of personal development such as classroom training, online seminars or mentoring create solid structure that supports development needs of our employees.

We strive to create a working environment that gives everyone an opportunity to fully develop their potential and to use their knowledge and experience. This is reflected in the complex research and training support FZU provides to its employees.

We are a proud holder of HR Excellence in Research Award. Learn more about our mission



FZU Traning Program

The composition of the FZU Training Program focuses on the need for specific competencies, particularly in the continuously changing conditions in research policies as well as the funding landscape. FZU training plans are prepared for each semester, however, training may also be tailored according to specific departmental and situational needs.  

The employees are offered systematic education in the following areas:

Courses and training for researchers at all stages of their career are focused on the development of necessary competencies for successful acquisition and management of grants, and other relevant key transferable skills:

  • Project management
  • Academic writing
  • Grant seminars for selected calls
  • Open Access and Copyright
  • IPR and patents
  • Science popularization and communication (since 2021)
  • Presentation skills

 A programme for departmental and team leaders to develop their managerial skills in:

  • Legislation and legal conditions
  • Leadership and team management
  • Personnel management
  • Communication skills


FZU Mentoring program

We perceive mentoring as a fundamental pillar in individual development. It is an effective way of sharing experience and knowledge transfer that supports career development not only in research but also in transferable and soft skills. It provides an opportunity for exchange of experience between a mentee and a mentor, senior colleague, who in regular informal meetings provides support with respect to the needs of his/her mentee. Mentoring, nevertheless, is a two-way process that apart from being an effective tool for career development, brings advantage both to the mentee and the mentor.  

The mentoring program at FZU takes place regularly in annual cycles and connects researchers across all workplaces. Participants meet in person or online, and have the opportunity to discuss all topics, not only of a professional nature. Participation in the program is a great opportunity to gain new experience, expand knowledge and develop contacts with colleagues. 


Scientific Careers from different perspectives 

We approach a scientific career from different perspectives. We support networking through seminars, workshops and informal meetings. These activities contribute to sharing of best practices, exchange of knowledge, experience and touch on important life and career milestones. In particular, we focus on parenthood, equal opportunities, gender and unconscious bias.

A series of seminars on the topic "Scientific career from other perspectives" that we organized in cooperation with the National Contact Center - Gender and science of the Institute of Sociology of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, met with a very positive response.  


Mgr. Monika Hochmanová

Ing. Barbora Loskot