Legal and internal standards
Legal standards
- Act No. 499/2004 Coll., on archiving and filing services, as amended (as amended on 24 April 2019) (PDF)
- Decree No. 259/2012 Coll., on the details of the filing service (PDF)
- Decree No. 283/2014 Coll., amending Decree No. 259/2012 Coll., on the details of the filing service (PDF)
- Decree No. 85/2019 Coll., amending the Decrees and implementing the Act on Archives and Records Management (PDF)
- Decree No. 645/2004 Coll. implementing certain provisions of the Act on Archives and Records Management (as amended by Decree No. 192/2009 Coll.) (PDF)
- Act No. 300/2008 Coll., on electronic transactions and authorised document conversion (PDF)
- Decree No. 193/2009 Coll., on determining the details of carrying out authorised document conversion (PDF)
- Decree No. 194/2009 Coll., on determining the details of the use and operation of the data box information system (PDF)
- Act No. 181/2014 on cyber security and amending related acts, as amended (PDF)
- Decree No. 496/2004 Coll., on electronic mailrooms (PDF)
- Government Resolution No. 1338 on determining the output data formats of static documents in digital form (PDF)
- Regulation 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data (PDF)
- Act No. 110/2019 Coll., on the processing of personal data (PDF)
- Act No. 111/2019 Coll., amending certain acts in connection with the adoption of the Act on the processing of personal data (PDF)
- Regulation (EU) No 910/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 July 2014 on electronic identification and trust services for electronic transactions in the internal market and repealing Directive 1999/93/EC (PDF)
- Act No 297/2016 on trust services for electronic transactions (PDF)
- Act No. 298/2016 Coll., amending the Acts in connection with the adoption of the Act on trust services for electronic transactions (PDF)
Internal Standards of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
- Model filing and shredding rules of the CAS Institutes - Directive of the Academic Council of the CAS, No. 16/2019 (PDF)
- Model filing and shredding rules of the CAS Institutes - Directive of the Academic Council of the CAS, No. 16/2019 (PDF)
- Model Filing and Shredding Rules of the CAS Institutes - Directive of the Academic Council of the CAS, No. 16/2019 (PDF)
- Model file plan of the CAS Institutes (version 2020, PDF)
- Model file plan of the CAS Institutes (version 2020, PDF)
- Methodological instruction on the issue of file service at the CAS Institutes (PDF)
- Basic concepts in the field of filing services and archiving (PDF)
- Sample shredding proposal (2020, PDF)
- Model filing and shredding regulations of the CAS departments - Directive of the Academic Council of the CAS No. 12/2017 (PDF)
- Model filing and shredding rules of the CAS Institutes - Internal Standards of the CAS, No. 4/2015 (PDF)
- Model filing and shredding regulations of the CAS Institutes - Internal Standards of the CAS, No. 1/2012 (PDF)
- Model filing and shredding rules of the CAS Institutes - Internal Standards of the CAS, No. 7/2006 (PDF)
- Model Filing and Shredding Rules of the CAS Institutes - Internal Standards of the CAS, No. 11/1994 (PDF)
- File Rules of the CSAV Departments (1972) - Directive of the Presidium of the CSAV, No. 5/72 (PDF)
- Records Regulations of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences (1963) (PDF)