
Library Regulations of the Library of the MÚA AV ČR

Document regulating the operation and scope of services of the library of the MÚA AV ČR

I. Basic provisions

Legal provisions

The Masaryk Institute and Archives of the CAS, v. v. i. (hereinafter referred to as the MÚA), in accordance with Act No. 283/1992 Coll., on the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, as amended, the Statutes of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, in force since 1 January 2007, and the founding charter of the MÚA, of which the library is a part, issues these Library Regulations:

Mission of the Library

The mission of the library is to collect, process, preserve and make available scientific information contained in a specialized library collection focused on the scientific research needs of the Institute.

Links to other laws

The library provides library and information services in accordance with Act No 257/2001 Coll., on libraries and the conditions for the operation of public library and information services, as amended (Library Act).

II. Library and information collections

The library of the Academy of Sciences of the CAS consists of two operationally separate parts: the Library of the Masaryk Institute of the CAS (MSU) and the Library of the Archives of the CAS.

The thematic and species composition of the primary and secondary library collections corresponds to the focus of the scientific research of the Institute. The library collections are systematically supplemented by purchase, exchange, donations and other sources in coordination and cooperation with libraries of the same or related thematic focus.

At the same time, the Library of the Archives of the CAS preserves the historical library collection, which is linked to the archival collections and thus has a preservation function. It is enriched by donations and purchases related to these archival holdings.

The T. G. Masaryk Library represents the historical book collection of the T. G. Masaryk Institute, o. p. s. It is managed by the MÚA Library on the basis of a cooperation agreement.

The library and information collection is not limited to traditional media, but also includes electronic information resources and collections.

III. Library and information services

The library provides its services primarily to the staff of the Institute, and also makes library documents available free of charge to the wider public, to whom it also provides information from internal sources and makes information available from external information sources to which it has access. The electronic information resources of the MÚA Library are also made available through the website of the Library of the CAS, v. v. i. The MÚA Library provides interlibrary loan services. The T. G. Masaryk Library and historical library collections linked to archival holdings (Academia, Veda, ČAVU, Zdeněk Nejedlý's Cabinet, Zdeněk Nejedlý Library, Ladislav Štoll Library and other individual volumes) are preservation library collections and interlibrary loan services are not provided in these cases.

IV. Users of library and information services

Library users are divided into two categories:

  1. internal users - MÚA staff;
  2. external users - employees of other institutes of the CAS, universities, students and the general public.

All library users are obliged to follow the library's borrowing rules.

V. Borrowing and operating rules of the library

Registration and borrowing library items from the library's own library and information collection are free of charge for all users.

The library is entitled to carry out borrowing reviews. All users are obliged to present for inspection all library items borrowed from the library's collection.

Borrowing from the collections of other libraries (as part of interlibrary loan services) is provided by the library only to internal users. Users are obliged to meet the return deadline and may not lend these library items to a third party.

Before terminating employment with the MLA, each employee is required to return all library items borrowed from or through the Institute's library. The library will then issue a return receipt to the departing employee for the Human Resources Department.

Documents are lent to external users in person - in the MÚA research room. Absentee loans to external users are possible only through the interlibrary loan service (except for the collections listed in point III.).

Reservation of an information source takes 2 weeks, unless otherwise agreed.

External users

  1. External users will have access to the ordered library items (with the exception of old prints) from the T. G. Masaryk Library and the Masaryk Institute Library for study in the MÚA Research Room (during the opening hours of the Research Room). For operational reasons, it is necessary to place orders at least three working days in advance (form on the library website) and wait for their processing
  2. Borrowings from the Library of the Archives of the CAS will also be available for public study in the MÚA research room (during the opening hours of the research room). Orders from the regular library collection must be placed at least three working days in advance (form on the library website) and wait for their processing. Orders from the collections stored in the depository in Jenštejn will be processed after prior agreement with the librarian

Internal users

  1. For internal users, the T. G. Masaryk Library is available in the research room of the MÚA. For operational reasons, orders must be placed at least one working day in advance (form on the library website) and wait for confirmation of their processing.
  2. The Masaryk Institute Library (in the basement of Building B) is accessible to internal staff only during the working hours of the respective librarian.
    • Absentee borrowing to the offices at the MLA is possible for a maximum of 3 months.
    • Long-term loans are granted for a maximum period of 3 years, with the proviso that the library document will be returned immediately on the librarian's request and its further use will be subject to agreement with the next applicant
  3. Borrowing hours of the Library of the Archives of the CAS (in the basement of Building B): the library is accessible to internal staff only during the working hours of the respective librarian.
    • Absentee borrowing is confirmed by the user's signature on the borrowing slip. The borrowing period is 1 month. If the document is not requested by another user, the period is automatically extended for another month for MÚA staff, unless otherwise agreed.
    • Long-term borrowing is intended mainly for reference libraries (includes information resources necessary for the processing of the relevant archival collections) and long-term projects. Borrowing from reference libraries, especially the codicological library, is carried out (for other users) in cooperation between the librarian and the head of the relevant department or section

VI. Electronic services

  • services offered via the library's WWW pages
  • online access to electronic information resources under the conditions set by the head of the library

VII. Other library services

  • photocopying services
  • borrowing from the collections of other libraries (within the framework of interlibrary/international lending services) is provided by the library only to internal users (form on the library's website); if the requested title is in the collections of Prague libraries, the applicant will use these sources on his/her own as a priority
  • requests from non-Prague libraries and requests from non-Prague libraries are handled by librarians via postal mail
  • exchange of publications between libraries of the same or related subject matter
  • organising book exhibitions

VIII. Sanctions for non-compliance with the Library Regulations

The library user is obliged to pay for the loss, damage or destruction of a library document. The method of compensation shall be determined by the library in agreement with the user (e.g. the same title, another title of the same market value and similar subject matter, etc.).

The user may be deprived of the right to use the library services by a written decision of the Director of the MLA for continuous violation of the borrowing regulations.

IX. Final provisions

Exceptions to the Library Rules are granted by the Director of the MÚA or his/her authorized employee. An integral part of the Library Rules is the Price List of Paid Library Services.

These Library Rules shall enter into force on 19 March 2018. At the same time, the Library Rules of the MÚA Library of 20 February 2009 shall be repealed.

In Prague, 19 March 2018

PhDr. Luboš Velek, Ph.D., v. r.

Director of the Masaryk Institute and Archives of the CAS, v. v. i.
