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Mgr. Aneta Plzáková


Phone: +420 286 010 562

Room: B 107


  • T. G. Masaryk
  • History of Scientific Institutions in Czechoslovakia after 1952


2005–2012: Mgr., Faculty of Arts, Charles University (Prague), Information Studies and Librarianship

Research Projects

  • Integration and Segregation in the City Space: History of the Holocaust in Prague through a Mobile Web Application, Technology Agency of the Czech Republic (2018-2021)
  • European Holocaust Research Infrastructure (EHRI, 2021- )


Other Relevant Projects

  • Database of Holocaust Victims (for the Terezín Initiative Institute)
  • Terezín Album (for the Terezín Initiative Institute)
  • Documentation of Roma Holocaust Victims (for the Terezín Initiative Institute)
  • Ours or Foreigners? Jews in the Czech 20th Century (for the Terezín Initiative Institute)


Publishing Activities

Studies in Impact Magazines:

FRANKL, Michal, MAZÁNEK, Petr, PLZÁKOVÁ, Aneta, SCHELLENBACHER, Wolfgang, SCHREIBEROVÁ, Zuzana a SVĚTÍK, Luboš. ‘Present and Absent: Exploring the Holocaust of Jews in Prague Using a Mobile Application’. GI_Forum, č. 2, 2020, s. 14-28.


Papers in Conference Proceedings:

PLZÁKOVÁ, Aneta a ŠTĚPKOVÁ, Tereza. „Databáze obětí holocaustu Institutu Terezínské iniciativy [Database of Holocaust Victims of the Terezín Initiative Institute]“. In Sborník Semináře o digitálních zdrojích a službách ve společenských a humanitních vědách: 24. Září 2015. Univerzita Karlova v Praze, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2015, s. 109-112.