PhD/Postdoc Position in Nanomaterials for Tactile Sensors and E-Skin Applications


FZU – Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences is a leading public research institution located in Prague, Czechia. FZU is the largest institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences with more than 1100 employees. FZU pursues high-quality, innovative, and ground-breaking research. Our primary mission is to understand and explain the basic phenomena and processes of this world and respond to the current scientific and technical challenges of society.


We are currently looking for an enthusiastic and highly-motivated PhD candidate or postdoctoral researcher in the novel and multidisciplinary field of flexible and large-area electronics and tactile sensing – a research area that offers strategic training opportunities with exceptional prospects for career development (in academia and industry) and applications in robotics, health care systems, medical instrumentation, and prosthetic devices, augmented reality, human-machine interaction devices.

Join the Nanoscale Materials and Systems (NMS) group at FZU and be at the forefront of the development of advanced tactile sensing technologies. You will be a key player in a project that aims to produce and characterise a new group of flexible nanomaterials for applications in tactile sensors, electronic and smart skins (e-skin), health care systems, and human-machine interaction interfaces. You will build different types of touch receptors and sensors and explore new ways how to mimic touch and detect various external stimuli by electromechanical systems and robots. You will contribute to the development of new innovative haptic technologies for the benefit of industry and the well-being of society.


What you will do:

  • Conduct experiments in the interdisciplinary area of tactile sensing technologies at the boundary of material science, physics, engineering, and robotics
  • Synthesize novel elastic materials (3D porous materials and aerogels made of 2D materials (e.g. graphene aerogels and elastomers))
  • Develop and characterise new electromechanical devices, sensors and e-skins
  • Analyse data, maintain laboratory instruments and implement new techniques/processes
  • Foster collaboration and communication with other international partners, group members, students, and FZU staff
  • Train/supervise students and other laboratory users
  • Write research papers and present results at conferences

Required qualifications:

  • Master’s degree in physics, chemistry, engineering, or an equivalent combination of related education and relevant experience
  • Theoretical and experimental background in nanomaterial synthesis, mechanics, electronics, and robotics
  • Previous experience with nanomaterial synthesis, electromechanical characterisation, and tactile sensor or e-skin fabrication is beneficial
  • Capacity to conduct research, develop innovative ideas, and drive projects forward
  • Creative thinking and proactive problem solving
  • Ability to collaborate effectively with a diverse team of researchers and students
  • Eager to learn and share knowledge
  • Excellent communication skills
  • Excellent organization and time management skills
  • Good knowledge of English (written and spoken)


  • Interesting work in cutting-edge research and development of new tactile sensors and e-skin technologies
  • Access to state-of-the-art research facilities
  • A competitive salary
  • Participation in multidisciplinary scientific projects together with world-leading experts in material science, flexible electronics and robotics
  • Working in an international team and a stimulating environment
  • Training and development (seminars, workshops, conferences, high-quality language courses, soft skills training)
  • Support of your work-life balance – flexible work hours, work from home, extended vacations
  • In-house tennis/volleyball courts, table tennis
  • And many more benefits such as a Multisport card, meal allowance, kindergarten operated by the Czech Academy of Sciences

Terms of employment:

  • Start of employment 1st January 2024
  • Full-time
  • 1-year contract (possible extension up to 4 years upon mutual agreement)

Application procedure:

We expect applications by: 30th September 2023

Interested candidates are invited to apply by sending the following documents to Mrs. Monika Svobodova at svobodomo [at] fzu [dot] cz

  • A cover letter detailing career objectives and research interests
  • Curriculum vitae (CV) including a list of publications
  • Two reference letters
  • Transcripts of degrees/diplomas

For additional information, please get in touch with Dr. Jiri Cervenka (cervenka [at] fzu [dot] cz).


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