Imaging facility of IEB AS CR


Note the Date – 18.-19. October 2023 – Multi-modal light imaging in plant research – annual workshop organized by IFIEB is approaching. After successful last year WS we are looking forward to the next one.

The new image analysis software Arivis has been installed on the shared HP workstation in room 011.  Enjoy!

No doubt plants are photogenic. Show it in the Picture of the Month/Year competition!

Our facility joins Picture of the Month event organized for users of all microscopy facilities within the umbrella of Prague Euro-BioImaging Node ( Your chance is to win the cash prize, kindly sponsored by Nikon. Detailed information here Next deadline is August the 13th. Submit by e-mail to 
Should you have some interesting microscopy images or movies (and a number of you surely have!), please don´t hesitate to share them and join the competition!

Czech‐BioImaging Annual Scientific Conference

The annual Czech-BioImaging conference Imaging Principles of Life will take place on October 3 - 4, 2023 in Hradec Králové.

Czech-BioImaging Conference

Photons, Electrons, & Sausages – new tradition of Prague Node facility users BBQ. We start on 29.6.2023 in Krč Campus.

It was simply great! EMBO practical course – Super-resolution in light microscopy, Institute of Molecular Genetics, Prague 18-23 June 2023.

The Czech Minister of Science, Helena Langšádlová, and the President of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Prof. Eva Zažímalová, visited IFIEB. 

IFIEB invites you to the DEMO workshop of STEDYCON microscope from Abberior Instruments Company. After the DEMO, the system will be available in our facility till the end of 2022. More info here...


New call for the Czech-BioImaging Open Access support for the year 2023 has been opened. If you prepare innovative/challenging microscopic project in our facility, we are happy to help you with writing the proposal! The deadline for applications is October 10th, 2022. Successful projects should be performed in 2023.

Euro-BioImaging newsletter informs about our Zeiss LSM880 vertical-stage microscope, a unique technology for in-vivo plant imaging. Read here or on Twitter @IEB_Imaging.

Follow IEB Imaging Facility Twitter @IEB_Imaging ;-)

Czech-BioImaging call for research projects II for 2022 has deadline 31th January 2022. Who is interested please contact us.

Euro-BioImaging Virtual pub

Every Friday at 13.00 CET you can join with the Euro-BioImaging Hub staff for a virtual meeting about microscopy.

Service Evaluation Form - give us your feedback


Imaging facility of IEB CAS is part of national large research infrastructure Czech-BioImaging.
Instructions how to apply for Czech-BioImaging access here



IEB is part of the Prague node of the Euro-BioImaging infrastructure.
Instructions how to apply for Euro-BioImaging access here