Genomic sequencing of Thinopyrum elongatum chromosome arm 7EL, carrying fusarium head blight resistance, and characterization of its impact on the transcriptome of the introgressed line CS‑7EL
Konkin, D., Hsueh, Y-Ch., Kirzinger, M., Kubaláková, M., Haldar, A., Balcerzak, M., Han, F., Fedak, G., Doležel, J., Sharpe, A., Ouellet, T.BMC GENOMICS 23 : 228 , 2022
Keywords: Fusarium graminearum, Disease resistance, Thinopyrum elongatum, Triticum aestivum, Transcriptome, Alien introgression, RNA-seq, Non-coding RNA
Trans-splicing of mRNAs links gene transcription to translational control regulated by mTOR
Danks, G.B., Galbiati, H., Raasholm, M., Cleuren, Y.N.T., Valen, E., Navrátilová, P., Thompson, E.M.BMC GENOMICS 20 : 908 , 2019
Homologous recombination changes the context of Cytochrome b transcription in the mitochondrial genome of Silene vulgaris KRA
Štorchová H., Stone J.D., Sloan D.B., Abeyawardana O., Müller K., Walterová J., Pažoutová M.BMC GENOMICS 19 : 874 , 2018
Keywords: Cytoplasmic Male Sterility, Silene vulgaris, mitochondrial genome, homologous recombination
The slowdown of Y chromosome expansion in dioecious Silene latifolia due to DNA loss and male-specific silencing of retrotransposons
Puterova, J., Kubat, Z., Kejnovsky, E., Jesionek, W., Čížková, J., Vyskot, B., Hobza, R.BMC GENOMICS 19 : 153 , 2018
Keywords: Epigenetics, Genome size, Silene latifolia, Transposable elements, Y chromosome
Features of the organization of bread wheat chromosome 5BS based on physical mapping
Salina, E.A., Nesterov, M.A., Frenkel, Z., Kiseleva, A.A., Timonova, E.M., Magni, F., Vrána, J., Šafář, J., Šimková, H., Doležel, J., Korol, A., Sergeeva, E.M.BMC GENOMICS 19 : 80 , 2018
Keywords: Chromosome 5BS, Hexaploid wheat, Triticum aestivum, Genetic markers, Physical mapping, Sequencing, Synteny
Sequencing flow-sorted short arm of Haynaldia villosa chromosome 4V provides insights into its molecular structure and virtual gene order
Xiao, J., Dai, K., Fu, L., Vrána, J., Kubaláková, M., Wan, W., Sun, H., Zhao, J., Yu, C., Wu, Y., Abrouk, M., Wang, H., Doležel, J., Wang, X.BMC GENOMICS 18 : 791 , 2017
Keywords: Haynaldia villosa, Flow sorting, Chromosome arm 4VS, Scaffold, Genome zipper
Identification of miRNAs with potential roles in regulation of anther development and male-sterility in 7B-1 male-sterile tomato mutant.
Omidvar V, Mohorianu I, Dalmay T, Fellner MBMC GENOMICS 16 : 878- 893 , 2015
Development of intron targeting (IT) markers specific for chromosome arm 4VS of Haynaldia villosa by chromosome sorting and next-generation sequencing
Wang, H., Dai, K., Xiao, J., Yuan, C., Zhao, R., Doležel, J., Wu, Y., Cao, A., Chen, P., Zhang, S., Wang, X.BMC GENOMICS 18 : 167 , 2017
Keywords: Triticum aestivum, Haynaldia villosa, Molecular marker, Intron polymorphism
The expansion of heterochromatin blocks in rye reflects the co-amplification of tandem repeats and adjacent transposable elements
Evtushenko, E.V., Levitsky, V.G., Elisafenko, E.A., Gunbin, K.V., Belousov, A.I., Šafář, J., Doležel, J., Vershinin, A.V.BMC GENOMICS 17 : 337 , 2016
Keywords: Tandem repeats, Transposable elements, Subtelomeric heterochromatin, Rye, Secale cereale, 1RS BAC library, 454 sequences, TE–tandem junctions, DNA motifs
Improvement of the banana “Musa acuminata” reference sequence using NGS data and semi-automated bioinformatics methods
Martin, G., Baurens, F.-C., Droc, G., Rouard, M., Cenci, A., Kilian, A., Hastie, A., Doležel, J., Aury, J.-M., Alberti, A., Carreel, F., D’Hont, A.BMC GENOMICS 17 : 243 , 2016
Keywords: Musa acuminata, Genome assembly, Bioinformatics tool, Paired-end sequences, GBS, Genome map