
While most of CERGE-EI's media presence is in the Czech language, CERGE-EI also appears in the local English-language media and in the international media. Additionally, our students, researchers and faculty occasionally feature in the media of one of the two dozen countries of their origin.*


Michal Bauer, Vojtěch Bartoš and Julie Chytilová were cited in an article Correcting public misperceptions about medical doctors' opinions persistently increases COVID-19 vaccinations in MedicalXpress (June 2022). 

Vojtěch Bartoš was cited in an article Perceived expert views could influence COVID-19 jab hesitancy in Scimex (June 2022). 

Vojtěch Bartoš was cited in an article Covid-19 vaccine hesitancy cut by sharing doctors’ positive views in New Scientist (June 2022). 

Michal Bauer and Julie Chytilová published an article Give physicians’ views to improve COVID vaccine uptake in Nature (June 2022). 

Vojtěch Bartoš was cited in an article Falsche Annahmen senken Impfbereitschaft in ScienceOFR (June 2022). 

Michal Bauer, Vojtěch Bartoš and Julie Chytilová were cited in an article COVID-19: la "parola" dei medici decisiva per incrementare l’adesione al vaccino in LA STATALE news, Universita degli Study di Milano (June 2022). 

Michal Bauer and Julie Chytilová were cited in an article Keby médiá neboli falošne objektívne, dalo by sa viac ľudí očkovať proti covidu in DeníkN, Slovakia (June 2022).

Anna Pestova, Mikhail Mamonov, Steven Ongena, "The price of war: Macroeconomic effects of the 2022 sanctions on Russia," 15 April 2022,

“Crime and Punishment”: How Russian banks anticipated and dealt with global financial sanctions. Mikhail Mamonov, Anna Pestova and Steven Onega in their column explore the informational effects of financial sanctions against Russia’s state-owned and controlled banks compared to similar private banks ‘not yet sanctioned’, (June 2021).

A recent study on predatory publishing in Scopus citing database by Vít Macháček and Martin Srholec was cited in Nature (February 2021).

Štěpán Jurajda´s comparison study of wage rates based on the MCWage Index was used in MarketWatch to discuss minimum-wage increases in McDonald´s restaurants (January 2021).

A study by Bruce D. Meyer and Nikolas Mittag was cited by Fox News (June 2018).

Starting University in a Recession Means You Earn More. Reserach of Aleny Bičáková cited on the web of the Royal Economic Society and FE News (March 2018).

NY's small brewers, distillers expect boost from tax law. Visiting professor Randall Filer in an interview at Fox 5 (January 2018).

A study on war and cooperation written by several authors, including Michal Bauer and Julie Chytilová, was cited by (June 2016) and The Washington Post (July 2016)

A paper on field-of-study homogamy by Štěpán Jurajda and Alena Bičáková was commented on by (July 2016)

Daniel Munich on the Czech membership in the EU for Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty (June 2016) 

Sergey Slobodyan on Brexit for St. Petersburg TV (June 2016)

Nikolas Mittag published an article Current Population Survey Overestimates Poverty Rate in the NBER Digest (February 2016)

Nikolas Mittag on Mismeasuring Poverty published in The Wall Street Journal (November 2015)

Jan Švejnar's research mentioned in The Washington Post (August 2015)

Jan Hanousek, Evžen Kočenda and Anastasiya Shamshur published an article at (July 2015)

Jan Švejar wrote an article for CAPX (June 2015), The Guardian (July 2015) and Jakarta Post (June 2015)

Patrick Gaulé's research tracking the careers of foreign-born scientists in America cited in The Economist (June 2015)

Joint research of faculty member Jan Hanousek and CERGE-EI alumna Anna Kochanova published at (May 2015) 

Štěpán Jurajda’s joint research with Orley Ashenfelter (Princeton) on international wage and productivity comparisons using Big Mac prices was cited in The New York Times (October 2014) and The Economist (June 2012)

Prof. Orley Ashenfelter who visited CERGE-EI in January to be awarded a honorary degree from Charles University appeared in Hydepark Civilizace on Czech TV. The program is available in English.

Olga Popova was cited in Ukrainean Forbes magazine (February 2015)

Petr Janský’s research on tax rules in developing countries was cited in The Guardian (May 2014) 

Libor Dušek’s study on the link between tax withholding and government size was cited in The New York Times (October 2013)

Jakub Steiner discussed how economic research and education differ at Central European and Western institutions in an interview for the Slovak edition of Forbes magazine (September 2013)

Jan Švejnar gave an interview on differences in the nature of the European and US economic crises in (September 2013)

A recent interview with Filip Pertold was featured in Prager Zeitung - Wir haben den Normalzustand erreicht (July 2013).

CERGE-EI is one of the participants in the European Employment Observatory - results presented in the European Employment Observatory Newsletter - September 2011

Štěpán Jurajda gave an interview titled: It Is Better To Do No Reform Than a Bad One (first published in Lidové noviny on March 19, 2011).

Dr. Rasa Balockaitė, a GDN grant recipient in the Interregional Research Project, appeared on Lithuanian TV; she mentions CERGE-EI starting at 2:56 (August 2011).

Filip Matějka gave an interview in Russian to the Czech Radio entitled Идеальные экономические модели и проза жизни (January 31, 2011).

In Economists from Charles University: Successes Abroad; Filip Pertold features CERGE-EI alumni with great international careers, Forum 1/2009, 15 March 2009.


* The list does NOT include journal articles published in impact factor publications. These are listed separately within the section focused on research.