Presenters: Karel Rohlena and Tomáš Mocek
Laser technology has gained widespread recognition and is now applied across various scientific and technological disciplines. This lecture aims to showcase the significant contributions originating from FZU – the Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences. These contributions extend not only to the historical progression of lasers but also to the exploration of the fundamental physics of laser-matter interactions. Within this presentation, we will delve into the impact of a political shift that occurred approximately five decades ago. This shift led to a redirection of the scientific endeavours of the then Department of Gas Discharges, culminating in the development of a high-power iodine photodissociation laser. The evolution of iodine laser systems at FZU will be comprehensively discussed, particularly highlighting the transition from the PERUN laser configuration to the more powerful PALS system. The PALS – Prague Asterix Laser System – is as an upgraded iteration of the ASTERIX IV terawatt laser, originally conceived at the Max-Plank Institute for Quantum Optics in Garching, Germany during the 1990s. The presentation will also encompass a selection of notable achievements accomplished at the PALS Research Centre. In addition, we will also address the involvement of our Division in the advancement of the chemical oxygen-iodine laser.
Finally, the focus of the lecture will shift to the HiLASE Centre, a prominent hub dedicated to the development and applications of high-average power, solid-state laser technology.
Přednáška je součástí cyklu k 70. výročí FZU, určena je zejména zaměstnancům FZU a odborné veřejnosti. Na přednášku navazují exkurze do laboratoří - exkurze probíhají v centru HiLASE v Dolních Břežanech, autobusová doprava ze Slovanky do Břežan bude zajištěna.
Prosím rezervujte si své místo na přednášku či exkurzi v dostatečném předstihu v rezervačním systému.