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Despite willingness to speak to the media, journalists say scientists often do not follow through, fearing their science will be misrepresented: EGU Media Survey
  • Press release
  • 21 September 2023

As part of its #ShareYourScience initiative, EGU sought feedback from journalists in Europe and beyond about their experiences working with scientists. According to the survey respondents, a lack of time and ambiguity over discussing their work before publication were other reasons that scientists shared while declining media interviews.

The EGU supports the EU Nature Restoration Law encompassing all critical ecosystems
  • EGU news
  • 22 June 2023

The European Union’s proposed Nature Restoration Law aims to provide essential guidance and support to restore ecosystems, habitats and species across the EU’s land and sea areas. The proposed legislation comes at a critical moment when, despite EU and international efforts, biodiversity loss and the degradation of ecosystems continues at an alarming rate.

EGU23 – by the numbers
  • EGU news
  • 3 May 2023

Thanks to the enthusiastic efforts of our members and volunteers, EGU23 reached an amazing 18,831 people at the General Assembly, both in Vienna and online!

Highlight articles

Molecular simulations reveal that heterogeneous ice nucleation occurs at higher temperatures in water under capillary tension

Using computer simulations of water, we find that water under tension freezes more easily than under normal conditions. A linear equation describes how freezing temperature increases with tension. Accordingly, simulations show that naturally occurring tension in water capillary bridges leads to higher freezing temperatures. This work is an early step in determining if atmospheric cloud droplets freeze due to naturally occurring tension, for example, during processes such as droplet collisions.

Modes of Antarctic tidal grounding line migration revealed by Ice, Cloud, and land Elevation Satellite-2 (ICESat-2) laser altimetry

We develop a method using ICESat-2 data to measure how Antarctic grounding lines (GLs) migrate across the tide cycle. At an ice plain on the Ronne Ice Shelf we observe 15 km of tidal GL migration, the largest reported distance in Antarctica, dominating any signal of long-term migration. We identify four distinct migration modes, which provide both observational support for models of tidal ice flexure and GL migration and insights into ice shelf–ocean–subglacial interactions in grounding zones.

High-resolution data reveal a surge of biomass loss from temperate and Atlantic pine forests, contextualizing the 2022 fire season distinctiveness in France

This study analyses the ecological impact of the 2022 summer fire season in France by using high-resolution satellite data. The total biomass loss was 2.553 Mt, equivalent to a 17 % increase of the average natural mortality of all French forests. While Mediterranean forests had a lower biomass loss, there was a drastic increase in burned area and biomass loss over the Atlantic pine forests and temperate forests. This result revisits the distinctiveness of the 2022 fire season.

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How far can we take the DORA rules?

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EGU Climate Division presents: Outreach Team 2023 edition

The European Geosciences Union (EGU) is a multidisciplinary organization, encompassing various fields within the geosciences. Each field is represented by its own Division, within which a number of volunteer roles exist. These roles include the President and Deputy President, a Programme Group Chair, Science Officers, Early Career Scientist Representatives, and an Outreach Team. Every year at the EGU General Assembly, members from each Division nominate individuals for these positions. 📢 Today we are pleased to present an overview of the …