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2 Jun 23 - 1 Mar 25
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First time in the archive

Before the visit

Archival materials are stored in individual archival groups (fonds and collections). The fonds are usually formed according to the provenance principle, i.e. documents of one originator (corporation or individual) form one archival fonds. A structured overview of the archival files stored in the MIA CAS is given on the Archival fonds and databases page. The Archival Vademecum allows viewing more detailed data on archival files and searching in electronic archival aids. Some older archival finding aids are not yet available in electronic versions; they can be viewed in the reading room on request.

Archival holdings accessing the vademecum

Didn’t find what you were looking for?

If you have not found a record of the archival material you are looking for on the links above, or if you need consultation, please email your request to badatelna@mua.cas.cz.

Order archival materials for study

If the archival collection has an electronic finding aid, order the archival materials directly from Archival Vademecum. If the fonds does not have an electronic finding aid, send your order by email, making sure to include: the name of the archival file, inventory number (or signature), cardboard number, and other information as you see fit. You can also submit a request for archival materials in person at the reading room.

The submission of archival material is governed by Act No. 499/2004 Coll., on Archives and Records Management, as amended (§ 34-41), and the implementing Decree No. 645/2004 Coll.

Reserve a place in the reading room

Once you have received notification that your order has been prepared, book a place in the reading room for a specific date and time.

Visiting the reading room

Don’t forget to bring

Identity card or passport, note-taking tools.

Basic rules for studying in the reading room

Visitors enter the reading room without luggage, which they can leave in the lockable lockers. No food or drink is allowed in the research room.

Each visitor signs the visitors’ book and, when asked by a member of staff, fills in a research sheet and proves his or her identity.

We encourage respectful behaviour towards other visitors. In particular, it is requested to turn off system sounds on devices in use (computers, cameras, mobile phones) and not to use voice communication devices.

It is forbidden to take archival materials and books presented to researchers for study outside the reading room.

It is forbidden to change the order of archival materials in folders and cartons.

Photographs of archives or books may be taken only after a request for the use of reproduction equipment has been approved. The images taken shall be used solely for the study needs of the researcher who took the images. The prior consent of the Masaryk Institute and the Archives of the CAS is required for the publication of images (in print or electronically).

Visitors to the reading room are obliged to follow the Research Rules of the MIA CAS, some services are charged according to the Price List of Services.

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