Seminar Talk Announcement

  • Jiří Šíma (CAS ICS):

    Chomsky-Like Neural Network Hierarchy

    07.11.2023 14:00Room 318 (zoom) @ Institute of Computer Science
    Pod Vodárenskou věží 2
    Praha, 182 00
    Hora Informaticae

    The computational power of neural networks (NNs) depends on the Kolmogorov complexity of their weight parameters. We will present a Chomsky-like hierarchy for NNs with α analog neurons (αANN), which complements the analysis for realistic models between integer (finite automata) and rational weights (Turing machines). We achieved the separation of the first two levels 1ANN, 2ANN of this hierarchy and proved its collapse to 3ANN. This research also motivated the definitions of two new interesting concepts that will be introduced in the lecture. Namely, we will define a periodic number in positional system with non-integer radix and digits. We will present a new notion of a C-simple problem which is a conceptual counterpart to the standard complexity- theoretic definition of C-hard problems (e.g. NP-hard problems).

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