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Programme pdf
Ancient History and Ancient Historians: Dis manibus Pavel Oliva
DAY 1 (22th November)
(13:00-13:15) welcome
(13:15-14:15) KEYNOTE: O. Murray, The Republic of Letters between East and West
(14:15-15:00) J. Blažek – M. Šmíd, Pavel Oliva’s Testimony in the Context of Holocaust Memories
coffee break
(15:30-16:15) I. Koucká, The Importance of Pavel Oliva for the Activities of International Organizations of Historians of Antiquity and Classical Philologists (UAI, FIEC, CIPSH)
(16:15-17:00) D. Muchnová – P. Nývlt, Pavel Oliva and Czech Philological Society (JKF), Pavel Oliva’s Translations
banquet at Villa Lanna
DAY 2 (23rd November): Ancient history
(9:00-10:00) KEYNOTE: L. Thommen, Gleichheit und Freiheit im spartanischen Kosmos
coffee break
(10:30-11:15) S. O. Shapiro, Chilon of Sparta: Legend and Reality
(11:15-12:00) P. A. Cartledge, Hellenistic & Roman Sparta - what’s new since 2002
lunch at Villa Lanna
(13:30-14:15) J. Kuciak, Die samischen logoi in den Historien Herodots als Quelle zur Geschichte der Insel Samos im 6. Jhdt. vor Christus
(14:15-15:00) J. Daneš, Sparta and Argos in Ancient Greek Tragedy
coffee break
(15:30-16:15) I. Prchlík, Polybius’ Numantine War
(16:15-17:00) P. Kovács, The Research on Roman Pannonia Following 1986
DAY 3 (24th November): Ancient history in the 20th and 21st centuries
(9:00-10:00) KEYNOTE: S. Hodkinson, Recent Far-Right Appropriations of Sparta in Europe and the USA, and their Historical Roots
coffee break
(10:30-11:15) J. Kepartová, Pompeji im 21. Jahrhundert
(11:15-12:00) K. Tsivos, Whose Is Sparta and Whose Is Macedonia? Greek Nationalism and the (Ab)Use of Classical Antiquity
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