Online přednáška Prof. Mary Wood: Atmospheric Trust Litigation Against Governments to Force Action on Carbon Reduction
Anotace: Professor Wood will describe lawsuits filed against governments in the U.S. and across the world to force carbon emissions reduction. She will compare judicial approaches between courts in various countries. She will emphasize the role of science in these lawsuits and define a productive judicial role in verifying appropriate climate targets for nations irrespective of political commitments.
Mary Christina Wood is a Philip H. Knight Professor of Law at the University of Oregon and the Faculty Director of the law school's nationally acclaimed Environmental and Natural Resources Law Center. She is an award-winning professor and the co-author of leading textbooks on public trust law and natural resources law. Her book, Nature's Trust: Environmental Law for a New Ecological Age (Cambridge University Press), sets forth a new paradigm of global ecological responsibility. She originated the legal approach called Atmospheric Trust Litigation, now being used in cases brought on behalf of youth throughout the world, seeking to hold governments accountable to reduce carbon pollution within their jurisdictions. She has developed a corresponding approach called Atmospheric Recovery Litigation, which would hold fossil fuel companies responsible for funding an Atmospheric Recovery Plan to draw down excess carbon dioxide in the atmosphere using natural climate solutions. Professor Wood is a frequent speaker on climate issues and has received national and international attention for her sovereign trust approach to global climate policy.