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The book chapter Optical Amplification by the authors of ÚFE and CESNET about optical amplifiers, which is part of the title Handbook of Radio and Optical Networks Convergence, has just been published by the prestigious publisher Springer Nature.

The Optical Amplification chapter of the Handbook of Radio and Optical Networks Convergence has just been published by the prestigious publisher Springer Nature. Pavel Peterka (ÚFE) and Josef Vojtech (CESNET) wrote this book chapter with comprehensive review in the field of optical amplifiers for telecommunications and laser technology. It is based on the semestral course of “Fiber lasers and amplifiers” at the Czech Technical University in Prague, as well as our recent results we achieved within the research projects.

The book chapter benefits from our collaboration with the CESNET, e.g., in parts about precise time and frequency transfer using optical fibers. The chapter forms an important part of the Handbook of Radio and Optical Networks Convergence (Ed. Tetsuya Kawanishi) which bridges radio and optical technology and offers full knowledge of device, system and application of integrated networks based on radio and optical convergence. The book completely covers latest technologies including THz-wave and optical fiber high-speed transmission and it is useful for broad range of electronic, microwave and optical engineers. 

Our chapter is dedicated to Miroslav Karásek in memory of his inspiring passion in research of optical amplifiers in telecommunications. His professional life was so much connected with ÚFE and he was also a spiritual father of the optical fiber amplifiers produced under the brand CzechLight.

Publikace: P. Peterka, J. Vojtěch (2023). Optical Amplification. In: Kawanishi, T. (eds) Handbook of Radio and Optical Networks Convergence. Springer, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-33-4999-5_20-1

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