Ve výpisu publikací najdete všechny důležité publikační výsledky výzkumu a vývoje našich vědeckých pracovníků od roku 1961.
- Acta Materialia 56 (2008) 292-298.
- Physical Review B 77 (2008) 085123(1)-085123(9).
- Inorganic Chemistry 47 (2008) 1079-1086.
- Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 320 (2008) 204-209.
- Microelectronics Journal 39 (2008) 411-413.
- Surface & Coatings Technology 202 (2008) 1738-1745.
- Sensors and Actuators A: Physical 142 (2008) 468-473.
- Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 320 (2008) 1535-1540.
- Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 387 (2008) 2675-2689.
- Physical Review B 77 (2008) 104111(1)-104111(7).
- Polar phonons in relaxor ferroelectric 0.2PSN-0.4PMN-0.4PZNActa Physica Polonica A 113 (2008) 879-882.
- Journal of Synchrotron Radiation 15 (2008) 8(1)-11(4).
- Review of Scientific Instruments 79 (2008) 073105-1-073105-4.
- Experimental verification of dynamical diffraction focusing by a bent crystal wedge in Laue geometryJournal of Applied Crystallography 41 (2008) 695-700.
- Diffractive-refractive optics (X-ray crystal monochromators with profiled diffracting surface)Modern Development in X-ray and Neutron Optics. Springer - Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2008, p. 439 - 458
- Journal of Synchrotron Radiation 15 (2008) 543-548.
- Applied Physics Letters 92 (2008) 041903(1)-041903(3).
- Location of Mn sites in GaMnAs thin films studied by means of X-ray diffuse scatteringActa Crystallographica Section A 64 (2008) C555-C555.
- Thin Solid Films 516 (2008) 77587-7763.
- Microstress and x-ray diffraction(2008) -.
- Zeitschrift für Kristallographie Suppl. 27 (2008) 89-96.
- Zeitschrift für Kristallographie Suppl. 27 (2008) 127-133.
- Real structure depth profile of shot-peened surface of a corrosion-resistant steelMaterials Structure 15 (2008) 50-54.
- Langmuir 24 (2008) 3235-3243.
- Europhysics Letters 84 (2008) 50009(1)-50009(6).
- NDT & E International 41 (2008) 252-257.
- Mapping of mechanical properties of cast iron melts using non-destructive structuroscopyArchives of Foundry Engineering 8, Issue 2/2008, p. 155-161
- Journal of Crystal Growth 310 (2008) 5025-5027.
- Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 41 (2008) 055202(1)-055202(6).
- Contributions to Plasma Physics 48 (5-7) (2008) 503-508.
- Germination of Chenopodium Album in Response to Microwave Plasma TreatmentPlasma Science and Technology 10(4), 2008, 506-510.
- Physical Review Letters 101 (2008) 171803-171803.
- Materials Science and Engineering A 496 (2008) 14-24.
- Physical Review Letters 101 (2008) 251802-251802.
- Physics Letters B 669 (2008) 278-286.
- proceedings of SMST 2006, 7-11.5.2006, Asilomar, California, USA, Eds B.Berg, M.R.Mitchel, J. Proft,2008, 553-568
- Physics Letters B 659 (2008) 856-863.
- Surface and Interface Analysis 41 (2008) 193-204.
- Optical Properties of Erbium and Erbium/Ytterbium Doped PolymethylmethacrylateActa Polytechnica, Czech Technical University in Prague 48 (2008) 14-20.
- New Journal of Physics 10 (2008) 085007-1-085007-15.
- Theory of spin-orbit effects in semiconductorsSpintroncs, Semiconductors and Semimetals vol. 82, p. 45-85 (Elsevier, 2008)
- Investigation of thermally aged samples by magnetic adaptive testingJournal of Electrical Engineering 59 (2008) 82-85.
- Carbon Nanoparticles as Substrates for Cell Adhesion and GrowthNanoparticles: New Research, ed. Simone Luca Lombardi, publ. Nova Science Publishers, Inc., 2008, ISBN 978-1-60456-704-5, hardcover, 412 pp.
- Optical spectroscopy and electronic band structure of ferromagnetic EuB6Physical Review B 78 (2008) 165120-1-165120-5.
- Physical Review Letters 101 (2008) 232002-232002.
- Journal of Applied Physics 103 (2008) 07B703(1)-07B703(3).
- Journal of Applied Physics 103 (2008) 07D107(1)-07D107(3).
- Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry 91 (2008) 181-185.
- Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry 91 (2008) 137-140.
- Liquid Crystals 35 (2008) 11-19.