Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research - Nejnovější články

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Translating Research Findings into Operational Tools in the Context of a Crisis: the RESISTIRÉ ApproachZprávy

Agnieszka Kolasińska

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2023, 24 (1): 191-195  

Gendering Epistemologies – Gender and Situated Knowledge: Perspectives from Central, Eastern and Southeastern EuropeZprávy

Eva Svatoňová

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2023, 24 (1): 189-191  

Food Systems and Food Producers during COVID-19: Gendered Patterns and Local-Global StructuresRecenze

Haldis Haukanes

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2023, 24 (1): 185-188  

Recenze knihy: Castellanos, P., Sachs, C. E., Tickamyer, A. R. (eds.). 2022. Gender, Food and COVID 19. Global Stories of Harm and Hope. New York: Routledge Focus.

Pills, Power and Performativity: Negotiating Masculinity in the Emergence of Male Contraceptive TechnologyStati mimo téma

Eleonore Lorijn

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2023, 24 (1): 159-184 | DOI: 10.13060/gav.2023.011  

As we prepare for a new contraceptive revolution centering the male reproductive body, little is known about 21st century men’s interest in pursuing hormonal technology. This paper sets out to understand what male hormonal contraception (MHC) means for the performance of masculinity. Specifically, I seek to understand how contraceptive technology might contribute to the emergence and transformation of different masculine identities, and whether these identities will function to enhance or denounce the technology’s cultural feasibility and widespread assimilation. Amid the heavily quantitative nature of literature on this topic, I conduct...

Interviews with Men Convicted of Rape: Reflections and Lessons of a Female Researcher in a Male Delhi PrisonStati mimo téma

Madhumita Pandey

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2023, 24 (1): 135-158 | DOI: 10.13060/gav.2023.009  

Research involving prisoners is a vital source of information on crime but is often fraught with several challenges. This article presents an analysis of one of the first prison researches conducted in India with men convicted of rape. It examines and expands on the nuances of interacting with men convicted of rape and exploring a range of deeply personal questions with them. The research analysis attempts to highlight the impact of the researcher’s positionality on offender accounts by also discussing social proximity and gender. This article contributes to the broader discourse around conducting qualitative research in prisons.

The COVID-19 Pandemic and Gender+ Inequalities in the Czech Republic, Hungary, and Slovakia: The Heteronormativity of Anti- Pandemic Measures and Their Impact on Vulnerable GroupsStati

Vanda Černohorská, Zuzana Očenášová, Agnes Kende

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2023, 24 (1): 114-134 | DOI: 10.13060/gav.2023.007  

Various research studies suggest that women and other vulnerable groups are the ones who were impacted most and who continue to suffer from the economic and social effects of the pandemic. However, these groups have often been omitted from the measures mitigating the pandemic impact due to their invisibility in the policy-knowledge nexus. This article draws on the findings from the international RESISTIRÉ research project, which focuses on how COVID-19 policies impacted gendered inequalities in Europe. Building on feminist institutionalism and an intersectional approach, we contribute to the debate on how existent gender regimes have shaped anti-pandemic...

What to Expect When Expecting? Experiences of Pregnant Women in Serbia during the COVID-19 Pandemic and State of EmergencyStati

Ana Bilinović Rajačić, Jovana Čikić

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2023, 24 (1): 88-113 | DOI: 10.13060/gav.2023.002  

The aim of this paper is to shed light on the experiences of non-infected pregnant women in Serbia during the COVID-19 pandemic and the state of emergency by applying a qualitative research method. The present analysis examines four aspects of being pregnant during the COVID-19 pandemic and the state of emergency: (a) pregnant women’s health and health care; (b) preparation for childbirth and the arrival of a new family member; (c) working while pregnant during the pandemic; and (d) the family atmosphere and family practices. The results show that the coronavirus pandemic affected pregnant women both psychologically and socially. The following...

It Takes Two to Be Equal? Middle-Class Men Managing Care and Work during the COVID-19 Pandemic in PolandStati

Ewelina Ciaputa, Marta Warat, Ewa Krzaklewska

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2023, 24 (1): 62-86 | DOI: 10.13060/gav.2023.008  

The COVID-19 pandemic has posed challenges to the organisation of work and practices of care. Lockdown, the introduction of remote working in many sectors, home-schooling, and social isolation required the adoption of new strategies and solutions, resulting in the increased involvement of mothers in caring activities and the reinforcement of the cultural normativity of family. Yet some studies suggest that the share of fathers in childcare has also increased. Based on semi-structured qualitative interviews conducted as part of the ‘Men in Care’ (MiC) project with men working in international corporations (17) and their partners (7), we...

Zdravotní sestry a jejich prožívání dvojí péče v době pandemie covidu-19Stati

Marie Pospíšilová

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2023, 24 (1): 36-61 | DOI: 10.13060/gav.2023.001  

The pandemic highlighted the importance of both formal and informal care and magnified gender inequalities in this area. Women were more represented in care-related frontline professions (including nurses), but they were also more often responsible for providing childcare when institutions (especially schools and nurseries) were closed. This paper builds on criticism aimed at the separate study of formal and informal care and explores the interconnections between the two in the case of Czech nurses with young children, who during the pandemic experienced increased demands in both formal and informal care. We are interested in how they experienced these...

Double Fragility: The Care Crisis in the Time of the PandemicStati

Alexandra Scheele, Helene Schiffbänker, David Walker, Greta Wienkamp

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2023, 24 (1): 11-35 | DOI: 10.13060/gav.2023.003  

The COVID-19 pandemic exposed and reinforced the structural crisis in paid and unpaid care work. On the one hand, pandemic-related closures of schools and childcare facilities increased the fragility of unpaid care arrangements, which are mainly organised by women. On the other hand, high infection and hospitalisation rates exacerbated the difficult working conditions in health-care professions, ranging from low wages and long working hours to high levels of mental and physical stress. Drawing on interviews conducted in an ongoing project in the German and Austrian health-care sector, this article investigates, from a gender perspective, how employees...

Genderové reflexe o (post)pandemii ve střední a východní EvropěEditorial

Iva Šmídová, Radka Dudová, Éva Fodor

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2023, 24 (1): 3-10 | DOI: 10.13060/gav.2023.010  

Transnational Feminist Solidarity with Ukraine for Sustainable, Inclusive and Fair Post-War ReconstructionZprávy

Olga Gheorghiev

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2022, 23 (2): 179-183  

Intersectional and Multispecies Approaches to Climate ActionZprávy

Dagmar Lorenz-Meyer, Josephine Taylor

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2022, 23 (2): 175-179  

Information about the special issue of the journal: ‘Climate Action: Transforming Infrastructure, Cultivating Attentiveness, Practicing Solidarity’ – a special issue of the journal Sociální studia 19 (1 /2022)

Gender-Inclusive Language and Anti-Discriminatory Language PolicyRecenze

Martin Stegu

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2022, 23 (2): 167-174  

Book review of Scheller-Boltz, D. / Reuther, T. (eds). 2019. Language Policies in the Light of Antidiscrimination and Political Correctness. Special Issue. Wiener Slawistischer Almanach 84.

Corpus-Linguistic Analysis of Speech Communities on Anti-Gender Discourse in SloveneStati

Damjan Popič, Vojko Gorjanc

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2022, 23 (2): 140-166 | DOI: 10.13060/gav.2022.020  

This paper deals with a corpus-linguistic analysis of different text/media types in Slovene with the aim of finding out whether or not any of the communication channels covered by the corpora employed in our analysis serve as a means of unification against the concept of gender, thereby serving as a catalyst for creating and maintaining (new) speech communities. We aim to determine this by extracting the two most commonly misused concepts (terms) in Slovene, i.e. gender theory and gender ideology, and analysing their use in three different corpora of contemporary Slovene: the reference corpus Gigafida 2.0, the corpus of user-generated...

Using a Corpus-Assisted Discourse Studies Approach to Analyse Gender: A Case Study of German Radiology ReportsStati

Karoline Irschara

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2022, 23 (2): 114-139 | DOI: 10.13060/gav.2022.015  

This paper explores how a Corpus-Assisted Discourse Studies (CADS) approach can be utilised to investigate representations of gender as well as potential gender bias in radiology reporting, which constitutes a form of professional, medical discourse. The database collected for this purpose consists of three specialised German sub-corpora (332,901 cranial, thoracic, and whole-body computed tomographies, with more than 61 million tokens), which were extracted from a larger medical corpus called MedCorpInn that was built as part of an interdisciplinary project conducted jointly by the University of Innsbruck and Innsbruck Medical University. As...

Women, Who Climb - A Corpus Linguistic Tour Description with Potential Danger ZonesStati

Claudia Posch

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2022, 23 (2): 82-113 | DOI: 10.13060/gav.2022.022  

This paper explores novel ways in which Corpus Linguistics, Critical Discourse Studies (DHA – the discourse-historical approach), and Feminist Linguistics can be fruitfully combined and thus contribute to a new awareness and knowledge concerning language and gender in discourse. For the paper a large heritage corpus of texts on mountaineering (Alpenwort – Corpus of the Austrian Alpine Club Journal) is explored, which constitutes a type of discourse that has yet rarely been studied in the abovementioned fields. The corpus was used to analyse gendered nomination with the following questions in mind: What frequently occurring patterns...

Způsoby označování osob z hlediska ne/binarity genderu: kvantitativní sonda do titulních stran vybraných českých periodikStati

Vít Kolek

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2022, 23 (2): 62-81 | DOI: 10.13060/gav.2022.013  

Criticising the use of the generic masculine, feminist and gender linguists have proposed different alternatives. In the Czech context, the following three types of alternatives can be distinguished: (1) feminisation, (2) neutralisation and paraphrases, and (3) making non-binary persons linguistically more visible. Empirical studies on the usage frequency of these alternatives, however, are lacking. This paper addresses this issue by analysing agentive nouns and the feminisation of surnames in selected Czech newspapers. The results show that in references to individual women almost exclusive use is made of feminine expressions. Mixed-gender groups...

Rodovo vyvážená slovenčina v súčasnej spoločnostiStati

Lujza Urbancová

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2022, 23 (2): 41-61 | DOI: 10.13060/gav.2022.018  

This paper deals with the current social context in which the gender-balanced functions of the Slovak language are being created. The rules that exist for creating and using gender-based Slovak are at odds with contemporary society. This paper examines the mechanism of language changes including gender-balanced language and makes observations about how they are perceived within the communication community in particular. Language is approached as a construct that is a reflection of society and social processes, while at the same time language influences some of these processes in return. Language changes occur more slowly than social ones, or rather,...

Genderově neutrální jména: současný stav a perspektivyStati

Jana Valdrová

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2022, 23 (2): 21-39 | DOI: 10.13060/gav.2022.014  

Personal proper names are part of a community’s language inventory. To a large extent, they verbalise gender stereotypes, expectations and norms, power relations,  political circumstances, and how minorities are treated. In my paper I analyse the current socio-onomastic representation of gender-neutral names in the context of naming practices in the Czech Republic. More specifically, I examine what factors might explain the decreased use of these names, which, paradoxically, differ from other names in that they have an extended functionality. From a linguistic and legal perspective I inquire into how Czech naming practices stigmatise the...

Jazyk, gender a společenské procesyEditorial

Jana Valdrová, Vít Kolek

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2022, 23 (2): 3-19 | DOI: 10.13060/gav.2022.021  

Moje učitelka feministkaZprávy

Lucie Jarkovská

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2022, 23 (1): 141-143  

Vzpomínka na Gerlindu Šmausovou, tvrdošíjně laskavouZprávy

Iva Šmídová

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2022, 23 (1): 140-141  

Poděkování odcházející šéfredaktorceZprávy

Marie Heřmanová (a kolektiv redakční rady)

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2022, 23 (1): 138-140  

Kdo platí za rande? O roli genderu v randění a vztazích v jednadvacátém stoletíRecenze

Dominika Sladká

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2022, 23 (1): 133-137  

Recenze knihy Lamont, E. The Mating Game: How Gender Still Shapes How We Date

Skládání duhové mozaiky české queer a LGBT+ historie – vyjednávání neheterosexuality a queer identit v době státního socialismuRecenze

Zdeněk Sloboda

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2022, 23 (1): 130-133  

Recenze knihy Sokolová, V. Queer Encounters with Communist Power

Literárněhistorická výprava za hranice individualismu (a feminismu)Recenze

Hana Blažková

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2022, 23 (1): 124-130  

Recenze knihy Artwińska, A., Mrozik, A. Gender, Generations, and Communism in Central and Eastern Europe and Beyond

Pochod pro život v Záhřebu jako příklad postsekulárního konfliktu?Stati mimo téma

Ludmila Böhmová

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2022, 23 (1): 99-122 | DOI: 10.13060/gav.2022.007  

The conflict between the pro-life and pro-choice movements over the question of the right to abortion can be assigned to the category of a (global) cultural war. Croatia is a region where significant desecularisation tendencies can be observed, and where there has been a return of religion into the public space. It is a region in which the Roman Catholic Church and the conservative movement intervene in the debates on the right to abortion and tend to shape the public discourse on this issue. The article responds to the debate about the existence of culture wars in the Croatian context. To establish the Croatian context of this situation, the text...

O dívce, co spatřila ďábla. Reprezentace genderu v brazilském cordeluStati

Kateřina Březinová

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2022, 23 (1): 73-98 | DOI: 10.13060/gav.2022.006  

This article focuses on the cordel as an idiosyncratic manifestation of Brazilian popular culture. It sets the results of original research on cordel gender representations within the specific social, cultural, and political contexts in which they originated/emerged. The article is based on research grounded in cultural studies and this discipline’s insistence on the critical importance of race, gender, and religion. The author argues that cordels – poems printed in cheap booklets with an illustrated cover and marketed to the mass public – offer important insights into existing social and gender norms in Brazil. Whereas in the past...

Kabinet (pop)kulturních kuriozit aneb fenomén camp v tvorbě kapely ČokovokoStati

Peter Demeter

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2022, 23 (1): 57-72 | DOI: 10.13060/gav.2022.005  

In his contribution, the author presents the concept of a cabinet of (pop)cultural curiosities, which is based on the prefigurement of Mannerist and Baroque cabinets, or the so-called Wunderkammer, Kunstkammer, etc. He uses this concept to interpret the work of the Czech rap band Čokovoko, relying on the theory and history of the camp phenomenon, which is based on aesthetic transgressions, ironic attitudes and the stretching of the boundaries between taste and tastelessness. The metaphor of the cabinet of curiosities allows to describe and explore the specific ways in which the peculiarly frivolous play with themes concerning women and their stereotypical...