This study examines the results of the International Violence Against Women Survey (IVAWS) in the
Czech Republic and addresses the wider issues of domestic violence in partner relationships. The first
part of the study deals with aspects of domestic violence from a sociological perspective: definitions,
methodology, data sources, and international survey experience to date. It provides a summary of the
sociological theories that attempt to explain the rise and development of domestic violence and devotes
space in particular to feminist theories and the gender perspective, placing the issue within a broader
context. This part also includes a chapter on the history of research into domestic violence in the Czech
Republic. The second part of the study examines the results of the IVAWS, a study that involved the
participation of twenty countries from around the world and was conducted in the Czech Republic from
May to June 2003. In this part, individual chapters focus on the incidence and frequency of acts of physical
and sexual assault on women, both in and outside a partner relationship, the typical profiles of
violent incidents occurring in and outside a partner relationship, and the subjective perception and
assessment of violent assault in the eyes of victims’ children. A part of the study also examines police
cooperation and satisfaction with their involvement. A separate chapter focuses on the issue of psychological
abuse and its related aspects. The concluding part of the study contains an analysis of the factors
that contribute to or, conversely, lessen the risk of victimisation of women, with an analysis of
their characteristics and those of their partners. The assessment of the survey results also contains
a qualitative analysis of several open questions addressed to victims of violence, which were included
at the end of the questionnaire.

Pikálková, Simona (ed.)
Mezinárodní výzkum násilí na ženách - Česká republika / 2003: příspěvek k sociologickému zkoumání násilí v rodině
Pikálková, Simona (ed.). 2004. Mezinárodní výzkum násilí na ženách - Česká republika / 2003: příspěvek k sociologickému zkoumání násilí v rodině. Sociologické studie / Sociological Studies 04:02. Praha: Sociologický ústav AV ČR. 152 s. ISBN 80-7330-054-0.
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