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European Geosciences Union



Faster Arctic warming hastens 2C rise by eight years
  • Press release
  • 14 November 2023

The Arctic is currently warming nearly four times faster than the global average rate. The new study, published in the EGU journal Earth System Dynamics, aimed to estimate the impact of this faster warming on how quickly the global temperature thresholds of 1.5C and 2C, set down in the Paris Agreement, are likely to be breached.

EGU Public Engagement Grants: 2023 winners announced
  • EGU news
  • 25 September 2023

The EGU Outreach Committee has named three Public Engagement Grant winners this year: a project that combines the knowledge of indigenous peoples and researchers when looking at water protection, a fun geoscience games booklet designed for early years children and listening benches that tell soil science stories to anyone who decides to sit and listen.

Despite willingness to speak to the media, journalists say scientists often do not follow through, fearing their science will be misrepresented: EGU Media Survey
  • Press release
  • 21 September 2023

As part of its #ShareYourScience initiative, EGU sought feedback from journalists in Europe and beyond about their experiences working with scientists. According to the survey respondents, a lack of time and ambiguity over discussing their work before publication were other reasons that scientists shared while declining media interviews.

The EGU supports the EU Nature Restoration Law encompassing all critical ecosystems
  • EGU news
  • 22 June 2023

The European Union’s proposed Nature Restoration Law aims to provide essential guidance and support to restore ecosystems, habitats and species across the EU’s land and sea areas. The proposed legislation comes at a critical moment when, despite EU and international efforts, biodiversity loss and the degradation of ecosystems continues at an alarming rate.

Latest posts from EGU blogs

Mind Your Head: How to have a mindful December and holiday season

It’s December and the Life-Work-Balance group is recalling the “Mind Your Head” blog posts, a blogpost series which started in May 2018. We invite you to join our journey through 11 inspiring blog posts and five simple activities to foster our life-work-balance, revive knowledge and find new inspiration during this holiday season. A word at the beginning: perhaps your current life and daily routine do not allow to stick with our ideas everyday. That is alright. Adopt this Advent Calendar …

State of the ECS: wrapping up 2023!

We are glad to open our seismology advent calendar with this blog! Welcome to the State of the ECS, where our ECS members reflect on the year. Hello! Katinka here, writing from a snowy Zürich. Days are shorter, many layers of clothes are needed, and the last scientific effort before Christmas is being pushed for, because 2023 is ending! We as ECS have had a wonderful year, and I’m so happy to see how our team has expanded with many …

TS Must-Read – Bond et al. (2007) What do you think this is? “Conceptual uncertainty” in geoscience interpretation

The Must-Read paper by Bond et al. (2007) is a truly original piece of work, focusing on the conceptual uncertainty that occurs when earth scientists carry out a geological interpretation on data with limited resolution and/or spatial coverage. In this example it is about an interpretation of seismic reflection data (Fig. 1), but it can be applied to other situations as well. Conceptual uncertainty refers to the bias that results from a geologist’s range and experience in applying certain (geological) …