SOLAIR: International Harmonization of Private Law with Regard to Artificial Intelligence and Intelligent Autonomous Robotics
The Institute of State and Law of the Czech Academy of Sciences in cooperation with the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic would like to invite you to the 1st international conference
SOLAIR: International Harmonization of Private Law with Regard to Artificial Intelligence and Intelligent Autonomous Robotics
The aim of the conference in 2018 is to facilitate discussions on how harmonized legal rules can promote trust and acceptance of AI and intelligent autonomous robotics in the society. The conference discussions should reflect on issues outlined in the Proposal submitted by the Czech Republic on artificial intelligence that was discussed during the 97th session of the UNIDROIT Governing Council and during the 51st session of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (A/CN.9/960).
The conference will cover issues related to general legal challenges, liability for autonomous systems, their legal status, privacy protection, intellectual property, dispute resolution or blockchain.
Please register via www.solairconference.com