New porous materials based on conjugated polymer networks comprising permanent and constitutionally dynamic (reversibly releasable) transverse links
Grant Agency
Grant Agency of the Czech Republic
Organometallic Catalysis.
Year from
Year to
We propose the development of a new type of soft porous materials based on conjugated micro- and micro/mesoporous polymer networks comprising permanent and constitutionally dynamic (reversibly releasable) transverse links. The dynamic links will contain either: (i) one covalent or coordination bond dissociating due to external stimuli (change in pH, temperature or addition of a specific agent), or (ii) two cleavable bonds which will enable a complete removal of the central part of the link and, eventually, its replacement by another link or molecule. This network architecture gives the shape stability (permanent linkages) as well as a possibility to vary reversibly the network porosity, composition and affinity to adsorbates by releasing/reconnection or modification of the network dynamic links. The functional potential of networks as (i) tunable or stimuli responsive luminophores, (ii) materials for selective trapping of molecules from solution and (iii) model porous polymers for investigation of the mechanism of CO2 adsorption will be explored.
Keywords in English
Cojugated porous polymers; stimuli responsive; polymer networks; polyacetylenes; chain-growth polymerization; constitutional dynamics; photoluminescence; gas adsorption mechanism; reversibly releasable links; Schiff base
RNDr. Balcar Hynek CSc.

402, 403
+420 26605 3706, 3715