Congratulation to Tomáš Brabec on receiving the Special Prize of the expert jury of “Česká hlava” (Czech Brains)

27. 11. 2023 Congratulations

Director of IMG cordially congratulates Tomáš Brabec, who was awarded the Special prize of the expert jury of “Česká hlava” (Czech Brains).

Video (Relevant video starts at 18:00. All in Czech)


Brabec T, Vobořil M, Schierová D, Valter E, Šplíchalová I, Dobeš J, Březina J, Dobešová M, Aidarova A, Jakubec M, Manning J, Blumberg R, Waisman A, Kolář M, Kubovčiak J, Šrůtková D, Hudcovic T, Schwarzer M, Froňková E, Pinkasová T, Jabandžiev P, Filipp D: IL-17-driven induction of Paneth cell antimicrobial functions protects the host from microbiota dysbiosis and inflammation in the ileum. Mucosal Immunol 2023 16(4): 373-385. [pubmed] [doi]
