Advanced laser processing and manufacturing technologies with HiLASE Centre optics

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We recently introduced 5 new application areas that the HiLASE Centre will focus on. The first is dedicated to advanced laser processing and manufacturing technologies. Its expert guarantor is Ing. Jan Brajer, Ph.D. (Head of Department: Industrial Laser Applications).

Advanced laser processing and manufacturing technologies are related to the use of high-end lasers together with advanced sensors, feedback control, and machine learning. These include the functionalisation of surfaces using micro and nanostructures, increasing the durability of metal components and manufacturing components using hybrid technologies, etc. Functionalization means influencing surface properties, such as friction or biocompatibility, using clearly defined structures. It is also about extending the lifetime and safety of critical components by the controlled introduction of residual surface stresses. In terms of technology, we are talking about the use of LSP (Laser Shock Peening), LMM (Laser Micromachining) and LIDT (Laser Induced Damage Threshold). This also includes laser welding and 3D printing.

Since this is a new direction in which the HiLASE Centre will be involved, we asked Jan for an interview to explain advanced laser processing and related technologies.

Read the full interview at the HiLASE Centre website.