The new Associate Editors of the journal
Confidential marketing in seasoned equity offers
Don M. Autore | Timothy Jones | ...
Which buy-side institutions participate in public earnings conference calls? Implications for capital markets and sell-side coverage11We thank Larry Brown, Brian Clark, Gus De Franco, Diane Denis, Mei Feng, Woojin Kim, Doowon Lee, Dawn Matsumoto, Li Zhang, and participants at the 2014 Financial Management Association Annual Meeting, 2015 American Accounting Association (AAA) Annual Meeting, 2016 Northeast Region AAA Meeting, 2017 AAA FARS Midyear Meeting, and 2017 Auckland Finance Meeting as well as seminar participants at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, the University of Arkansas, the University of California at Davis, St. Bonaventure University, T. Rowe Price, Citadel Global Equities, and Wolfe Research for helpful comments and suggestions. We also thank Howard Bernheim of S&P Capital IQ, Wenyao Hu, Michael Kanneth, Rachele Putnick, Akin Sayrak, and James Trout for help in collecting conference call transcripts. Finally, we thank Jesse Ellis for sharing hedge fund data, which facil
Andrew C. Call | Nathan Y. Sharp | ...
Does bankruptcy law improve the fate of distressed firms? The role of credit channels - Open access
Udichibarna Bose | Stefano Filomeni | ...
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