Rostliny z ekosystémů, pro které jsou typické požáry vracející se s frekvencí 5–10 let, se vyznačují zajímavými strategiemi. Spoléhají na podzemní orgány, z nichž mohou regenerovat po shoření, chrání své nadzemní části borkou, kvetou nebo klíčí po požáru a využívají žár ohně pro uvolnění semen ze šišek. Změny režimu požáru vedou ke ztrátě specializovaných druhů z rostlinných společenstev.

Citovaná a použitá literatura

MAURIN, Olivier, et al. Savanna fire and the origins of the ‘underground forests’ of Africa. New Phytologist, 2014, 204.1: 201-214.

ALVES, Ruy JV, et al. Longevity of the Brazilian underground tree Jacaranda decurrens Cham. Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências, 2013, 85: 671-678.

VELDMAN, Joseph W., et al. Comment on “The global tree restoration potential”. Science, 2019, 366.6463: eaay7976.

CHARLES‐DOMINIQUE, Tristan; MIDGLEY, Guy F.; BOND, William J. Fire frequency filters species by bark traits in a savanna–forest mosaic. Journal of Vegetation Science, 2017, 28.4: 728-735.

JIN, Songheng, et al. Fire survival of longleaf pine (Pinus palustris) grass stage seedlings: The role of seedling size, root collar position, and resprouting. Forests, 2019, 10.12: 1070.

LAMONT, Byron B., et al. Fire as a selective agent for both serotiny and nonserotiny over space and time. Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences, 2020, 39.2: 140-172.

FIDELIS, Alessandra; ZIRONDI, Heloiza L. And after fire, the Cerrado flowers: a review of post-fire flowering in a tropical savanna. Flora, 2021, 280: 151849.

FIDELIS, Alessandra, et al. From ashes to flowers. Ecology, 2019, 100.5: 1-4.

GUIOTE, Carmen; PAUSAS, Juli G. Fire favors sexual precocity in a Mediterranean pine. Oikos, 2023, 2023.3: e09373.

JIMÉNEZ-ALFARO, Borja; FIDELIS, Alessandra; COMMANDER, Lucy. Seed germination niche across habitats: an introduction to this special issue. Folia Geobotanica, 2019, 54.1-2: 1-4.

Plants from ecosystems characterized by fires returning with a frequency of 5 to 10 years are characterised by interesting strategies. They rely on below-ground organs from which they regenerate after burning, protect their above-ground parts with bark, flower or germinate after fire, and use the heat of fire to release seeds from cones. Changes in the fire regime may lead to the loss of specialized species from plant communities.