
From the cave-labyrinth to the vision of totality. E ducation and formation as conversion from Patočka‘s reading of Plato and Comenius

January 9, 2024, 10 a. m., the meeting room of the CMS, Jilská 1, Prague 1  Santiago Andrés Duque Cano(Universidad Pedagógica Nacional, Colombia)  lecture

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Jan Amos Komenský: Labyrint světa a Lusthauz srdce 1623–2023

A worldwide online reading of The Labyrinth of the World and Lusthaus of the Heart by Jan Amos Comenius. December 13, 2023, 7:45 a.m....

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Scholarly publication strategies and correspondence networks of the post-White Mountain Czech Lands (1622–1667)


Forms of humanism in the literature of the Czech lands II (Companion to Central and Eastern European Humanism: The Czech Lands, Part II)


Historiam videre. Testimony, Experience and the Empirical Evidence in the Early Modern Historiography of the Bohemian Lands


Jan Marek Marci of Kronland (1595–1667) in Context of Czech Philosophical Baroque