
From the cave-labyrinth to the vision of totality. E ducation and formation as conversion from Patočka‘s reading of Plato and Comenius

January 9, 2024, 10 a. m., the meeting room of the CMS, Jilská 1, Prague 1  Santiago Andrés Duque Cano(Universidad Pedagógica Nacional, Colombia)  lecture

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Jan Amos Komenský: Labyrint světa a Lusthauz srdce 1623–2023

A worldwide online reading of The Labyrinth of the World and Lusthaus of the Heart by Jan Amos Comenius. December 13, 2023, 7:45 a.m....

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A digital framework for multi-lateral collaboration on Europe's intellectual history


10 March 2014

Action title:
ISCH COST Action IS1310: Reassembling the Republic of Letters, 1500–1800 A digital framework for multi-lateral collaboration on Europe´s intellectual history

Responding country:
The Czech Republic

Coordinator of Czech Team:
PhDr. Vladimír Urbánek, Ph.D.
Institute of Philosophy, The Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic