Plzeň punková a metalová : punková a metalová alternativní hudební scéna v Plzni (1983-1995)

Lucie Fikarová

The book is a contribution to the diverse environment of the alternative punk and metal music scene in Pilsen, between 1983 and 1995. Rather than capturing a “comprehensive description” of these scenes, the publication attempts to be “the third voice” to the already published books and deepens little researched topics and pushes them further. In this respect, the book examines the musical everyday life of musicians, the mutability of policy of the communist regime to the alternative rock music scene in the 1980s, and the transformation of this scene in the 1990s. The conclusions are based on oral history research with musicians, their fans and occasional concert promoters, same as archival documents and contemporary press. The text focuses on the bands like Znouzectnost, Požár mlýna, Bradavice, Petr Mach, etc.

FIKAROVÁ, Lucie. Plzeň punková a metalová: punková a metalová alternativní hudební scéna v Plzni (1983-1995). Praha: Karolinum; Ústav pro soudobé dějiny AV ČR, v. v. i., 2022. 146 s. ISBN 978-80-246-5401-0 (Karolinum), ISBN 978-80-7285-272-7 (ÚSD).

Plzeň punková a metalová : punková a metalová alternativní hudební scéna v Plzni (1983-1995)

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