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Ing. Petr Koudelka, Ph.D.

Oddělení biomechaniky

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Seznam publikací

Ing. Petr Koudelka, DrSc.



Publications 2020
1. Koudelka, P. (2020): Reliability of ULSD Theory in Geotechnics. Geotechnical Engineering Journal of the SEAGS & AGSSEA, Vol.51, No.4, December 2020. ISSN 0046-5828, Pap.5, pp.25-37.
1. Koudelka, P. (2020): Reliability of ULSD Theory in Geotechnics. Geotechnical Engineering Journal of the SEAGS & AGSSEA, Vol.51, No.4, December 2020. ISSN 0046-5828, Pap.5, pp.25-37.
The article discusses the theory of ultimate limit state design (ULSD) and its consequences. An influence of definitions both characteristic and design values of soil parameters of EN 1997-1 (Code) is analyzed. The article has two basic theoretical aims: a) To demonstrate the incorrectness of ULSD in geotechnics and due to it in-effectivity and risk. b) To present a concept of a more plausible and correct design theory which is simpler and in compliance with mathematical principles. A case of slope design is chosen from basic geotechnical problems because slope masses are most sensitive. Slope designs based on the design approaches of the Code are compared with a direct design value definition-based approach. Slope analysis exploits the results of a statistical analysis of an extensive database of soil material properties. The analysis is based on data sets of sandy and fine-grained soils and demonstrates the risk of homogeneity for ULS designs. Another simple geotechnical design concept suitable also for advanced numerical methods is suggested and a procedure example is presented.


Publications 2019
1. Koudelka, P. (2019): Similarity Characteristics of Soils – A Step towards Construction Reliability. Proc. 29th International European Safety and Reliability Conference – ESREL Hannover 22-26.9.2019 (Germany). Ed. M. Beer – E. Zio, Research Publicity Services, ISBN 978-981-11-2724-3, pp.2211-2216.

Extension 2019
1. Koudelka, P. (2019): Reliability of ultimate limit state theory in geotechnics. Analysis – CEN/TC250, 16.8.2019. Ed. P. Koudelka, ps.28.
Abstracts 2019
Koudelka, P. (2019): Similarity Characteristics of Soils – A Step towards Construction Reliability. Proc. 29th International European Safety and Reliability Conference – ESREL Hannover 22-26.9.2019 (Germany). Ed. M. Beer – E. Zio, Research Publicity Services, ISBN 978-981-11-2724-3, pp.2211-2216
Experiences of soil mechanics show that different soils can have practically the same or approximately same technical properties. A similarity of soils from point of view of bearing capacity/stability (ULS) analyses depends on more parameters and their combinations and due to it a comparison is more complex. It appears a criterion of soil suitability to the geotechnical construction should be useful and the problem may be named “constructive similarity”. Experience exploitation is important part of a correct and reliable design. In geotechnics, very different random material properties make problem of the experience exploitation much more difficult. The experience exploitation needs a clinical scale for constructive evaluation of a soil similarity and suitability. That general (independent on the structure type) scales are constructive characteristics kπ and kλ. The Paper concerns with an analysis of the soil similarity according to constructive characteristics kπ and kλ exploiting the last version of the soil DATABASE ITAM 2013. The analysis is performed from the point of view of reliability of soils for geotechnical constructions and applies especially constructive characteristics kλ. Reliability of designs according to the standard EN 1997-1, AP 1/2, is analysed and a conclusion is recommended.


Publications 2018
Koudelka, P. (2018): Design reliability of slopes of different soil group masses. XVIth Danube European Conference on Geotechnical Engineering, 7-9.8.2018, Skopje, Makedonia. Ed. M. Jovanovski–N. Jankulovski–D. Maslavac–J.Br. Papič, Wilby Ernst & Son, ON XVI-DECGE-2018-SKP, Vol.2, pp.889-894.
Koudelka, P. (2018): Lateral pressure of granular mass during wall translative motion of wall. 9th IC Physical Modelling in Geotechnics, 17-20.7.2017, London, UK. Ed. A. McNamara–S. Divall–R. Goodey–N. Taylor–S. Stallebras–J. Panchal, City Un. of London, Vol.2/22, ps.4.

Extension 2018

Abstracts 2018
Koudelka, P. (2018): Design reliability of slopes of different soil group masses. XVIth Danube European Conference on Geotechnical Engineering, 7-9.8.2018, Skopje, Makedonia. Ed. M. Jovanovski–N. Jankulovski–D. Maslavac–J.Br. Papič, Wilby Ernst & Son, ON XVI-DECGE-2018-SKP, Vol.2, pp.889-894.
Slope designs according to design approaches of the code EN 1997-1 (Geotechnical design) are compared with another very simple approach. An analysis exploits results of statistical analysis of an extensive database of soil material properties. The analysis is based on set values of unique classes both of sandy and fine-grained soils.

Koudelka, P. (2018): Lateral pressure of granular mass during wall translative motion of wall. 9th IC Physical Modelling in Geotechnics, 17-20.7.2017, London, UK. Ed. A. McNamara–S. Divall–R. Goodey–N. Taylor–S. Stallebras–J. Panchal, City Un. of London, Vol.2/22, ps.4.
An original new equipment for research of lateral pressure (programmed and driven by two computers) can move the front rigid wall arbitrarily slowly, applying one of three basic movements (rotations about the toe or top and translative motion), measuring both components (normal, frictional) of contact pressures acting on the front and back walls and registering slip surfaces and displacements in the soil mass. The paper presents two complete histories of normal lateral pressure, both active and passive. The histories prove the behaviour of ideally non-cohesive mass during wall translative motion by two doubles of the same experiments (E5/0,3, E6/0,3 – passive pressure, and E7/0,3, E8/0,3 – active pressure) using the same material. The wall movement velocity was less than 0.005 mm/min.


Publications 2017
1. Koudelka, P. (2017): Dynamics of Processes in Soils Changing their Properties under Horizontal and Vertical Loads. Proc. 45th NC Foundation Engineering, 13.-14.11.2017 Brno, Czech Republic. Ed. P. Svoboda – L. Míča – L. Klimek – J. Barták, Czech Geotechnical Society CICE, ISBN 978-80-87920-05-3, pp.73-78.
2. Koudelka, P. (2017): EUROCODE EN 1997-1 and Czech Application Document – Weaknesses 2 – Annex (Lateral Earth Pressure). Geotechnika, ISSN 1244-913X, J. Frankovská, National Czech-Slovak Society for Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering of IS SMGE, Vol.20, 2/2017, pp.36-40 (in Czech).

Abstracts 2017
1. Koudelka, P. (2017): Dynamics of Processes in Soils Changing their Properties under Horizontal and Vertical Loads. Proc. 45th NC Foundation Engineering, 13.-14.11.2017 Brno, Czech Republic. Ed. P. Svoboda – L. Míča – L. Klimek – J. Barták, Czech Geotechnical Society CICE, ISBN 978-80-87920-05-3, pp.73-78.
The paper shows results of an analysis of slow processes in two different soils. The analysis investigates two cases of load influences. The first case concerns with an influence of horizontal pressure onto ideal loose sand in a medium site experimental equipment and with unfavourable processes after pressure withdrawal. The second case deals with a densification of silty loam subgrade by means of preconsolidation using vertical load. Also, the analysis observes the influences during loading and after. Both cases showed surprisingly sensitive responses of the soil masses.


2. Koudelka, P. (2017): EUROCODE EN 1997-1 and Czech Application Document – Weaknesses 2 – Appendix (Lateral Earth Pressure). Geotechnika, ISSN 1244-913X, J. Frankovská, National Czech-Slovak Society for Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering of IS SMGE, Vol.20, 2/2017, pp.36-40 (in Czech).
The paper completes a before edited paper “EUROCODE EN 1997-1 and Czech Application Document – Weaknesses 2 (Lateral Earth Pressure)” entitled similarly.
Together with foregoing papers /5/ and /4/ (2015) and this paper should be a contribution to discussion on an implementation of a geotechnical EN 1997-1 /5/ in Czech normalization and thus, also to discussion on contemporary state of the Czech National Application Document (CzNAD) and its last drafts. The paper /8/ aimed at main weaknesses of a theory of the Ultimate Limit State Design (ULSD) according to EN 1997-1 and drafted new supplements of the document. This paper aims at weaknesses of an earth pressure theory both in EN 1997-1 and CzNAD used, also it presents some drafts of CzNAD changes. Especially, it is drafted an elimination the Chapter 3 of Annex C of EN 1997-1 in Czech geotechnical practice and elaboration a new ČSN on lateral earth pressure acting on structures.



Publication 2016
1. Koudelka, P. (2016): Experiment E7/0,3 – Displacement Processes in Non-Cohesive Sand during Active Translative Motion of Retaining Wall. Proc. 22nd IC on Engineering Mechanics - Svratka, 9-12 May 2016. I. Zolotarev & V. Radolf, Insitute of Thermomechanics – Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague, Abs. pp.146-147, ISBN 978-80-87012-59-8, ISSN 1805-8248, pp.306-309.
2. Koudelka, P. (2016): Questions around Physical Modelling. Invited. Lect. Abstr. IC 24th Prague Geotechnical Days 2016 – Physical Modelling for Geotechnical Practice – Prague 9-10 May 2016.
3. Koudelka P.: Dynamics of Processes in Soils Improving Their Properties under Horizontal and Vertical Loads. Proc. 44th NC Foundations – Brno 2016, 14.-15.11.2016 Brno (Czech Republic). Ed. D. Jirásko, ČVUT Praha, ISBN 978-80-87920-xx-x, ps.6.
4. Koudelka, P. (2016): Experiment E7/0,3 – Time Behaviour of Active Pressure of Non-Cohesive Sand after Wall Translative Motion. Applied Mechanics and Materials, Vol. 821 (2016), pp 512-517. Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland. Doi:10.4028/www.scietific.net/ AMM 821.512.

Extension 2016
1. 8th Workshop ITAM 2016: New Theoretical Knowledge in Geotechnics and Mechanics:
Research Concept of Lateral Active Pressure at ITAM
Petr Koudelka, DSc., PhD., AEng. CEng. (ITAM)
Experiment E7/0,3 – The First Experiment with Active Pressure – Translative Motion –Displacements
Petr Koudelka, DSc., PhD., AEng. CEng. (ITAM)

Lectures 2016
1 Ing. Petr Koudelka,DrSc.: Research Concept of Lateral Active Pressure at ITAM. 8th Workshop ITAM 2016: New Theoretical Knowledge in Geotechnics and Mechanics, 2015 at ITAM.
2 Ing. Petr Koudelka,DrSc.: Experiment E7/0,3 – The First Experiment with Active Pressure – Translative Motion - Displacements. 8th Workshop ITAM 2016: New Theoretical Knowledge in Geotechnics and Mechanics, 2016 at ITAM.
3 Ing. Petr Koudelka,DrSc.: Questions around Physical Modelling. 24th Prague Geotechnical Days 2016. 10.5.2016 at Czech Academy of Sciences.

1. Koudelka, P. (2016): Experiment E7/0,3 – Displacement Processes in Non-Cohesive Sand during Active Translative Motion of Retaining Wall. Proc. 22nd IC on Engineering Mechanics - Svratka, 9-12 May 2016. I. Zolotarev & V. Radolf, Insitute of Thermomechanics – Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague, Abs. pp.146-147, ISBN 978-80-87012-59-8, ISSN 1805-8248, pp.306-309.
The first part of information on the new experiment denominated as E7/0,3 with active pressure of non-cohesive quartz sand on time behaviour of the mass was presented at the last Conference (P. Koudelka, 2015). The second part is object of this Paper. The experiment was performed at the Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics in 2014. The moved rigid front wall of the experimental equipment was translatively moved towards active direction (out of the mass) at a position of supposed acting of active pressure value, then the wall motion was stopped and time pressure stability was monitored. After more than three months the wall was moved at the last position of 100 mm from original position before the experiment. The experiment ran four and a half months. The paper presents firstly results on the deforming mass through the course of the wall movement at a supposed position for active pressure mobilization of 1.357 mm and after the further movement. The experiment was repeated to be the results proved (Experiment E8/0,3). New results are analysed.


2. Koudelka, P. (2016): Questions around Physical Modelling. Invited. Lect. Abstr. IC 24th Prague Geotechnical Days 2016 – Physical Modelling for Geotechnical Practice – Prague 9-10 May 2016.
A multi-G modelling has been in progress of two or three last decades and it has been and still is a main stream of physical modelling. It is no doubt a many times increased gravity changes sample material property (unit weight) and in consequence of it crops up both material and behaviour similarity problem. Some knowledge of soil behaviour in 1-G gravity has shown that soil slow processes are strikingly sensitive. These facts produce a number of questions around physical modelling.
Changes of material influence material behaviour and of course, experimental results. Material similarity is one of basic problem of modelling. However, some others are also very important, e.g. velocity of movements and displacements of soil, quantity of forces. Some of questions can be formulated as their follow: Is it possible to apply case real soils for samples in multi-G gravity and to obtain correct results? What is about cohesive soils and their samples for multi-G gravity? What influence does velocity of internal processes produce?


3. Koudelka P.: Dynamics of Processes in Soils Improving Their Properties under Horizontal and Vertical Loads. Proc. 44th NC Foundations – Brno 2016, 14.-15.11.2016 Brno (Czech Republic). Ed. D. Jirásko, ČVUT Praha, ISBN 978-80-87920-xx-x, ps.6.
The Paper show results of an analysis of slow process dynamics regarding to two cases during pressure acting on two different soils. The first case relates to processes in an ideally loose non-cohesive quartz sand during acting of horizontal pressure by rigid wall movement caused and also shows to unfavourable processes after a cessation of the movement. The second case relates to improvement of a silty soil subgrade using an inverse pre-consolidation method for vertical load of the subgrade. Settlements of the Prague Metro tunnels were monitored both during loading and long time after. Both cases showed surprisingly sensitive responses of the granular masses.

4. Koudelka, P. (2016): Experiment E7/0,3 – Time Behaviour of Active Pressure of Non-Cohesive Sand after Wall Translative Motion. Applied Mechanics and Materials, Vol. 821 (2016), pp 512-517. Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland. Doi:10.4028/www.scietific.net/ AMM 821.512.
A new experiment denominated as E7/0,3 with active pressure of non-cohesive quartz sand on a rigid moved wall was performed at the Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics in the last year. The wall was translative moved towards active direction (out of the mass) at a position of supposed acting of active pressure value, then the wall motion was stopped and time pressure stability was monitored. After more than three months the wall was moved at the last position of 100 mm from original position before the experiment. The experiment ran four and a half months. The paper will present the first results of monitored active pressures of sensors during a consolidative phase after active wall movement of 1.357 mm. The experiment will be repeated to be proved the results (Experiment E8/0,3).



Publication 2015
1. Koudelka, P. (2015): Experiment E7/0,3 – Time Behaviour of Active Pressure of Non-Cohesive Sand after Wall Translative Motion. Proc. 21st NC on Engineering Mechanics - Svratka, 11-14 May 2015. C. Fischer, ITAM – Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague, Abs. pp.146-147, ISBN 978-80-86246-42-0, ISSN 1805-8248, ps.15.
2. Koudelka, P. (2015): Experiment E7/0,3 – Time Behaviour of Active Pressure of Non-Cohesive Sand after Wall Translative Motion. Applied Mechanics and Materials, Vol. 821 (2016), pp 512-517. Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland. Doi:10.4028/www.scietific.net/ AMM 821.512.
3. Koudelka, P. (2015): Numerical modelling of physical experiments with passive pressure of unsaturated soils. Proc. XVI EC on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering – Edinburgh, Scotland, 13-17 Sept. 2015, M. Winter, ISBN , ps.6.
4. Koudelka, P. (2015): EUROCODE EN 1997-1 and Czech Application Document – Weaknesses 1. Geotechnika, ISSN 1244-913X, J. Frankovská, National Czech-Slovak Society for Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering of IS SMGE, Vol.18, 1-2/2015, pp.32-39 (in Czech).
5. Koudelka, P. (2015): EUROCODE EN 1997-1 and Czech Application Document – Weaknesses 2 (Lateral Earth Pressure). Geotechnika, ISSN 1244-913X, J. Frankovská, National Czech-Slovak Society for Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering of IS SMGE, Vol.18, 3/2015, pp.29-33 (in Czech).
6. Koudelka, P. (2015):On Geotechnical Design according to Residual Shear Strength. Proc. 43rd NC Foundations – Brno 2015, 9-10.11.2014 Brno (Czech Republic). K. Weiglová, TU Brno, Brno, ISBN 978-80-87920-02-2, pp.167-172 (in Czech).

Extension 2015
1. 7th Workshop ITAM 2015: New Theoretical Knowledge in Geotechnics and Mechanics. Discussion the National Application Document of EN 1997-1 (Výzkumný projekt GAČR 105/11/1160) Held: 12.3.2015 at ITAM. 10 presentations a 2 discussion on NAD EN ČSN 1997-1:

1 Numerical Modelling of Foundation Concrete Reinforcement Plate
Ing. Josef Fiedler (CTU – FCE).
2 Moisture Transport in Particularly Damaged Materials
Tomáš Koudelka,, PhD., MCE,, Jaroslav Kruis, Prof.,PhD., MCE (CTU – FCE).
3 Research Concept of Lateral Active Pressure at ITAM
Petr Koudelka, DSc., PhD., AEng. CEng. (ITAM)
4. Excursion of the experimental equipment in the hall:
4a Driving and Possibilities of the Equipment - Jan Bryscejn, EEng. (ITAM)
4b Preparation of Tested Masses – Jan Chlád, Bc., Krzystow Niedoba, Mgr. (ITAM)
4c Show of Deformed Mass after an Experiment E8/0,3 - Petr Koudelka, DSc. (ITAM)
5 Experiments E7/0,3 – The First Experiment with Active Pressure - Translative Motion Towards Active Direction – Basic Results
Petr Koudelka, DSc., PhD., AEng. CEng. (ITAM)
6 Experiments E5/0,3 and E6/0,3 – Translative Motion Towards Passive Direction - Proof of Behaviour of Non-Cohesive Masses
Petr Koudelka, DSc., PhD., AEng. CEng. (ITAM)
7 Contemporary State of Development of NAD Draft of EC 7-1
Vítězslav Herle, CEng. (ARCADIS)
8 Draft of Changes of NAD Draft of EC 7-1 according to ITAM
Petr Koudelka, DSc., PhD., AEng. CEng. (ITAM)
9 Discussion

Lectures 2015
1 Ing. Petr Koudelka,DrSc.: Research Concept of Active Lateral/Earth Pressure at ITAM. 7th Workshop ITAM 2015: New Theoretical Knowledge in Geotechnics and Mechanics, 12.3.2015 at ITAM.
2 Ing. Petr Koudelka,DrSc.: Experiment E7/0,3 – The First Experiment with Active Pressure – Translative Motion of the Wall Towards Active Direction – Basic Results. 7th Workshop ITAM 2015: New Theoretical Knowledge in Geotechnics and Mechanics, 12.3.2015 at ITAM.
3 Ing. Petr Koudelka,DrSc.: Experiments E5/0,3 and E6/0,3 – Translative Motion of the Wall towards Passive Direction – Proof of Non-Cohesive Mass Behaviour. 7th Workshop ITAM 2015: New Theoretical Knowledge in Geotechnics and Mechanics, 12.3.2015 at ITAM.
4 Ing. Petr Koudelka,DrSc.:National Application Document EN ČSN 1997-1 – 1st Draft of Changes and Complements according ITAM 21.1.2015. 7th Workshop ITAM 2015: New Theoretical Knowledge in Geotechnics and Mechanics, 12.3.2015 at ITAM.

1. Koudelka, P. (2015): Experiment E7/0,3 – Time Behaviour of Active Pressure of Non-Cohesive Sand after Wall Translative Motion. Proc. 21st NC on Engineering Mechanics - Svratka, 11-14 May 2015. C. Fischer, ITAM – Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague, Abs. pp.146-147, ISBN 978-80-86246-42-0, ISSN 1805-8248, ps.15.
A new experiment denominated as E7/0,3 with active pressure of non-cohesive quartz sand on a rigid moved wall was performed at the Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics in the last year. The wall was translative moved towards active direction (out of the mass) at a position of supposed acting of active pressure value, then the wall motion was stopped and time pressure stability was monitored. After more than three months the wall was moved at the last position of 100 mm from original position before the experiment. The experiment ran four and a half months. The paper will present the first results of monitored active pressures of sensors during a consolidative phase after active wall movement of 1.357 mm. The experiment will be repeated to be proved the results (Experiment E8/0,3).


2. Koudelka, P. (2015): Experiment E7/0,3 – Time Behaviour of Active Pressure of Non-Cohesive Sand after Wall Translative Motion. Applied Mechanics and Materials, Vol. 821 (2016), pp 512-517. Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland. Doi:10.4028/www.scietific.net/ AMM 821.512.
A new experiment denominated as E7/0,3 with active pressure of non-cohesive quartz sand on a rigid moved wall was performed at the Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics in the last year. The wall was translative moved towards active direction (out of the mass) at a position of supposed acting of active pressure value, then the wall motion was stopped and time pressure stability was monitored. After more than three months the wall was moved at the last position of 100 mm from original position before the experiment. The experiment ran four and a half months. The paper will present the first results of monitored active pressures of sensors during a consolidative phase after active wall movement of 1.357 mm. The experiment will be repeated to be proved the results (Experiment E8/0,3).


3. Koudelka, P. (2015): Numerical modelling of physical experiments with passive pressure of unsaturated soils. Proc. XVI EC on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering – Edinburgh, Scotland, 13-17 Sept. 2015, M. Winter, ISBN , ps.6.
It was at Prague´s Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics of the Czech Academy of Sciences in 1998 that basic research of earth/lateral pressure based on physical experiments and lately together with Czech Technical University in Prague also on numerical modelling was initiated and is still in progress there. The first research target is to prove a real soil mass behaviour and to do the theory more exact. The second one is to apply experimental results for numerical modelling and for development of advanced software package SIFEL solving complex non-linear numerical models. The paper concentrates on double physical experiments (E5/0,1 and E6/0,1) with pressure at rest and passive pressure during wall rotation about the toe and their numerical modelling. The measurements from the both experiments exhibited almost the same results and therefore only the E6 experiment was selected for the numerical simulation. The nonlinear numerical simulation was performed with help of plasticity model based on Mohr-Coulomb yield criterion. An evaluation of physical experiments and numerical modelling is presented.

4. Koudelka, P. (2015): EUROCODE EN 1997-1 and Czech Application Document – Weaknesses 1. Geotechnika, ISSN 1244-913X, J. Frankovská, National Czech-Slovak Society for Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering of IS SMGE, Vol.18, 1-2/2015, pp.32-39 (in Czech).
The Paper should be a contribution to discussion on an implementation of a geotechnical EN 1997-1 in Czech normalization and thus, also to discussion on contemporary state of the Czech National Application Document (NAD) and its last drafts. The Paper aims at main theoretical weaknesses of the EN 1997-1, above all a design value problem of the Ultimate Limit State Design (ULSD) but also design stresses under shallow foundations and also at taking into account a soil structural strength for the Service Limit State Design (SLSD). The Paper drafts to eke out CzNAD with requirements both on critical shear strength tests and a criterion on retaining structure stability. This paper does not deal with a great weakness in area of analyses of (lateral) earth pressure that is rather an used theory effect and that deserves separate essay.

5. Koudelka, P. (2015): EUROCODE EN 1997-1 and Czech Application Document – Weaknesses 2 (Lateral Earth Pressure). Geotechnika, ISSN 1244-913X, J. Frankovská, National Czech-Slovak Society for Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering of IS SMGE, Vol.18, 3/2015, pp.29-33 (in Czech).
Both a foregoing paper /8/ and this paper should be a contribution to discussion on an implementation of a geotechnical EN 1997-1 /5/ in Czech normalization and thus, also to discussion on contemporary state of the Czech National Application Document (CzNAD) and its last drafts. The paper /8/ aimed at main weaknesses of a theory of the Ultimate Limit State Design (ULSD) according to EN 1997-1 and drafted new supplements of the document. This paper aims at weaknesses of an earth pressure theory both in EN 1997-1 and CzNAD used, also it presents some drafts of CzNAD changes. Especially, it is drafted an elimination the Chapter 3 of Annex C of EN 1997-1 in Czech geotechnical practice and elaboration a new ČSN on lateral earth pressure acting on structures.


6. Koudelka, P. (2015):On Geotechnical Design according to Residual Shear Strength. Proc. 43rd NC Foundations – Brno 2015, 9-10.11.2014 Brno (Czech Republic). K. Weiglová, TU Brno, Brno, ISBN 978-80-87920-02-2, pp.167-172 (in Czech).
The Paper consider on possibility and effectivity of a new concept of ULS design on residual shear strength based. Values of residual shear strength are the most reliable and in opposite, applied peak values of shear strength are the most favourable and applicable for states of small deformations only. The Paper presents results of a prior analysis of slope stability and compares designs applying values of residual shear strength and peak shear strength. Some recommendations are included.


Publications 2014
1. Koudelka, P. (2014): Precariousness and Hazard of Lateral Earth Pressure Theory. Proc. 2nd IC on Vulnerability and Risk Analysis and Management & 6th IS on Uncertainty Modelling and Analysis – Liverpool, 13-16 July 2014. M. Beer & S-K. Au & J.W. Hall, University of Liverpool, Research Publishing Services, Singapore, pp.Abs. 551-2, CD ASCE ISBN 978-0-7844-1360-9, ps.15.
2. Hudek J. - Koudelka, P. (2014): Shear Strength of Sand under Very Low Normal Stress. Proc. 42nd NC Foundations – Brno 2014, 3-4.11.2014 Brno (Czech Republic). T. Holoušová, ČVUT Praha, ISBN 978-80-87920-01-5, pp.24-28 (in Czech).
3. Koudelka, P. – Bryscejn J. (2014): Strain Verification of Non-Cohesive Masses Owing to Passive Rotation of Retaining Wall about the Toe. Engineering Mechanics, ISSN 1802-1484(print), ISSN 1805-4633 (on line), J. Horníková, Association for Engineering Mechanics, Vol.21, No.3, pp.167-174.

Extension 2014
5. 2nd Seminar ITAM 2014: New View on Lateral Passive Earth Pressure in Geotechnics. Discussion the National Application Document of EN 1997-1 (Výzkumný projekt GAČR 105/11/1160) Konání: 4.3.2014 in ITAM. 10 přednášek a 2 diskuse o NP EN ČSN 1997-1:

1 Theoretical Research Concept of Lateral/Earth Pressure at ITAM -
Petr Koudelka, DSc., PhD., AEng. CEng. (ITAM)
2 Concept and Results of Visual Monitoring of tested Masses
Jan Bryscejn, EEng. (ITAM) – I. Jandejsek, EEng. (ITAM)
3. Excursion of the experimental equipment in the hall:
3a Driving and Possibilities of the Equipment - Jan Bryscejn, EEng. (ITAM)
3b Preparation of Tested Masses – Jan Chlád, Bc.(ITAM)
3c Show of Deformed Mass after an Experiment E6/0,3 - Petr Koudelka, DSc. (ITAM)
4 Experiments E5/0,3 and E6/0,3 – Mass Behaviour and Passive Pressure during Wall Translative Motion - Petr Koudelka, DSc., PhD., AEng. CEng. (ITAM)
5 Experiments E5/0,1 and E6/0,1 (rotation about the toe) and E5/0,2 E6/0,2 (rotation about the top) – Proves of Mass Behaviours and Passive Pressures - Petr Koudelka, DSc., PhD., AEng. CEng. (ITAM)
6 Modelling of Associated Hydro-mechanical Tasks for Porous Materials -
Tomáš Koudelka, PhD.,CEng. (CzTU)
7. Numerical Modelling of Moisture Transport in Saturated and Partly Saturated Medium – Tomáš Krejčí, PhD.,CEng. (CzTU)
8 Effects of the Experiments – New View on Lateral Passive Pressure in Praxis - Petr Koudelka, DSc., PhD., AEng. CEng. (ITAM)
9 Draft of Changes of NAD Draft of EC 7-1 according to ARCADIS – Vítězslav Herle, CEng. (ARCADIS)
10 Draft of Changes of NAD Draft of EC 7-1 according to ITAM - Petr Koudelka, DSc., PhD., AEng. CEng. (ITAM)

Lectures 2014
1 Ing. Petr Koudelka,DrSc.: Two Weaknesses of EC 7-1. Prague Geotechnical Days, 13.5.2014 (Invitational presentation).
2 Ing. Petr Koudelka,DrSc.: Theoretical Research Concept of Lateral/Earth Pressure at ITAM. 2nd Seminar ITAM 2014: New View on Lateral Passive Earth Pressure in Geotechnics. Discussion the National Application Document of EN 1997-1 (Výzkumný projekt GAČR 105/11/1160) Konání: 4.3.2014 v ÚTAM.
3 Ing. Petr Koudelka,DrSc.: Experiments E5/0,3 and E6/0,3 – Mass Behaviour and Passive Pressure during Wall Translative Motion . 2nd Seminar ITAM 2014: New View on Lateral Passive Earth Pressure in Geotechnics. Discussion the National Application Document of EN 1997-1 (Výzkumný projekt GAČR 105/11/1160) Konání: 4.3.2014 v ÚTAM.
4 Ing. Petr Koudelka,DrSc.: Experiments E5/0,1 and E6/0,1 (rotation about the toe) and E5/0,2 E6/0,2 (rotation about the top) – Proves of Mass Behaviours and Passive Pressures 2nd Seminar ITAM 2014: New View on Lateral Passive Earth Pressure in Geotechnics. Discussion the National Application Document of EN 1997-1 (Výzkumný projekt GAČR 105/11/1160) Konání: 4.3.2014 v ÚTAM.
5 Ing. Petr Koudelka,DrSc.: Effects of the Experiments – New View on Lateral Passive Pressure in Praxis.. 2nd Seminar ITAM 2014: New View on Lateral Passive Earth Pressure in Geotechnics. Discussion the National Application Document of EN 1997-1 (Výzkumný projekt GAČR 105/11/1160) Konání: 4.3.2014 v ÚTAM.
6 Ing. Petr Koudelka,DrSc.: Draft of Changes of NAD Draft of EC 7-1 according to ITAM. 2nd Seminar ITAM 2014: New View on Lateral Passive Earth Pressure in Geotechnics. Discussion the National Application Document of EN 1997-1 (Výzkumný projekt GAČR 105/11/1160) Konání: 4.3.2014 v ÚTAM.

1 Koudelka, P. (2014): Precariousness and Hazard of Lateral Earth Pressure Theory. Proc. 2nd IC on Vulnerability and Risk Analysis and Management & 6th IS on Uncertainty Modelling and Analysis – Liverpool, 13-16 July 2014. M. Beer & S-K. Au & J.W. Hall, University of Liverpool, Research Publishing Services, Singapore, ISBN ?, pp.Abs. 551-2, ps.CD 15.
Earth pressure is a load and the theory solves a contact task on structure rear face between structure and soil mass. Owing to very complex behaviour of soils (three-phase substance) a theoretical problem is very complexly non-linear. From European point of theoretical view precariousness and hazard of design analyses is caused by two interacting problems in two used theories: design theory (Limit State Design) and an inaccuracy of lateral earth pressure theory itself. The paper presents new results of earth pressure analyses according to both EUROCODE 7-1 (Annex C) on a database of soil properties ITAM 2012 and a classical formulas based. Further, selected results of long-term basic research are given to show hazard of the theory incorrectness. Some recommendations for practice are given.


2. Hudek J. - Koudelka, P. (2014): Shear Strength of Sand under Very Low Normal Stress. Proc. 42nd NC Foundations – Brno 2014, 3-4.11.2014 Brno (Czech Republic). T. Holoušová, ČVUT Praha, ISBN 978-80-87920-01-5, pp.24-28 (in Czech).
Solutions of some extraordinary geotechnical problems need knowledge of shear strength in a scale of very low normal stress. An example is physical modelling of soil mass behaviour using medium or little samples. The paper deals with results of testing a very dry uniform quartz sand of medium size. Resulting values of effective shear strength for the normal stress scale till of 25 kPa are compared with former testing of the same material in other scale of 63 – 163 kPa.


3. Koudelka, P. – Bryscejn J. (2014): Strain Verification of Non-Cohesive Masses Owing to Passive Rotation of Retaining Wall about the Toe. Engineering Mechanics, ISSN 1802-1484(print), ISSN 1805-4633 (on line), J. Horníková, Association for Engineering Mechanics, Vol.21, No.3, pp.167-174.
A basic physical experimental research of lateral passive pressure is in progress at the Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics. The research is composed of three doubles of the same experiments with three basic retaining wall movements: rotations about the toe or top and translative motion. A double of the same experiments E5/0,1 and E6/0,1 with passive pressure and pressure at rest during wall rotation about the toe was carried out in 1st half 2012 and the 2nd one (E6/0,1) was finished in the early 2013. Both experiments together should prove a real behaviour of non-cohesive mass acting on moving wall. The behaviour appears distinct from a theory of EUROCODE 7-1 contemporaneously used. Each of experiments has brought a huge data quantity. The paper shows strains of both masses, i.e. deformations and slip surfaces of the experimental sandy masses.



Publications 2013
1. Koudelka, P. – Bryscejn J. (2013): Experiment E5/0,1 with Lateral Passive Pressure during Rotation about the Toe – Granular Mass Deformations. 19th IC Engineering Mechanics 2013, Svratka, May. 13-16, Proc. ISBN 978-80-87012-46-8, Proc. CD ISBN 978-80-87012-47-5, I. Zolotarev, Prague, pp.83-86.
2. Koudelka, P. (2013a): Double Case of Passive Pressure Acting on Wall Rotated about the Top. 7th IC on Case Histories in Geotechnical Engineering (#3.15b), Wheeling (Chicago, Ill.), Apr.29-May 4, 2013. Proc. ISBN 1-887009-18-3 (Abs.v.), ISBN 1-887009-17-5 (ps.10) S. Prakash, Missouri University of Science and Technology, Rolla, MO, USA.
3. Koudelka, P. (2013b): Case of Ultimate Limit State design and EUROCODE 7-1. 7th IC on Case Histories in Geotechnical Engineering (#8.05a), Wheeling (Chicago, Ill.), Apr.29-May 4, 2013. Proc. ISBN 1-887009-18-3 (Abs.v.), ISBN 1-887009-17-5 (ps.9), S. Prakash, Missouri University of Science and Technology, Rolla, MO, USA.
4 Koudelka, P.(2013c): Application of Soil Design Values According to ULSD of EC 7-1 in Czech Conditions. Proc. 41th NC Foundations – Brno 2013, 11.-12.12.2013 Brno (Czech Republic). K. Weiglová, VUT Brno, ISBN 978-80-87920-00-8, pp.27-34.
5. Koudelka, P. – Bryscejn J. (2013): Strain Verification of Non-Cohesive Masses Owing to Passive Rotation of Retaining Wall about the Toe. Engineering Mechanics, ISSN 1210-2717, J. Horníková, Engineering Academy of the Czech Republic, Vol. , pp. .

Extension 2013
5. 6th Workshop: New Theoretical Knowledge in Geotechnics – ITAM 2013. (Research project GAČR 105/11/1160), 1.3.2013 at ITAM. 7 lectures a 2 discussions on ND ČSN EV 1997-1:

1. Research concept of lateral/earth pressure at ITAM
Petr Koudelka, DrSc., PhD., AEng. CEng. (ITAM)
2. Excursion of the experimental equipment and the experiment E5/0,3 with pressure at rest and passive pressure during wall translative motion and performance of an experimental phase with passive pressure at rest (experimental hall)
2a) Preparation of the medium experimental sandy samples
Mgr. Krzysztow Niedoba – Jan Chlad, Bc.:
2b) Visual monitoring of an displacement field in the sample
Ing. Jan Bryscejn – Ivan Jandejsek, Bc.
3. Experiments E5/0,2 and E6/0,2 – Prove both of behaviour and extent of an normal passive pressure component during rotation about the top
Petr Koudelka, DSc.,PhD., AEng. CEng. (ITAM)
4. Slope stability solved by the FETI method
Jaroslav Kruis, Assoc.Prof., PhD.,CEng. (CzTU) – Tomáš Koudelka, PhD. CEng. (CzTU)
5. Numerical modelling of Consolidation Processes
Tomáš Koudelka, PhD.,CEng. (CzTU) – Tomáš Krejčí, PhD.,CEng. (CzTU)
6. Experiment E5/0,1 – Deformation and shear processes in non-cohesive sand during passive rotation of the retaining wall about the toe
Petr Koudelka,DrSc., PhD., AEng. CEng. (ITAM)
7. Discussion, short contributions of participants, comments, objections
8. Discussion on the Czech National Document of EC 7-1 – 1st part
ITAM draft of changes of the Czech National Document:
- Theory of the Ultimate Limit State Design
- Definition of the characteristic values
- Partial material and resistance factors
- Earth pressure theory - Pressure at rest
- mobilization of limit values
- Compulsive investigation of residual shear strength
- Advanced design
- Reliability based design

Lectures 2013
1. Ing. Petr Koudelka,DrSc. (2013): Research concept of lateral/earth pressure at ITAM. 6th Workshop: New theoretical knowledge in geotechnics – ÚTAM 2012. (Research project GAČR 105/11/1160), 1.3.2013, ÚTAM.
2. Ing. Petr Koudelka,DrSc. (2013): Experiments E5/0,2 and E6/0,2 – Prove both of behaviour and extent of an normal passive pressure component during rotation about the top. 6th Workshop: New Theoretical Knowledge in Geotechnics – ITAM 2013. (Research project GAČR 105/11/1160), 1.3.2013, ITAM.
3. Ing. Petr Koudelka,DrSc. (2013): Experimenty E5/0,2 a E6/0,2 - Experiment E5/0,1 – Deformation and shear processes in non-cohesive sand during passive rotation of the retaining wall about the toe. 6th Workshop: New Theoretical Knowledge in Geotechnics – ITAM 2013. (Research project GAČR 105/11/1160), 1.3.2013, ITAM.
4. Ing. Petr Koudelka,DrSc.(2013): Interaction relics with subgrade. Lecture set of project CZ.1.07/2.3.00/35.0050 „ Popularisation of research and development in care area of cultural heritage“. Universita Pardubice, Fakulta restaurování - 29.10.2013 Litomyšl.
5. Ing. Petr Koudelka,DrSc.(2013): Interaction relics with subgrade. Lecture set of project CZ.1.07/2.3.00/35.0050 “Popularisation of research and development in care area of cultural heritage”. Národní památkový ústav Telč + ĆET ÚTAM Telč - 1.11.2013 Telč.

Abstracts 2013
1. Koudelka, P. – Bryscejn J. (2013): Experiment E5/0,1 with Lateral Passive Pressure during Rotation about the Toe – Granular Mass Deformations. 19th IC Engineering Mechanics 2013, Svratka, May. 13-16, Proc. ISBN 978-80-87012-46-8, Proc.CD ISBN 978-80-87012-47-5, I. Zolotarev, Prague, pp.83-86.
The paper gives information on a long-term experiment E5/0,1. Whole research is composed of three doubles of the same experiments with three basic retaining wall movements: rotations about the toe and top and translative motion. The experiment E5/0,1 with passive pressure and pressure at rest during wall rotation about the toe towards into tested granular mass was carried out in 1st half 2012 and it was the first of the same experiment double (the 2nd one was the experiment E6/0,1 finished in the early 2013. Both experiments together should prove a real behaviour of non-cohesive mass acting on moving wall. The behaviour appears differences from a theory of EUROCODE 7-1 contemporaneously used. Each of experiments has brought a huge data quantity. The paper shows mass deformations and slip surfaces of the experimental sandy mass.


2. Koudelka, P. (2013a): Double Case of Passive Pressure Acting on Wall Rotated about the Top. 7th IC on Case Histories in Geotechnical Engineering (#3.15b), Wheeling (Chicago, Ill.), Apr.29-May 4, 2013. Proc. ISBN 1-887009-18-3 (Abs.v.), ISBN 1-887009-17-5 (ps.10) S. Prakash, Missouri University of Science and Technology, Rolla, MO, USA.
Basic research of lateral earth pressure based on physical and numerical experiments began in 1998 at the institute of the author and it has continued to the present time. A new experimental equipment was developed between 2003 and 2009 on a contemporary advanced level. The first long-term experiment with passive pressure E3/0,2 acting on a wall rotated about the top was repeated and as double same long-term experiments, denoted as experiments E5/0,2 (2010) and E6/0,2 (2011). The new equipment is completely under computer control and it has five bi-component pressure sensors in the arbitrarily moved front wall and six sensors in the solid back wall. The velocity of the front wall movement can be arbitrarily slow from of 3.684 to of >0 mm/min, the maximal pushing force being about of 2870 kN. The maximal recording frequency is of 1000 Hz and it can accommodate a huge quantity of data of 803 MB/day. The paper presents proof that theoretically considered passive pressure of ideally non-cohesive material on a wall rotated about the top cannot be achieved.


3. Koudelka, P. (2013b): Case of Ultimate Limit State design and EUROCODE 7-1. 7th IC on Case Histories in Geotechnical Engineering (#8.05a), Wheeling (Chicago, Ill.), Apr.29-May 4, 2013. Proc. ISBN 1-887009-18-3 (Abs.v.), ISBN 1-887009-17-5 (ps.9), S. Prakash, Missouri University of Science and Technology, Rolla, MO, USA.
LSD theory was implemented formally in Czech practice in 1966 but it was opposed by most professionals. The theory was contrary to the former successful Safety Factor Design and objections were targeted especially against the Ultimate Limit State Design (ULSD). The development of Eurocode (EC) 7-1 began at the end of 1970 and met with similar opposition. However, the same problem was solved in a different way with the Czech standardization which had implemented the LSD with another definition of characteristic input values. The European standardization retained the classical LSD including geotechnical ULSD although design problems were not solved satisfactorily. Now, EC 7-1 has come into force in the European Union (also in the Czech Republic) and it is in a period of calibration. The most serious problem is the ULSD application for geotechnical (non-linear) tasks using derived material inputs which appear to be very inadequate. It appears to be it necessary to check the base of the ULSD theory. The paper presents results and conclusions of the problem analyses.


4. Koudelka, P.(2013c): Application of Soil Design Values According to ULSD of EC 7-1 in Czech Conditions. Proc. 41th NC Foundations – Brno 2013, 11.-12.12.2013 Brno (Czech Republic). K. Weiglová, VUT Brno, ISBN 978-80-87920-00-8, pp.27-34.
The paper analyses an influence of design value derivation of unit weigh and effective shear values according to EC 7-1 (Approach 1) off unique groups of Czech soils belonging to the classes S (sandy) and F (fine grained). The last (actually) version of the DATABASE ITAM 2012 (282 samples), i.e. database of soil properties at the Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics developed, is applied. Characteristic and design values are derived for the unique soil groups and value deviations from the average values are evaluated. The property deviations both of groups and classes showed surprising accordance.



Publications 2012
1. Koudelka, P. – Valach, J. – Bryscejn, J. (2012): Experiment E6/0,2 with Lateral Passive Pressure – Rotation about the Top. Proc. 18th IC Engineering Mechanics 2012, 14-17.5.2012, Svratka.(Czech Republic). Ed. J. Náprstek – C. Fisher, Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics – ASc.Cz.R, Prague, ISBN 978-80-86246-40-6, #215, pp.702-707.
2. Koudelka P. – Bryscejn J. (2012): Speedy partial process of lateral pressure in granular mass during consolidation – Experiment E5/0,2. Proc. 50th Annual Conference on Experimental Stress Analysis, June 2012. Ed. Czech TU in Prague, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, #116, ps.6.
3. Koudelka P. (2012): Constructive Similarity of soils. Proc. 5th Asian-Pacific Symposium on Structural Reliability and its Application, 23-25 May 2012, Singapore. Ed. K.K. Phoon – M. Beer – S.D. Pang, Research Publishing, Singapore, ISBN 978-981-07-2219-7, ps. 6.
4. Koudelka P. (2012): Non-conform View at Eurocode 7-1 and Its Calibration. Proc, 5th Asian-Pacific Symposium on Structural Reliability and its Application, 23-25 May 2012, Singapore. Ed. K.K. Phoon – M. Beer – S.D. Pang, Research Publishing, Singapore, ISBN 978-981-07-2219-7, ps. 6.
5. Koudelka P. (2012): Development in Retaining Structure Design of the Prague Metro. Proc, 40th NC Foundations – Brno 2012, 12.-13.11.2012, Brno (Czech Republic). Edit. Sekurkon, s.r.o. Brno, ISBN 978-80-86604-59-6, pp.90-94.

Extension 2012
1. 5th WS New Theoretical Knowledge in Geotechnics – ITAM 2012, 22.2.2012, ITAM CzASc.

Research concept of lateral/earth pressure at ITAM
Petr Koudelka, DrSc., PhD., AEng. CEng.
Excursion of the experimental equipment and the experiment E5/0,1 with pressure at rest and passive pressure during rotation retaining wall about the toe (experimental hall)
Ondřej Vála, MEng.: Preparation of the medium experimental samples
Experiences with operation of a developed experimental equipment from the view of an engineer
Jan Bryscejn, EEng.
System for visual observation of displacement fields of granular material
Jaroslav Valach, PhD., NEng.
Partial factors for slope stability
Jovan Papic, CEng. (Makedonia)
Discussion on the Czech National Document of EC 7-1 – 1st part
Chair: Petr Koudelka, DrSc., PhD., AEng. CEng.
Proposed themes:
- Theory of the Ultimate Limit State Design - definition of the characteristic values
- partial material and resistance factors
- Earth pressure theory - pressure at rest
- mobilization of limit values
Experiment E5/0,2 - History of normal component of lateral pressure at rest and passive pressure during wall rotation about the top
Petr Koudelka,DrSc., PhD., AEng. CEng.
Numerical analysis of a diaphragm wall
Dr. Ing. Tomáš.Koudelka – Ing. Krejčí – Prof.Ing. J. Šejnoha, DrSc,
Experiments E6/0,2 and E5/0,2 - Visual shear processes of non-cohesive sand during passive rotation of the retaining wall about the top
Petr Koudelka,DrSc., PhD., AEng. CEng.
Database of physical properties of soils – ITAM 2011
Jiří Hudek, PhD., CEng.
Discussion on the Czech National Document of EC 7-1 – 2nd part
Chair: Petr Koudelka, DrSc., PhD., AEng. CEng.


Abstracts 2012
1. Koudelka, P. – Valach, J. – Bryscejn, J. (2012): Experiment E6/0,2 with Lateral Passive Pressure – Rotation about the Top. Proc. 18th IC Engineering Mechanics 2012, 14-17.5.2012, Svratka.(Czech Republic). Ed. J. Náprstek – C. Fisher, Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics – ASc.Cz.R, Prague, ISBN 978-80-86246-40-6, #215, pp.702-707.
The paper gives information on a repeated long-term experiment E6/0,2 with lateral pressure at rest and passive pressure during wall rotation about the top towards into tested granular mass. The experiment was successfully finished in the last year 2011 and (together with a previous experiment E5/0,2) it should prove gained results which appear distinct from a theory of EUROCODE 7-1 contemporaneously used. Both experiments monitored and registered both pressure components and mass deformation and displacements into the sandy mass.


2. Koudelka P. – Bryscejn J. (2012): Speedy partial process of lateral pressure in granular mass during consolidation – Experiment E5/0,2. Proc. 50th Annual Conference on Experimental Stress Analysis, June 2012. Ed. Czech TU in Prague, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, #116, ps.6.
The long-term experiment E5/0,2 with pressure at rest and passive pressure of ideally non-cohesive sand ran in 2010 and consist of a number of phases which brought huge quantity of data. The experiment contained also a phase of consolidation after passive wall rotation about the top with a toe movement of 15.6 mm. Movement velocity of the front wall toe was 0.005 mm/min. only. On the contrary, processes of the pressure components (normal and shear) were surprisingly quick. The Paper presents an analysis of a process of time pressure instability at the beginning and the end of a reconsolidation phase.

3. Koudelka P. (2012): Constructive Similarity of soils. Proc. 5th Asian-Pacific Symposium on Structural Reliability and its Application, 23-25 May 2012, Singapore. Ed. K.K. Phoon – M. Beer – S.D. Pang, Research Publishing, Singapore, ISBN 978-981-07-2219-7, ps. 6.
The soil and rock variability is a constitutive characteristic of geotechnical materials and it is important to know utmost on it. This knowledge is necessary for a regular and solid calibration both the Limit State Design theory and, of course designs according to EC 7-1. The most important in-put data for the Ultimate Limit State Design are data of shear strength and unit weight which are usually for designs deciding. Behaviour and bearing capacity of soil/rock structures and their interaction with solid engineering structures depend mostly on these properties. The mentioned reasons led to the establishment of a database of physical properties of soils in solid and reliable laboratories tested and to concentrating on shear strength and unit weight. The analysis could provide a better quantitative view at a possible influence of soil variability in geomechanics and in geotechnical design.

4. Koudelka P. (2012): Non-conform View at Eurocode 7-1 and Its Calibration. Proc, 5th Asian-Pacific Symposium on Structural Reliability and its Application, 23-25 May 2012, Singapore. Ed. K.K. Phoon – M. Beer – S.D. Pang, Research Publishing, Singapore, ISBN 978-981-07-2219-7, ps. 6.
The paper deals two problems of a theory of the Code. Interaction between a handmade structure and touching soil/rock mass or behaviour of a solitary soil/rock mass are extraordinarily complex tasks of mechanics of which objects distinguish themselves by very complicated non-linear behaviour. Generally in mechanics, it is well-known that an application of coefficients and factors for non-linear or the 2nd order analyses is incorrect. Also, a principle of superposition is inapplicable for these analyses. What it is very strange it is that an ordinary official geotechnical practice in Europe (EC 7-1) does not respect this basic principle of mechanics applying a statistical definition of characteristic value and material partial factors (probably B. Hansen 1953). The application of any changes of real physical mass properties for inputs of the Ultimate Limit State Design of EC 7-1 appears to be a rejection of the principle of mechanics. Further, a code theory of earth pressure appears also to be disadvantage, not very precise and involving risks for designers (see Fig.2 and compare both diagrams). The paper presents concepts of possible solutions of the problems.

5. Koudelka P. (2012): Development in Retaining Structure Design of the Prague Metro. Proc, 40th NC Foundations – Brno 2012, 12.-13.11.2012, Brno (Czech Republic). Edit. Sekurkon, s.r.o. Brno, ISBN 978-80-86604-59-6, pp.90-94.
The Paper shows a state of theoretical and practical knowledge in design of retaining structures at beginning 60ties when a project of underground system started (the 1st section of line C- IC) and after. The project brought great stride and development in Czech geotechnics which had to solve tasks not solved before (e.g. big excavated pits of depths more than 8 m in built-up area, applications of new technologies). The paper concentrates on a designer practice and a development of the earth pressure theory.



Publication 2011
1. Koudelka, P. (2011a): Variability of Bearing Resistance Properties of Soils. 17th IC Engineering Mechanics 2010, Svratka, May. 9-12 Proc. ISBN 978-80-87012-33-8, V. Fuis ,pp.307-310.
2. Koudelka, P. - Valach J. - Bryscejn, J.(2011): Operation Test of a New Experimental Technology for Research of Lateral Pressure. 49th Int. Scientific Conference on Experimental Stress Analysis, Znojmo, June 6-9 2011. Proc. ISBN 978-80-214-4575-7, T. Návrat, V. Fuis, L. Houfek, M. Vlk, pp.155-160. Web of Science, Thompson Reuters.
3. Koudelka, P. (2011b): Risks of analyses with lateral earth pressure load. 11th IC on Application of Statistics in Civil Engineering, Zurich, 1-4 August 2011. Proc. ISBN 978-0-415-66986-3 (Hbk), 978-0-20314479-4 (eBook), Taylor & Francis Group, London,UK, pp.842-3,ps.
4. Koudelka, P. (2011c): Shear strength variability of sandy and fine-grained soils. 11th IC on Application of Statistics in Civil Engineering, Zurich, 1-4 August 2011. Proc. ISBN 978-0-415-66986-3 (Hbk), 978-0-20314479-4 (eBook), Taylor & Francis Group, London, UK, pp.881-2,ps.
5 Koudelka, P.(2011d): Risk Example of Passive Pressure according to Procedures of EC 7-1 and ČSN 73 0037. Proc. 39th NC Foundations – Brno 2011, 7.-8.11.2011, Brno (Czech Republic). Ed. J. Barták et.al., Sekurkon, s.r.o. Brno, ISBN 978-80-86604-59-6, pp. 90-94.

Extension 2011
6. Workshop: New Theoretical Knowledge in Geotechnics – ITAM 2011. (Research Project GAČR 105/11/1160), 28.2.2011 at ITAM. 10 Lectures:

1 Ing. Petr Koudelka, DrSc.
Concept and Development of Advanced Experimental Equipment for Research of Lateral Earth Pressure.
2 Ing. Ing. Jaroslav Valach, PhD.
Application of Optic Methods at Strain Record of the Granulat Mass.
3 Ing. Jan Bryscejn, Ing. Ondřej Vála:
Excursion of Experimental Equipment and the Experiment E6/0,2
4 Ing. Petr Koudelka,DrSc.
Visual Shear Processes in Loose Sand during Wall Passive Rotation about the Top - Experiment E/0,2.
5 Jovan Papic, PhD., CEng.
Modelling Contact Shear Strength (English).
6 Ing. Petr Koudelka,DrSc.
History of Normal Component of Lateral Pressure at Rest and Passive Pressure during the Experiment E3/0,2
7 Mgr. Kateřina Kovářová – Dr., Mgr. Robert Ševčík:
Application of Method Micro-CT at Analysis of Sandy Rock Porosity
8 Doc.Ing. Pavel Kuklík, CSc.
Influence of Pre-consolidation at Subgrade Interaction
9 Ing. Tomáš.Koudelka, PhD.
Numerical models of Plasticity for Calculations of Earth Pressures
10 Ing. Petr Koudelka,DrSc.
Database of Physical Properties of Soils – ITAM 2010

Lectures 2011
(see the Extension)
1. Koudelka, P. (2011a): Variability of Bearing Resistance Properties of Soils. 17th IC Engineering Mechanics 2010, Svratka, May. 9-12 Proc. ISBN 978-80-87012-33-8, V. Fuis ,pp.307-310.
The paper presents of statistical evaluation of last contemporary state of the free available database of year 2010. Implications for soil mechanics are mentioned.
Příspěvek uvádí statistické vyhodnocení posledního současného stavu volně přístupné database ke konci roku 2010. Je zmíněn i význam pro mechaniku zemin.

2. Koudelka, P. - Valach J. - Bryscejn, J.(2011): Operation Test of a New Experimental Technology for Research of Lateral Pressure. 49th Int. Scientific Conference on Experimental Stress Analysis, Znojmo, June 6-9 2011. Proc. ISBN 978-80-214-4575-7, T. Návrat, V. Fuis, L. Houfek, M. Vlk, pp.155-160. Web of Science, Thompson Reuters.
The paper deals with the experimental technology and experiences of the experiment during an extremely slow movement of the front wall. A visual monitoring (3D scanning) is included.
Příspěvek se zabývá experimentální technologií a zkušenostmi z experimentu během extrémně po,malého pohybu čelní stěny. Je zahrnuto I vizuální pozorování pomocí 3D snímání.

3. Koudelka, P. (2011b): Risks of analyses with lateral earth pressure load. 11th IC on Application of Statistics in Civil Engineering, Zurich, 1-4 August 2011. Proc. ISBN 978-0-415-66986-3 (Hbk), 978-0-20314479-4 (eBook), Taylor & Francis Group, London,UK, pp.842-3,ps.
The paper presents results of a general comparative numerical analysis of earth pressure according to EC 7-1 using an statistical evaluation of the soil property database “ITAM 2009”
Příspěvek uvádí obecnou srovnávací numerickou analýzu využívající statistické vyhodnocení database vlastností zemin “ITAM 2009”.

4. Koudelka, P. (2011c): Shear strength variability of sandy and fine-grained soils. 11th IC on Application of Statistics in Civil Engineering, Zurich, 1-4 August 2011. Proc. ISBN 978-0-415-66986-3 (Hbk), 978-0-20314479-4 (eBook), Taylor & Francis Group, London,UK, pp.842-3,ps.
The paper brings summed data of the database “ITAM 2009” and deals with an statistical analysis of the single soil groups.
Příspěvek přináší souhrnná data database “ITAM 2009” a zabývá se statistickým rozborem jednotlivých skupin zemin.

5 Koudelka, P.(2011d): Risk Example of Passive Pressure according to Procedures of EC 7-1 and ČSN 73 0037. Proc. 39th NC Foundations – Brno 2011, 7.-8.11.2011, Brno (Czech Republic). Ed. J. Barták et.al., Sekurkon, s.r.o. Brno, ISBN 978-80-86604-59-6, pp. 90-94.
The paper targets a problem of theoretical base of the Annex C of EC 7-1 a ČSN 73 0037 comparing instruction calculation results to results of a physical experiment E5/0,2, i.e. pressure at rest and passive pressure of ideally non-cohesive sand.
Příspěvek je zaměřen na problém teoretické database “Dodatku C” EC 7-1 a ČSN 73 0037 a srovnává výsledky výpočtů podle předpisů s výsledky fyzikálního experiment E5/0,2, tj. tlaku v klidu a pasivního tlaku ideálně sypkého písku.




Publications 2010
1. Koudelka, P..(2010a): Prospects of Design in Geotechnics XVth Danube-European Conference on Geotechnical Engineering 2010, 2nd- 4nd June 2010, Bratislava, Slovak Republic. Proc.ISBN 978-80-227-3279-6, J. Frankovská, J. Hulla, M. Ondrášik, P. Turček, Sess.2.#8, ps.19.
2. Koudelka, P..(2010b): Lateral Pressure at Rest of Non-cohesive Sand. XVth Danube-European Conference on Geotechnical Engineering 2010, 2nd- 4nd June 2010, Bratislava, Slovak Republic. Proc.ISBN 978-80-227-3279-6, J. Frankovská, J. Hulla, M. Ondrášik, P. Turček, Sess.6, ps.11.
3. Koudelka, P. (2010c): Extreme Values of Lateral Pressure of Non-cohesive Sand. 3rd Symposium of MAG for Geotechnics, Struga (Rep. Macedonia) 26th June 2010. Proc.ISBN , V. Vitanov, J.B. Papic, ps.12.
4. Koudelka, P. (2010d): Process of Lateral Passive Pressure Acting in a Sandy Mass. NC Engineering Mechanics 2010, Svratka, May. 10-13 Proc. ISBN 978-80-87012-26-0, I. Zolotarev ,SOL #9, ps.9.
5. Koudelka, P.- Bryscejn, J.(2010): Original Experimental equipment for Slow Processes of Lateral Pressure in Granular Masses. 48th Int. Scientific Conference on Experimental Stress Analysis, Velké Losiny, May 31- June 3 2010. Proc. ISBN 978-80-244-2533-7, p. P. Šmíd, P. Horváth, M. Hrabovský, pp.177-184. Web of Science, Thompson Reuters.
6 Koudelka, P.(2010d): New experiment with pressure at rest of non-cohesive sand – Rotation about the top, (in Czech). Proc. 38th NC Foundations – Brno 2010, Brno (Czech Republic). Edit. Sekurkon, s.r.o. Brno, J. Jettmar, ISBN ISBN 978-80-86604-51-0, pp.103-108.
Extension 2010
7. 1st Seminar ITAM: New view on lateral earth pressure (in Czech), 11.2.2010, ITAM. 12 lectures (Research project GAČR 103/08/1617):

1. Ing. Petr Koudelka,DrSc.
Koncepce a vývoj experimentálního zařízení pro výzkum bočního tlaku.
2. Ing. Ing. Jaroslav Valach, PhD.
Koncepce vizuálního sledování zkoušených těles.
3. Ing. Jan Bryscejn:
Řízení a možnosti zařízení
4. Ing. Ondřej Vála:
Příprava zkušebních těles
5. Ing. Petr Koudelka,DrSc.
Podstata nové koncepce bočního zemního tlaku a experimenty
6. Ing. Petr Koudelka,DrSc.
Tlak v klidu
7. Ing. Petr Koudelka,DrSc.
Mezní tlaky – vrcholový a reziduální
8. Ing. Petr Koudelka,DrSc.
Mezilehlé hodnoty tlaku
9. Doc.Ing. Pavel Kuklík, CSc.
Vhodné konstitutivní modely pro modelování zemních tlaků v dostupných numerických kódech
10. Ing. Tomáš.Koudelka, PhD.
Numerické výpočty HISS modelů plasticity
11. Ing. Petr Koudelka,DrSc.
Časová nestabilita bočního zemního tlaku
12. Ing. Petr Koudelka,DrSc.
Důsledky výsledků experimentů – Nový pohled na boční tlak v praxi

Lectures 2010
1. Ing. Petr Koudelka,DrSc. Koncepce a vývoj experimentálního zařízení pro výzkum bočního tlaku. Seminář: Nový pohled na boční zemní tlak – ÚTAM 2010. (Výzkumný projekt GAČR 103/08/1617) Konání: 11.2.2010 v ÚTAM.
2. Ing. Petr Koudelka,DrSc. Podstata nové koncepce bočního zemního tlaku a experimenty. Seminář: Nový pohled na boční zemní tlak – ÚTAM 2010. (Výzkumný projekt GAČR 103/08/1617) Konání: 11.2.2010 v ÚTAM.
3. Ing. Petr Koudelka,DrSc. Tlak v klidu. Seminář: Nový pohled na boční zemní tlak – ÚTAM 2010. (Výzkumný projekt GAČR 103/08/1617) Konání: 11.2.2010 v ÚTAM.
4. Ing. Petr Koudelka,DrSc. Mezní tlaky – vrcholový a reziduální. Seminář: Nový pohled na boční zemní tlak – ÚTAM 2010. (Výzkumný projekt GAČR 103/08/1617) Konání: 11.2.2010 v ÚTAM.
5. Ing. Petr Koudelka,DrSc. Mezilehlé hodnoty tlaku. Seminář: Nový pohled na boční zemní tlak – ÚTAM 2010. (Výzkumný projekt GAČR 103/08/1617) Konání: 11.2.2010 v ÚTAM.
6. Ing. Petr Koudelka,DrSc. Časová nestabilita bočního zemního tlaku. Seminář: Nový pohled na boční zemní tlak – ÚTAM 2010. (Výzkumný projekt GAČR 103/08/1617) Konání: 11.2.2010 v ÚTAM.
7. Ing. Petr Koudelka,DrSc. Důsledky výsledků experimentů – Nový pohled na boční tlak v praxi. Seminář: Nový pohled na boční zemní tlak – ÚTAM 2010. (Výzkumný projekt GAČR 103/08/1617) Konání: 11.2.2010 v ÚTAM.
8. Ing. Petr Koudelka,DrSc.: From Earth Pressure to General Lateral Pressure – Physical Experiments with Lateral Pressure and Pressure at Rest. 3rd Symposium of MAG for Geotechnics, Struga (Rep. Macedonia) 26th June 2010.
9. Ing. Petr Koudelka,DrSc.: From Earth Pressure to General Lateral Pressure –Extreme Pressures. 3rd Symposium of MAG for Geotechnics, Struga (Rep. Macedonia) 26th June 2010.

Abstracts 2010
1. Koudelka, P..(2010a): Prospects of Design in Geotechnics XVth Danube-European Conference on Geotechnical Engineering 2010, 2nd- 4nd June 2010, Bratislava, Slovak Republic. Proc.ISBN 978-80-227-3279-6, J. Frankovská, J. Hulla, M. Ondrášik, P. Turček, Sess.2.#8, ps.19.
The Paper should be a contribution to the calibration of EC7-1 and evaluates the major used design procedures and some other aspects.
Práce je příspěvkem ke kalibraci EC 7-1 a hodnotí hlavní používané návrhové postupy a některá jiná hlediska.

2. Koudelka, P..(2010b): Lateral Pressure at Rest of Non-cohesive Sand. XVth Danube-European Conference on Geotechnical Engineering 2010, 2nd- 4nd June 2010, Bratislava, Slovak Republic. Proc.ISBN 978-80-227-3279-6, J. Frankovská, J. Hulla, M. Ondrášik, P. Turček, Sess.6, ps.11.
The Paper presents a modern view at the problem making a mention also of a prepared further experiment. The results are valid for non-cohesive materials.
Příspěvek uvádí nový pohled na problém zemního tlaku v klidu a zmiňuje též přípravu dalšího experimentu. Výsledky jsou platné pro nesoudržné materiály.

3. Koudelka, P. (2010c): Extreme Values of Lateral Pressure of Non-cohesive Sand. 3rd Symposium of MAG for Geotechnics, Struga (Rep. Macedonia) 26th June 2010. Proc.ISBN , V. Vitanov, J.B. Papic, ps.12.
The Paper presents a modern view at the problem making a mention also of experiments and a prepared further experiment. The results are valid for non-cohesive materials.
Příspěvek uvádí nový pohled na problém vrcholového zemního tlaku a zmiňuje fyzikální experimenty a též přípravu dalšího experimentu. Výsledky jsou platné pro nesoudržné materiály.

4. Koudelka, P. (2010d): Process of Lateral Passive Pressure Acting in a Sandy Mass. NC Engineering Mechanics 2010, Svratka, May. 10-13 Proc. ISBN 978-80-87012-26-0, I. Zolotarev ,SOL #9, ps.9.
The paper presents the results of physical experiment (E3/0+2) both with the passive pressure and the pressure at rest of the ideally non-cohesive sand on a retaining wall rotated about the top. The results are analysed and compared according to relevant requirements and recommendations of the final draft of EC 7-1(2004) and ČSN 73 0037. A preparation state of a next repeated physical experiment E5/0+2 with passive pressure and pressure at rest to prove the results is mentioned.

5. Koudelka, P.- Bryscejn, J.(2010): Original Experimental equipment for Slow Processes of Lateral Pressure in Granular Masses. 48th Int. Scientific Conference on Experimental Stress Analysis, Velké Losiny, May 31- June 3 2010. Proc. ISBN 978-80-244-2533-7, p. P. Šmíd, P. Horváth, M. Hrabovský, pp.177-184. Web of Science, Thompson Reuters.
An original experimental equipment was designed and constructed in 1997-1998 for a basic research of lateral pressure multi-phase granular materials and to verify a theoretically derived theory of "General Lateral Pressure". The equipment made it possible a simple hand-made moving with front wall and five two-component pressure sensors (Šmíd-Novosad) placed in it. In 1998-1999 were performed two parallel medium-term experiments E1 and E2 with active pressure which have brought some unexpected and new results. The third long-term experiment E3/0+2 with passive pressure was perform in 2001-2002.
Then design and construction of two following equipment upgrades have been begun. The 2nd upgrade (3rd stage) has been finished at this time and a next parallel experiment with passive pressure E5/0+2 is prepared. The Paper presents the equipment development and its last state and refers also to some problems of the development.

6 Koudelka, P.(2010d): New experiment with pressure at rest of non-cohesive sand – Rotation about the top, (in Czech). Proc. 38th NC Foundations – Brno 2010, Brno (Czech Republic). Edit. Sekurkon, s.r.o. Brno, J. Jettmar, ISBN ISBN 978-80-86604-51-0, pp.103-108.
Very advanced and original experimental equipment for lateral pressure research of granular materials was put into operation in April 2010 at the Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics of Czech Academy of Sciences. The equipment makes it possible to monitor and to record complete boundary conditions of a 2D interaction of both components of lateral pressure on a moved front wall and a solid back wall. The equipment action and data record are fully programmed and controlled by computer. The equipment make it possible to choice an arbitrary and arbitrarily slow movement of the front wall. The equipment reaches for a force almost of 3 MN, data record velocity of 1000 Hz and can give up to 800 MB/day.
A sample and processes into it can be observed through transparent lateral glass sides of the equipment and on the open upper sample surface. The visual observation of the internal processes into the experimental sample is realised by a system of 8 co-operating cameras and the opened upper sample surface by a next special camera.
Above described and other characteristics of the equipment bring new possibilities and for the research of the slow processes into granular masses, lateral pressure and for understanding of their dynamics.


Publications 2008
1. Koudelka P. (2008a): Differences of concepts of ultimate limit states of soils and rocks. Transactions of the University of Mining and Metallurgy. Ed. Dubček Trenčín Univ. – FPT Púchov, Vol. 51.No.1(2008),s.322-326. ISSN 0474-8484.
2. Koudelka, P. (2008b): History of Ultimate Limit State of Bored Piles. Proc.6th IC Case Histories in Geotechnical Engineering, Arlington (USA), University of Missouri-Rolla, Rolla (Missouri), Shamsher Prakash, ISBN 1-8870009-14-0, # 1.48..
3. Koudelka, P. (2008c): Granular Mass Behaviour under Passive Pressure. Proc.6th IC Case Histories in Geotechnical Engineering, Arlington (USA), University of Missouri-Rolla, Rolla (Missouri), Shamsher Prakash, ISBN 1-8870009-14-0, # 5.35.
4 Koudelka, P.(2008d): Physical Experiments with Medium Granular Models under Lateral Passive Pressure of Rotating Wall. Proc. 12th IC of International Association for Computer Methods and Advances in Geomechanics, Goa (India), D.N. Singh. Invited paper #212, Abs.p.163.
5 Koudelka, P.(2008e): Vliv dílčích materiálových součinitelů podle EUROCODE 7-1 – Plošné základy (Influence of Partial Material Factors According to EUROCODE 7-1 - Shallow Foundations, in Czech). Proc. 36th NC Foundations – Brno 2006, Brno (Czech Republic), Akademické nakladatelství CERM, s.r.o. Brno, J. Jettmar, ISBN 978-80-86604-38-1, pp.60-67.
6 Koudelka, P.(2008f): Analýza návrhů podle ČSN a EUROCODE 7-1 – Pilotové základy (Design Analysis Acording to EUROCODE 7-1 - Pile Foundations, in Czech). Proc. 36th NC Foundations – Brno 2006, Brno (Czech Republic), Akademické nakladatelství CERM, s.r.o. Brno, J. Jettmar, ISBN 978-80-86604-38-1, pp.68-73.
7. Koudelka, P(2008g): Evaluation and future the ultimate limit state design in geomechanics. Proc. 13th IC on Problems of Material Engineering, Mechanics and Design, 26-29.8.2008, Rájecké Teplice (Slovak Republic). Trenčianská Univ. A. Dubčeka – FPT Púchov, ISBN 978-80-969728-2-1, ps.9.
8. Koudelka, P. – Koudelka T.(2008): Galerie Chotkovy silnice v Praze - stabilitní problém (The Bridge Gallery of “Chotkova Road” – Problem of Stability, in Czech). Doprava (Transport), Min. dopravy,ISSN 012-5520,Vol.50,No.2008/2, pp.12-16,
9. Koudelka P.- Valach J. (2008): Physical Experiments with Granular Materials under Different Gravity. Book of Contributions of 46th International Scientific Conference “EXPERIMENTAL STRESS ANALYSIS 2008” & CD & Proc.ext.abs., Horní Bečva (Czech Republic), VSB-TU in Ostrava, J. Fuxa&P. Macura et al., ISBN 978-80-248-1774-3, 4 ps. & pp.135-138.

Extension 2008

Lectures 2008
1. P. Koudelka (2008f): Evaluation of Concepts of Ultimate Limit States of Soils and Rocks – Geotechnical Design Future. 3rd WS ITAM 2008 New Theoretical Knowledge in Geotechnics.
2. P. Koudelka (2008g): SBR and Soil Mechanics - Contemporary State and Development of Design Theory. IXth NC Reliability of Structures, ITAM 2008.
3. P. Koudelka - J. Valach (2008b)> Prohlídka rekonstruovaného experimentálního zařízení pro výzkum procesů bočního tlaku. 3rd WS ITAM 2008 New Theoretical Knowledge in Geotechnics.


1. Koudelka P. (2008a): Differences of concepts of ultimate limit states of soils and rocks. Transactions of the University of Mining and Metallurgy. Ed. Dubček Trenčín Univ. – FPT Púchov, Vol.. 51.No.1(2008),s.322-326. ISSN 0474-8484.
The paper presents a detailed analysis of the problem of fundamental theoretical incorrectness of contemporary limit state theory in geotechnics, using partial material factors and statistical definition of material characteristic values for ultimate limit state designs. In conclusion the author formulates the fundamental principles of modern design concept (ultimate limit state design) in geotechnics corresponding to the present state-of-the-art.

2. Koudelka, P. (2008b): History of Ultimate Limit State of Bored Piles. Proc.6th IC Case Histories in Geotechnical Engineering, Arlington (USA), University of Missouri-Rolla, Rolla (Missouri), Shamsher Prakash, ISBN 1-8870009-14-0, # 1.48..
In European Union, the basic geotechnical code "EUROCODE 7 - Geotechnical design, Part 1 - General rules" (EC7-1) has been finished and its National Annexes have been drafted. The designs according to both EC7-1 and the Czech basic standard ČSN 73 0031 “Structural reliability – Basic requirements for design” are based on the Limit State Design theory. However, there is a principal difference between the inputs according to EC7-1 and the inputs according to ČSN 73 0031. In general, the input difference results in too conservative (ineffective) designs according to EC7-1 and more effective (more optimistic) designs according to ČSN. Due to these differences analyses of slopes, shallow foundations and earth pressure concepts have been carried out and an analysis of pile design appears necessary, too. The Paper shows briefly the history and development of the Ultimate Limit State Design of bored piles. Attention focuses on a comparative analysis of the tabular design values and the results of numerical analysis and their suitability for the Czech National Annex of EC7-1. The analysis results are compared with tabular design values of the relevant Czech standard.

3. Koudelka, P. (2008c): Granular Mass Behaviour under Passive Pressure. Proc.6th IC Case Histories in Geotechnical Engineering, Arlington (USA), University of Missouri-Rolla, Rolla (Missouri), Shamsher Prakash, ISBN 1-8870009-14-0, # 5.35.
Actual behaviour of the soil/granular mass under lateral/earth pressure is highly complex and has not been sufficiently described and known to data. In this paper the term "Lateral pressure" is used instead of the customary "earth pressure" to differentiate a new theoretical approach to the problem and because the term "lateral pressure" appears more adequate and less general in this particular problem. A significant characteristic of lateral pressure consists in its continuous variability in time. For this reason a number of objections may be raised against the contemporary earth pressure theory. The paper sums up the present state of knowledge and a new theory acquired by research. It shows the real non-cohesive mass behaviour under passive pressure.

4 Koudelka, P. (2008d): Physical Experiments with Medium Granular Models under Lateral Passive Pressure of Rotating Wall. Proc. 12th IC of International Association for Computer Methods and Advances in Geomechanics, Goa (India), D.N. Singh. Invited paper #212, Abs.p.163.
A number of objections may be raised against the contemporary earth pressure theory. On the basis of theoretical considerations, physical and numerical experiments an advanced General Lateral Pressure Theory (GLPT) is being developed at actual stage. The long-term physical experimental research of lateral pressure has been proceeding since 1996. Original stand and pressure sensors were developed for the monitoring of both normal and tangential (shear) components of lateral pressure. The front wall of the stand with the sensors can be moved arbitrarily, the lateral glass walls enable visual monitoring of displacements and deformations within the tested soil mass. The research using this stand has yielded some obviously new results some of which can be considered substantial. Among others such high passive pressure was achieved that the nearest lateral glass walls cracked. The experiment E3/2 was completed successfully, but the stand renovation was necessary. The second development stage of the stand involved the production and installation of thicker lateral glass walls and particularly the development and implementation of a new concept of front wall motor drive with computer control. A further doubling experiment E4/2 is under preparation.

5 Koudelka, P. (2008e): Vliv dílčích materiálových součinitelů podle EUROCODE 7-1 – Plošné základy (Influence of Partial Material Factors According to EUROCODE 7-1 - Shallow Foundations, in Czech). Proc. 36th NC Foundations – Brno 2006, Brno (Czech Republic), Akademické nakladatelství CERM, s.r.o. Brno, J. Jettmar, ISBN 978-80-86604-38-1, pp.60-67.
At present, when the translation into national languages and the National Annexes of EC7-1 have been carried out, it seems convenient to make a broad comparative analysis of the EC7-1 and ČSN 73 1001 design procedures concerning bearing capacity and their effects. A formerly presented similarity solution of bearing capacity of shallow foundations (Koudelka 2006a, b) improved according to EC 7-1 is used in the paper. The solution forms the basis of a comparative analysis enabling a simpler numerical analysis. The scale of the analysis should be sufficiently wide to cover the usual soils. In the frame work of the analysis, the EC7-1 and ČSN 73 1001 design results are compared with the tables of design bearing capacities of ČSN 73 1001. The result evaluation lead to a simple non-conventional conclusion.

6 Koudelka, P. (2008f): Analýza návrhů podle ČSN a EUROCODE 7-1 – Pilotové základy (Design Analysis Acording to EUROCODE 7-1 - Pile Foundations, in Czech). Proc. 36th NC Foundations – Brno 2006, Brno (Czech Republic), Akademické nakladatelství CERM, s.r.o. Brno, J. Jettmar, ISBN 978-80-86604-38-1, pp.68-73,
In European Union, the basic geotechnical code "EUROCODE 7 - Geotechnical design, Part 1 - General rules" (EC7-1) has been finished and its National Annexes have been drafted. The designs according to both EC7-1 and the Czech basic standard ČSN 73 0031 “Structural reliability – Basic requirements for design” are based on the Limit State Design theory. However, there is a principal difference between the inputs according to EC7-1 and the inputs according to ČSN 73 0031. In general, the input difference results in too conservative (ineffective) designs according to EC7-1 and more effective (more optimistic) designs according to ČSN. Due to these differences analyses of slopes, shallow foundations and earth pressure concepts have been carried out and an analysis of pile design appears necessary, too. The Paper shows briefly the history and development of the Ultimate Limit State Design of bored piles. Attention focuses on a comparative analysis of the tabular design values and the results of numerical analysis and their suitability for the Czech National Annex of EC7-1. The analysis results are compared with tabular design values of the relevant Czech standard.

7. Koudelka, P (2008g): Evaluation and future the ultimate limit state design in geomechanics. Proc. 13th IC on Problems of Material Engineering, Mechanics and Design, 26-29.8.2008, Rájecké Teplice (Slovak Republic). Trenčianská Univ. A. Dubčeka – FPT Púchov, ISBN 978-80-969728-2-1, ps.9.
The introduction of seven out of eight EUROCODES (1-6, 8) was not so difficult like EUROCODE 7 (Geotechnical design) which has met theoretical problems. The problems do exist in the application of the limit states theory to the field of geotechnical design. The problems appeared clearly at IWS Dublin 2005 on Evaluation and Implementation of EC7-1 (final draft EN 1997-1) “Geootechnical design: Part 1 – General rules” (great discussion forum for a general international evaluation of the final draft). This theory was formulated for geomechanics after 1950 (most probably it is possible to refer to Brinch Hansen, 1953) with, however, one fundamental fatal error, i.e. the introduction of substitute material physical characteristics to computation models which is at variance with the fundamental principles of mechanics. Almost all problems of geotechnics are significantly and complexly non-linear and the behaviour of theoretical models with different characteristics is different. This conclusion was attained in the Czech Republic after several decades of limit states design application to geotechnics and after far-reaching theoretical studies. The paper presents an evaluation both of the “IWS Dublin 2005” results and the followed development in geomechanical designs. Some conclusions for theoretical research and practice are submitted.

8. Koudelka, P. – Koudelka T. (2008): Galerie Chotkovy silnice v Praze - stabilitní problém (The Bridge Gallery of “Chotkova Road” – Problem of Stability, in Czech). Doprava (Transport), Min. dopravy, ISSN 012-5520,Vol.50,No.2008/2, pp.12-16,
The bridge gallery of “Chotkova road” and rock body in its area have shown slight long-term movements. The behaviour of both bridge and body have been monitored and measured since the bridge structure in 1967-1969, i.e. more than 35 years. Further, the body was weakened in 90-ies due to demolition of old houses and the excavation for a new hotel under the bridge gallery at the body toe. Due to the following movements of the rock body and foundations of the gallery the basic stability analysis of the slope with rock cliff was carried out in 2004. The article presents a detailed information on results and conclusions of the numerical analysis using a very advanced numerical model (programme SIFEL – Czech Technical University in Prague, Faculty of Civil Engineering) and mentions also other theoretical numerical analyses.

9. Koudelka P.- Valach J. (2008): Physical Experiments with Granular Materials under Different Gravity. Book of Contributions of 46th International Scientific Conference “EXPERIMENTAL STRESS ANALYSIS 2008” & CD & Proc.ext.abs., Horní Bečva (Czech Republic), VSB-TU in Ostrava, J. Fuxa&P. Macura et al., ISBN 978-80-248-1774-3, 4 ps. & pp.135-138.
A number of physical experiments with lateral pressure of granular material (ideal non-cohesive sand) were performed at the Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics during last ten years in conditions normal gravity 1G using medium samples of the size of 1.0*3.0*1.2 m (passive pressure) or 1.0*1.5*1.2 m (active pressure 1999-2000) [2]. The similar experiments with active pressure were performed in Japan (N.S. Kusakabe et al. 2005)[4] 3 years before under high gravity 50g using smaller sand and silt samples of the size of 0.2*0.4*0.4 m. Experiments with sand materials were performed also by NASA (USA) at the orbit without gravity (1996-1998) [5]. The paper gives basic information on the active pressure research in 1g and 50g gravity and on the research of deformation properties in conditions without gravity. It presents also a comparative analysis of some results of the Japan experimental study in 50g gravity with relevant results of Czech research in 1g gravity. An evaluation of behaviour of the used granular materials in different gravity conditions is comprised.



Publications 2007
1. Koudelka, P. [2007]: Numerical analysis of shallow foundations - Influence of partial material factors according to EUROCODE 7-1. Proc. 10th IC on Applications of Statistics and Probability in Civil Engineering - Tokyo 31st July-3rd Aug.2007, J. Kanda-T. Takada-H. Furuta, Taylor & Francis Group, London/Leiden/New York/Philadelphia/Singapore, ISBN 978-0-4-415-45211-3, CD#TA-5-2, Abs.pp.299-300.
2. Koudelka, P. (2007): Differences of concepts of ultimate limit states of soils and rocks. Proc. 12th IC on Problems of Material Engineering, Mechanics and Design, 29-31.8.2007, Jasná, Slovak Republic. Ed. Dubček Trenčín Univ. – FPT Púchov, ps.5.
3. Koudelka, P. (2007): Long-term behaviour of an old rescued building on heterogeneous clayey subgrade (in Czech). Proc. 35th NC Foundations – Brno 2007, Brno (Czech Republic). Ed. L. Míča, Akademické nakladatelství CERM, s.r.o. Brno, pp. 41-46.
4. Koudelka, P. (2007): Similarity of bearing capacity of bored piles according to ČSN 73 1002. Proc. NC Engineering Mechanics, 14-17.5.2007, Svratka, Czech Republic. Ed. I. Zolotarev, Institute of Thermomechanics – Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague, ISBN 978-80-87012-06-2, # 061, ps. 6.
5. Koudelka, P. (2007): Development of Experimental Equipment for Slow Process Dynamics of Lateral Pressure. Proc. 45th NC EAN 2007 (on experimental stress analysis), 5.-7.6.2007, Výhledy, Czech Republic. Ed. , ps. 6.
6. Koudelka, P. (2007): Differences between concepts of the Ultimate Limit States EC 7-1 and ČSN – Bearing capacity of shallow foundations (in Czech). Proc. NS UNIGEO 2007, Ostrava, Czech Republic. Ed. UNIGEO, ps. 9.
7. Koudelka, P. – Koudelka, T. (2007): Advanced numerical models - influence of partial material factors. Proc. 10th IC on Applications of Statistics and Probability in Civil Engineering - Tokyo 31st July-3rd Aug.2007, J. Kanda-T. Takada-H. Furuta, Taylor & Francis Group, London/Leiden/New York/Philadelphia/Singapore, ISBN 978-0-4-415-45211-3, CD#FE-6-6, Abs.pp.597-598.

Extension 2007
8. 2th WS ITAM – New Theoretical Knowledge in Geotechnics. (4 lectures)

Abstracts 2007
1. Koudelka, P. [2007]: Numerical analysis of shallow foundations - Influence of partial material factors according to EUROCODE 7-1. Proc. 10th IC on Applications of Statistics and Probability in Civil Engineering - Tokyo 31st July-3rd Aug.2007, J. Kanda-T. Takada-H. Furuta, Taylor & Francis Group, London/Leiden/New York/Philadelphia/Singapore, ISBN 978-0-4-415-45211-3, CD#TA-5-2, Abs.pp.299-300.
At present, when the translation into national languages and the National Annexes of EC7-1 have been carried out, it seems convenient to make a broad comparative analysis of the EC7-1 and ČSN 73 1001 design procedures concerning bearing capacity and their effects. A formerly presented similarity solution of bearing capacity of shallow foundations (Koudelka 2006a, b) improved according to EC 7-1 is used in the paper. The solution forms the basis of a comparative analysis enabling a simpler numerical analysis. The scale of the analysis should be sufficiently wide to cover the usual soils. In the frame work of the analysis, the EC7-1 and ČSN 73 1001 design results are compared with the tables of design bearing capacities of ČSN 73 1001. The result evaluation lead to a simple non-conventional conclusion.
Advanced and especially very advanced numerical models encounter very serious problems, if the Limit State Design should be applied. Obviously, the difficulties are caused by the significantly non-linear character of constitutive relations of advanced models. Comparative numerical analyses appear useful. The Paper presents the results of advanced analyses of a sheer slope in the centre of Prague almost 50 m high and compares the results with the influence of partial material factors used according to the EC7-1. The very advanced numerical models have been created and solved using the programme SIFEL, which developed in an international framework at Czech Technical University for British nuclear plants.

2. Koudelka, P. (2007): Differences of concepts of ultimate limit states of soils and rocks. Proc. 12th IC on Problems of Material Engineering, Mechanics and Design, 29-31.8.2007, Jasná, Slovak Republic. Ed. Dubček Trenčín Univ. – FPT Púchov, ps.5.
The paper presents a detailed analysis of the problem of fundamental theoretical incorrectness of contemporary limit state theory in geotechnics, using partial material factors and statistical definition of material characteristic values for ultimate limit state designs. In conclusion the author formulates the fundamental principles of modern design concept (ultimate limit state design) in geotechnics corresponding to the present state-of-the-art.

3. Koudelka, P. (2007): Long-term behaviour of an old rescued building on heterogeneous clayey subgrade (in Czech). Proc. 35th NC Foundations – Brno 2007, Brno (Czech Republic). Ed. L. Míča, Akademické nakladatelství CERM, s.r.o. Brno, pp. 41-46.
The Paper presents a case of the old school building strong cracked due to long-term settlement. The investor could not provide a capital enough for an application of means of the special foundation engineering. Thus, there was allocated an extending of the foundations by conventional means in some phases step by step using the observation method. The underground conditions are rather unfavourable (9 m soft clay sediments) and they are necessary plate foundations. Despite this fact the total amount is estimated at 50-60% usual costs.

4. Koudelka, P. (2007): Similarity of bearing capacity of bored piles according to ČSN 73 1002. Proc. NC Engineering Mechanics, 14-17.5.2007, Svratka, Czech Republic. Ed. I. Zolotarev, Institute of Thermomechanics – Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague, ISBN 978-80-87012-06-2, # 061, ps. 6.
Now, the translation in Czech and National Annex of EC7-1 (EUROCODE 7 - Geotechnical design, Part 1: General rules) are made. The principal difference exists between inputs according to EC7-1 and inputs according to the Czech basic standard ČSN 73 0031 “Structural reliability – Basic requirements for design”. In general, the input difference leads to too conservative (ineffective) designs according to EC7-1 and more effective (more optimistic) designs according to ČSN. A comparative numerical analysis of the both design procedures appears useful. The paper deals with a similarity solution of bearing capacity of bored piles according to ČSN 73 1002 “Pile foundations” (1987) using also ČSN 73 1004 “Drilled piers”. The solution should provide a part of the comparing analysis base for a simpler analysing.

5. Koudelka, P. (2007): Development of Experimental Equipment for Slow Process Dynamics of Lateral Pressure – State in April 2007. Proc. 45th NC EAN 2007 (on experimental stress analysis), 5.-7.6.2007, Výhledy, Czech Republic. Ed. FAV West Czech University of Plzeň, file 561, ps. 6.
The experimental research of lateral pressure has been proceeding by means of physical as well as advanced numerical models. Original stand, pressure sensors were developed for the monitoring of both components of lateral pressure, i.e. normal and tangential (shear) ones. The front wall of the stand with the sensors is arbitrarily moved, the side glass walls make possible the visual monitoring of displacements and deformations within a tested soil mass. The research using this stand has brought some obviously new results of some which can be considered as substantial. Among others it was achieved so high passive pressure that the nearest glass side tables cracked but the experiment was successfully finished, however the stand renovation has been necessary. The second development stage of the stand involved a reconstruction the thicker glass side walls with regarding front wall and particularly development and carrying out a new concept of front wall engine motion drown by computer.

6. Koudelka, P. (2007): Differences between concepts of the Ultimate Limit States EC 7-1 and ČSN – Bearing capacity of shallow foundations (in Czech). Proc. NS UNIGEO 2007, Ostrava, Czech Republic. Ed. UNIGEO, ps. 9.
The paper compares different design concepts of EC 7-1 (EN 1997-1 Geotechnical design, Part. 1 – General rules) to the Czech standard ČSN 73 1001 Shallow foundations. Both standards are based on the theory of Limit State Design. Results of the comparison lead to a conclusion that the theory matter of the Ultimate Limit State Design is based on mathematically and physically incorrect definition of derivation of design material values.

7. Koudelka, P. – Koudelka, T. (2007): Advanced numerical models - influence of partial material factors. Proc. 10th IC on Applications of Statistics and Probability in Civil Engineering - Tokyo 31st July-3rd Aug.2007, J. Kanda-T. Takada-H. Furuta, Taylor & Francis Group, London/Leiden/New York/Philadelphia/Singapore, ISBN 978-0-4-415-45211-3, CD#FE-6-6, Abs.pp.597-598.
Advanced and especially very advanced numerical models encounter very serious problems, if the Limit State Design should be applied. Obviously, the difficulties are caused by the significantly non-linear character of constitutive relations of advanced models. Comparative numerical analyses appear useful. The Paper presents the results of advanced analyses of a sheer slope in the centre of Prague almost 50 m high and compares the results with the influence of partial material factors used according to the EC7-1. The very advanced numerical models have been created and solved using the programme SIFEL, which developed in an international framework at Czech Technical University for British nuclear plants.


Publications 2006
1. Koudelka P. (2006a): Similarity of shallow foundations according to ČSN 73 1001 (#355). Proc. ext. abs 12th NC Engineering Mechanics 2006, Svratka (Czech Republic),ITAM ASc. CzR, J. Náprstek - C. Fischer ISBN 80-86246-27-2, pp.170-1.
2. Koudelka P. (2006b): Numerical analysis of shallow foundation bearing capacity according to the Czech standard ČSN 73 1001 (in Czech). Proc. 34th NC Foundations - Brno 2006, CTU in Prague - FCE,
3. Koudelka P., Bubák A. (2006): Development of experimental equipment for slow processes of lateral pressure and its dynamics. Proc. 6th IC Physical Modelling in Geotechnics, Hong Kong, 4-6.8.2006. IS SMGE/TC 2, C.W.W. Ng, L.M. Zhang & Y.H. Wang, Taylor & Francis, ISBN 0-415-41586-1, London-Leiden-New York-Philadelphia-Singapore, No.3.08, Vol.1, pp.205-8.
4. Koudelka P. - Koudelka T. (2006): Verifying of an advanced non-linear numerical model for retaining structures – Numerical experiment EN3/2. Proc. 6th IC Physical Modelling in Geotechnics, Hong Kong, 4-6.8.2006. IS SMGE/TC 2, C.W.W. Ng, L.M. Zhang & Y.H. Wang, Taylor & Francis, ISBN 0-415-41586-1, London-Leiden-New York-Philadelphia-Singapore, No.1.18, Vol.2, pp.1461-8.
5. Koudelka P. - Koudelka T. (2006): Risk assessment of a heterogeneously stratified rock cliff under an elevated road. Proc. XIIIth Danube European Conference on Geotechnical Engineering, Ljubljana, 29-31.5.2006, Slovenia. Ed. Slovenian Geotechnical Society, Sess.5, pp.25-30.
6. Koudelka P. – Valach J. (2006): Dynamics of Passive Lateral Pressure in Granular Mass during Discontinual Movement of Retaining Structure. Proc. 44th NC EAN 2006 (on experimental stress analysis), 23.-26.5.2006, Červený Kláštor, Slovak Republic. Ed. F. Trebuňa, TU Košice, Acta Mechanica Slovaca, ISSN 1335-2393 , #41, pp. 271-276.

Extension 2006

Abstracts 2006
1. Koudelka P. (2006a): Similarity of shallow foundations according to ČSN 73 1001 (#355). Proc. ext. abs 12th NC Engineering Mechanics 2006, Svratka (Czech Republic),ITAM ASc. CzR, J. Náprstek - C. Fischer ISBN 80-86246-27-2, pp.170-1.
Now, the translation in Czech and National Annex of EC7-1 (EUROCODE 7 - Geotechnical design, Part 1: General rules) are made. There appears to be convenient to carry out a wide comparing analysis of the EC7-1 and ČSN 73 1001 design procedures. The calculating procedure according to ČSN 73 1001 needs 8 inputs, the similar procedure according to EC7-1 needs inputs. These numbers of the inputs bring a huge number of combinations for a comparing analysis. The paper deals with a similarity solution of bearing capacity of shallow foundations according to ČSN 73 1001. The solution should provide a part of the comparing analysis base for a simpler analysing.

2. Koudelka P. (2006b): Numerical analysis of shallow foundation bearing capacity according to the Czech standard ČSN 73 1001 (in Czech). Proc. NC Foundations - Brno 2006, CTU in Prague - FCE,
The theoretical base of the EC7-1 Limit State Design is very dissimilar, more conservative, than the one of the Czech basic standard ČSN 73 0031 (Structural reliability - Basic requirements for design) which is proved by the long-term successful practice. Due to it an analysis of shallow foundations (and others geotechnical tasks) has appeared necessary. The numerical analysis results have been carried out according to the previous solution of the similarity function and are presented in the Paper.

3. Koudelka P., Bubák A. (2006): Development of experimental equipment for slow processes of lateral pressure and its dynamics. Proc. 6th IC Physical Modelling in Geotechnics, Hong Kong, 4-6.8.2006. IS SMGE/TC 2, C.W.W. Ng, L.M. Zhang & Y.H. Wang, Taylor & Francis, ISBN 0-415-41586-1, London-Leiden-New York-Philadelphia-Singapore, No.3.08, Vol.1, pp.205-8.
The experimental research of lateral pressure has been proceeding by means of physical as well as advanced numerical models. Original stand, pressure sensors were developed for the monitoring of both components of lateral pressure, i.e. normal and tangential (shear) ones. The front wall of the stand with the sensors is arbitrarily moved, the side glass walls make possible the visual monitoring of displacements and deformations within a tested soil mass. The research using this stand has brought some obviously new results of some which can be considered as substantial. Among others it was achieved so high passive pressure that the nearest glass side tables cracked but the experiment was successfully finished, however the stand renovation has been necessary. The second development stage of the stand involved a reconstruction the thicker glass side walls with regarding front wall and particularly development and carrying out a new concept of front wall engine motion drown by computer.

4. Koudelka P. - Koudelka T. (2006): Verifying of an advanced non-linear numerical model for retaining structures – Numerical experiment EN3/2. Proc. 6th IC Physical Modelling in Geotechnics, Hong Kong, 4-6.8.2006. IS SMGE/TC 2, C.W.W. Ng, L.M. Zhang & Y.H. Wang, Taylor & Francis, ISBN 0-415-41586-1, London-Leiden-New York-Philadelphia-Singapore, No.1.18, Vol.2, pp.1461-8.
Several numerical experiments with an embedded retaining wall were performed using different constitutive equations and different solution techniques (Dependent Pressure Method (DPM). Finite Element Method (FEM) according to Drucker-Prager, Mohr-Coulomb simpler models and Cam-Clay more advanced model. Finally a new method was developed during the past two years, based on the solution of lateral earth pressures as a contact problem using FEM. Independently, medium sized physical modelling experiments with active and passive pressure were performed. The first physical models for active pressure (E1 and E2) were medium-term experiments, the contemporarily last experiment E3 with passive pressure was a long-term experiment. The material of all experiments was the same: ideally non-cohesive sand. The paper presents information about the results of the numerical experiment EN3/2 that has repeated the physical experiment E3/2 (retaining wall rotating about the top). The last advanced version of the complex non-linear numerical model according to the General Lateral Pressure Theory (GLPT) has been used and compared with results of the physical experiment E3/2.

5. Koudelka P. - Koudelka T. (2006): Risk assessment of a heterogeneously stratified rock cliff under an elevated road. Proc. XIIIth Danube European Conference on Geotechnical Engineering, Ljubljana, 29-31.5.2006, Slovenia. Ed. Slovenian Geotechnical Society, Sess.5, pp.25-30.
A slight but permanently unstable behaviour of an elevated road carrying a carriageway and tram tracks in both directions in the historical centre of Prague (Chotek road) and the ambient rock mass has been monitored for over twenty years. The movement values of the order of several millimetres per year have been measured. The upper part of the elevated road is founded on a heterogeneously stratified rock cliff. It was found necessary to analyse reliability and to assess the risk of the whole slope with the cliff in the very heterogeneously stratified Llandeilo stratum (the flysh zone of Prague Ordovician). The significance of the task was intensified by position of the new "Hoffihotel" closely below the cliff (Fig.1a,b). The paper presents results of the risk assessment analyses according to the major aspects. The pier No. 10 can be considered as the most dangerous among analysed areas, the results presented are from that site.

6. Koudelka P. – Valach J. (2006): Dynamics of Passive Lateral Pressure in Granular Mass during Discontinual Movement of Retaining Structure. Proc. 44th NC EAN 2006 (on experimental stress analysis), 23.-26.5.2006, Červený Kláštor, Slovak Republic. Ed. F. Trebuňa, TU Košice, Acta Mechanica Slovaca, ISSN 1335-2393 , #41, pp. 271-276.
During monitoring of lateral pressure of a granular mass sample by bi-component sensors it is possible to acquire (even in shorter time sections) large data sets exhibiting distinct time instability. Generally, the instability has distinctive dynamics especially during and immediately after the retaining structure movement. The dynamic pressure tendency after the passive structure movement is usually decreasing (during the movement increasing) and therefore during discontinual structure movement the problem originates which pressure value should be taken like representative one. The paper aims at the analysis of the normal component histories of passive pressure of the experiment E3/2 in intervals of the discontinual movement and at the evaluation of the optimal interval length between the following retaining structure movements. The analysis in areas of the singular origin points completes the presented analysis of the long-term passive pressure instability and will be exploited in further experiments.


Publications 2005
1. Koudelka P. (2005a). Structure-ground interface friction of non-cohesive soils - Experiments E2-E3. Proc.ext.abstr. 22nd DAS on Experimental Methods in Solid Mechanics, 28.9.-1.10.2005, Italy. Ed. L. Collini., Univ. of Parma, ISBN 978-1-60423-573-9, Sess.D/56, pp.252-253.
2 Koudelka P. (2005b): More Advanced Theoretical Concept of Earth Pressure for EC7-1 and ČSN 73 0037 – Preliminary Draft. Proc. ISC on 55th anniversary of founding of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering – TU Ostrava, 7-9.9.2005, Ostrava, Czech Republic. Ed. K. Frydrýšek, TU Ostrava, ISBN 80-248-0896-X, Sess.9, ps.8.
3 Koudelka P. – Koudelka T. (2005): Numerical and Comparative Analysis of Earth Passive Pressure Acting. Proc. 5th IS Geotechnical Aspects of Underground Construction in Soft Ground 2005, Amsterdam. IS SMGE/TC 28, K.J. Bakker, No.75, pp.579-585.
4 Koudelka P. – Koudelka T. (2005): Active Structure Ground Interface Friction – Experiment E2. Proc. 33rd NC on Foundation Engineering, 7-8.11.2005, Brno, Czech Republic. Ed. L. Míča – L. Klímek, Czech Geotechnical Society of CzACE, ISBN 80-7204-413-3, pp.106-111.
5 Koudelka T. – Koudelka P. – Bittnar Z. (2005): Slope Stability of Layered Rock Mass – Numerical Solution. Proc. NC on Engineering Mechanics, 9-12.5.2005, Svratka, Czech Republic. Ed. V. Fuis – P. Švancara, Institute of Thermomechanics – CAS, Prague, ISBN 80-85918-93-5, ps.8.
6 Koudelka P. – Valach J. (2005): Surface Deformation of Non-cohesive Granular Mass Due to Lateral Passive Pressure – Experiment 3/2 – Rotation of Structure about the Top. Proc. NC on Engineering Mechanics, 9-12.5.2005, Svratka, Czech Republic. Ed. V. Fuis – P. Švancara, Institute of Thermomechanics – CAS, Prague, ISBN 80-85918-93-5, ps.7.
7 Valach J. - Koudelka P. (2005): Experiment E3/2 – Temperature Influence at lateral Pressure of a Non-cohesive Granular Mass. Proc. 43rd IC EAN 2005 on Experimental Stress Analysis, 7-9.6.2005, Skalský Dvůr, Czech Republic. Ed. Institute of Solid Mechanics, Mechatronics and Biomechanics – FME UT Brno, ISBN 80-214-2941-0, ps.9.

Extension 2005
8 2nd WS ITAM – New Theoretical Knowledge in Geotechnics. (3 lectures)

Abstracts 2005
1. Koudelka P. (2005a). Structure-ground interface friction of non-cohesive soils - Experiments E2-E3. Proc.ext.abstr. 22nd DAS on Experimental Methods in Solid Mechanics, 28.9.-1.10.2005, Italy. Ed. L. Collini., Univ.of Parma, ISBN 978-1-60423-573-9, Sess.D/56, pp.252-253.
Physical experiments dealing with the problem of lateral pressure of granular materials proceed some years using medium-size models of the ideal non-cohesive granular masses and bi-component pressure sensors. The experiments have brought extraordinary number of data of which is evaluated gradually. The results of the analyses of active normal components were presented previously. The Paper deals with the results of the tangential pressure component analysis of the experiment E2 and E3, i.e. with the interface friction during two basic types of movement towards active side.

2. Koudelka P. (2005b): More Advanced Theoretical Concept of Earth Pressure for EC7-1 and ČSN 73 0037 – Preliminary Draft. Proc. ISC on 55th anniversary of founding of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering – TU Ostrava, 7-9.9.2005, Ostrava, Czech Republic. Ed. K. Frydrýšek, TU Ostrava, ISBN 80-248-0896-X, Sess.9, ps.8.
The last knowledge of a long-term research has led to fundamental objections to the theoretical concept of our basic standards on earth pressure (EC7-1and ČSN 73 0037) to the formulation of the more advanced General Lateral Pressure Theory (GLPT). The fundamental objections include the following points:
a) Considering only a single value of the pressure at rest in the area of zero or very small movements of the retaining structure (see Fig.2a).
b) The idea of a single (mostly plane) shear or slip surface in the mass and its influence causing the unitary extreme (top) mobilisation of the shear along the surface.
c) The idea of the unitary acting of the extreme earth pressures (active or passive) on whole structure caused in dependence to a unitary structure movement, which is defined relatively to the height of structure and previously in codes (despite distinction of movement types).
d) Not taking into account the influence of the shear strength decrease on the residual value.
The Paper concerns with an analysis of earth pressure theory in EC7-1 used and drafts a more advanced concept of the theory.

3 Koudelka P. – Koudelka T. (2005): Numerical and Comparative Analysis of Earth Passive Pressure Acting. Proc. 5th IS Geotechnical Aspects of Underground Construction in Soft Ground 2005, Amsterdam. IS SMGE/TC 28, K.J. Bakker, No.75, pp.579-585.
The paper presents the results of physical and numerical experiments (E3/0+2, N3/0+2) both with the passive pressure and the pressure at rest of the ideally non-cohesive sand on a retaining wall rotated about the top. The numerical experiment repeats the physical experiment. The results are analysed and compared according to relevant requirements and recommendations of the final draft of EC 7-1 and ČSN 73 0037.

4 Koudelka P. – Koudelka T. (2005): Active Structure Ground Interface Friction – Experiment E2. Proc. NC on Foundation Engineering, 7-8.11.2005, Brno, Czech Republic. Ed. L. Míča – L. Klímek, Czech Geotechnical Society of CzACE, ISBN 80-7204-413-3, pp.106-111.
Physical experiments with lateral pressure of an ideal loose sand have been contrived during last years. Both components of the pressure acting on retaining structure have been measure separately, i.e. normal and friction ones. Results of analyses of a normal component behaviour have been published till this time. The paper yields results of an analysis of a friction component of active pressure during an experiment E2, i.e. during structure movement towards from the granular mass off and also negligible movements in an area of pressure at rest.

5 Koudelka T. – Koudelka P. – Bittnar Z. (2005): Slope Stability of Layered Rock Mass – Numerical Solution. Proc. NC on Engineering Mechanics, 9-12.5.2005, Svratka, Czech Republic. Ed. V. Fuis – P. Švancara, Institute of Thermomechanics – CAS, Prague, ISBN 80-85918-93-5, ps.8.
Instable behaviour both of the road and tram bridge at the Prague “Chotkova road” up to Klárov and the rock mass around has been monitored long time yet. The movements about some mm/year have been measured. These phenomena evoke doubts about the mass stability and due to this it was necessary to analyse reliability of the whole slope with the very heterogeneously layered cliff in the “letenské” stratum. The Paper presents information about the numerical analysis and its results.

6 Koudelka P. – Valach J. (2005): Surface Deformation of Non-cohesive Granular Mass Due to Lateral Passive Pressure – Experiment 3/2 – Rotation of Structure about the Top. Proc. NC on Engineering Mechanics, 9-12.5.2005, Svratka, Czech Republic. Ed. V. Fuis – P. Švancara, Institute of Thermomechanics – CAS, Prague, ISBN 80-85918-93-5, ps.7.
The paper presents the results of physical experiment E3/0+2 both with the passive pressure and the pressure at rest of the ideally non-cohesive sand on a retaining wall rotated about the top. The experiment had two principal research objects: monitoring of the relation pressure/structure movement (rotation about the top) and visual monitoring of the granular mass displacement, both into and on the upper mass surface. The paper deals in detail with the results and methods of the surface monitoring in detail.

7 Valach J. - Koudelka P. (2005): Experiment E3/2 – Temperature Influence at lateral Pressure of a Non-cohesive Granular Mass. Proc. 43rd IC EAN 2005 on Experimental Stress Analysis, 7-9.6.2005, Skalský Dvůr, Czech Republic. Ed. Institute of Solid Mechanics, Mechatronics and Biomechanics – FME UT Brno, ISBN 80-214-2941-0, ps.9.
In the framework of the long-term research of passive pressures and pressures at rest of a non-cohesive granular mass that proved existence of internal pressures and residual passive pressures during rotation of movable loading wall about its top, also yielded unexpected results similarly to previous research of active pressures, temperature influence on measured pressures was observed. With the respect to the quantitative evaluation of this temperature influence, the presented paper is devoted to the analysis of time series of measurement records of bi-component pressure sensors and temperature sensor, and concentrating on the correlation between the two variables in the context of granular mass behaviour research.



Publications 2004
1 Koudelka P. (2004): Contemporary State of the General Lateral Pressure Theory and Its Practical Application. Proc. 32nd NC on Foundation Engineering, 8-9.11.2004, Brno, Czech Republic. Ed. J. Jettmar-I. Vaníček, Akademické nakladatelství CERM, s.r.o., Brno, ISBN 80-7204-356-0, pp. ps. 6.
2 Koudelka P. – Bubák A. (2004): Development of a Stand for Stress Analyses – Stage 2. Proc. 42nd NC Experimental Stress Analysis, 1-3.6.2004, Kašperské Hory. Škoda Výzkum, Plzeň, ps. 4.
3 Koudelka T. – Hudek J. – Koudelka P. – Křížek J. (2004): Numerical Analysis of the Layered Rock Cliff under Transport Bridge. Proc. 32nd NC Foundations - 2004, 8-9.11.2004, Brno, Czech Republic. Ed. J. Jettmar-I. Vaníček, Akademické nakladatelství CERM, s.r.o., Brno, ISBN 80-7204-356-0, pp.294-299.
4 Koudelka, P. – Koudelka, T. (2004a). History of Passive Non-cohesive Mass and Its Consequences for Theory of Earth Pressure. Proc. 5th IC Case Histories in Geotechnical Engineering, 2004, New York, Ed. Shamsher Prakash, University of Missouri-Rolla, Rolla (Missouri), USA, # 5.67.
5 Koudelka P., Koudelka T. 2004b. Contemporary State of the General Lateral Pressure Theory and Its Practical Application. Proc. 15th SEAGC 2004, Bangkok, SEAGS&Eng.Institute of Thailand, D.T. Bergado, ISBN ,# 265,pp. (6).
6 Kuklík P. – Koudelka T. - Koudelka P. (2004): Passive Earth Pressure in Non-cohesive Soils, Calculation and Measurement. Proc. IC of Computation Methods, 15-17.12.2004, Singapore. Ed. NSU-Singapore, ps. 4.

Extension 2004

1 Koudelka P. (2004): Contemporary State of the General Lateral Pressure Theory and Its Practical Application. Proc. 32nd NC on Foundation Engineering, 8-9.11.2004, Brno, Czech Republic. Ed. J. Jettmar-I. Vaníček, Akademické nakladatelství CERM, s.r.o., Brno, ISBN 80-7204-356-0, pp. ps. 6.
The paper presents through the recent state of the General Lateral Pressure Theory (GLPT). This theory is supported by physical model experiments and by the time instability of lateral pressure, which is also mentioned. At the end the substance of GLPT is summed up in a few simple points. The paper presents the latest information about the development of GLPT, gives some conclusions and gives hints on its practical application

2 Koudelka P. – Bubák A. (2004): Development of a Stand for Stress Analyses – Stage 2. Proc. 42nd NC Experimental Stress Analysis, 1-3.6.2004, Kašperské Hory. Škoda Výzkum, Plzeň, ps. 4.
In the course of some past ears, the experimental research of lateral pressure of multi-phase materials has been proceeding by means of physical as well as advanced numerical models. Original stand, pressure sensors and other instruments were developed for physical experiments for the monitoring of both components of lateral pressure, i.e. normal and tangential (shear) ones. The front wall of the stand with the sensors is arbitrarily moved, the side glass walls make possible the visual monitoring of displacements and deformations within a tested soil mass. The research using this stand has brought some unexpected and obviously new results of some which can be considered as substantial. The research has deal both with active and passive pressure. It was achieved during the experiment E3/2 with passive pressure due to rotation about the top so high pressure that the nearest glass side table cracked. Despite of the cracks the experiment was successfully finished but the stand renovation has been necessary. In framework of the second development stage of the stand were designed and reconstructed the thicker glass side walls with regarding front wall and particularly developed and carried out a new concept of front wall engine motion drown by computer.

3 Koudelka T. – Hudek J. – Koudelka P. – Křížek J. (2004): Numerical Analysis of the Layered Rock Cliff under Transport Bridge. Proc. 32nd NC Foundations - 2004, Brno, Czech Republic. ED. J. Jettmar-I. Vaníček, Akademické nakladatelství CERM, s.r.o., Brno, ISBN 80-7204-356-0, pp.294-299.
A slight but durable instable behaviour both of the road and tram bridge at the Prague “Chotkova road” up to Klárov and the rock mass around has been monitored long time yet. The movements have been monitored more than 20 years and the values to about some mm/year have been measured. The upper outer part of communication lies on the bridge at the layered rock cliff built. These phenomena evoke doubts about the mass stability, except of under the foundations of the bridge piers. Due to this it was necessary to analyse reliability of the whole slope with the very heterogeneously layered cliff in the “letenské” stratum. The Paper presents information about the analysis and its results.

4 Koudelka, P. – Koudelka, T. (2004a). History of Passive Non-cohesive Mass and Its Consequences for Theory of Earth Pressure. Proc. 5th IC Case Histories in Geotechnical Engineering, 2004, New York, Ed. Shamsher Prakash, University of Missouri-Rolla, Rolla (Missouri), USA, # 5.67.
Recently, the long-term research of passive pressure has been carried out. The rotation about the toe of the physical model sized 3.0*1.0*1.2 m has brought unexpected results similarly as the previous research of active pressure. The research contains among others the investigation of time stability of both pressure components, i.e. normal component and shear component. The paper presents latest information about physical modelling and its results and compares the results with the concept of the developed the General Lateral Pressure Theory (GLPT). This theory is supported also by the monitored time instability of lateral pressure, which is discussed as well. The recent state of the General Lateral Pressure theory in contradiction to the state of the recent earth pressure theory is mentioned.

5 Koudelka P., Koudelka T. 2004b. Contemporary State of the General Lateral Pressure Theory and Its Practical Application. Proc. 15th SEAGC 2004, Bangkok, SEAGS&Eng.Institute of Thailand, D.T.Bergado, ISBN ,# 265,pp. (6).
The paper presents through the recent state of the General Lateral Pressure Theory (GLPT). This theory is supported by physical model experiments and by the time instability of lateral pressure, which is also mentioned. At the end the substance of GLPT is summed up in a few simple points. The paper presents the latest information about the development of GLPT, gives some conclusions and gives hints on its practical application.

6 Kuklík P. – Koudelka T. - Koudelka P. (2004): Passive Earth Pressure in Non-cohesive Soils, Calculation and Measurement. Proc. IC of Computation Methods, 15-17.12.2004, Singapore. Ed. NSU-Singapore, ps. 4.
Both experimental and numerical research of earth pressure is in progress using an original medium size experimental stand and advanced original software. The stand reconstructed during 2003 makes it possible to move the front (retaining) wall arbitrari1y (rotation about the toe on top and translation) with the required arbitrarily slow velocity. Both components (normal and shear) on the pressure on the front wal1 are monitored simultaneously and continuously by two-component sensors. Also the displacement of the front retaining wall is monitored automatica11y and continuously. The paper will present the results of two physical long-term experiments and theirs back analysis. Moving of rigid wall onwards or backwards respectively activated the quality of the pressure. Numerical modeling, based on the comprehensive non-linear analysis, was partially provided using self developed code SIFEL, partially employing ADINA professional computer code.


Publications 2004
1 Koudelka P. (2004): Contemporary State of the General Lateral Pressure Theory and Its Practical Application. Proc. 32nd NC on Foundation Engineering, 8-9.11.2004, Brno, Czech Republic. Ed. J. Jettmar-I. Vaníček, Akademické nakladatelství CERM, s.r.o., Brno, ISBN 80-7204-356-0, pp. ps. 6.
2 Koudelka P. – Bubák A. (2004): Development of a Stand for Stress Analyses – Stage 2. Proc. 42nd NC Experimental Stress Analysis, 1-3.6.2004, Kašperské Hory. Škoda Výzkum, Plzeň, ps. 4.
3 Koudelka T. – Hudek J. – Koudelka P. – Křížek J. (2004): Numerical Analysis of the Layered Rock Cliff under Transport Bridge. Proc. 32nd NC Foundations - 2004, 8-9.11.2004, Brno, Czech Republic. Ed. J. Jettmar-I. Vaníček, Akademické nakladatelství CERM, s.r.o., Brno, ISBN 80-7204-356-0, pp.294-299.
4 Koudelka, P. – Koudelka, T. (2004a). History of Passive Non-cohesive Mass and Its Consequences for Theory of Earth Pressure. Proc. 5th IC Case Histories in Geotechnical Engineering, 2004, New York, Ed. Shamsher Prakash, University of Missouri-Rolla, Rolla (Missouri), USA, # 5.67.
5 Koudelka P., Koudelka T. 2004b. Contemporary State of the General Lateral Pressure Theory and Its Practical Application. Proc. 15th SEAGC 2004, Bangkok, SEAGS&Eng.Institute of Thailand, D.T. Bergado, ISBN ,# 265,pp. (6).
6 Kuklík P. – Koudelka T. - Koudelka P. (2004): Passive Earth Pressure in Non-cohesive Soils, Calculation and Measurement. Proc. IC of Computation Methods, 15-17.12.2004, Singapore. Ed. NSU-Singapore, ps. 4.

Extension 2004

1 Koudelka P. (2004): Contemporary State of the General Lateral Pressure Theory and Its Practical Application. Proc. 32nd NC on Foundation Engineering, 8-9.11.2004, Brno, Czech Republic. Ed. J. Jettmar-I. Vaníček, Akademické nakladatelství CERM, s.r.o., Brno, ISBN 80-7204-356-0, pp. ps. 6.
The paper presents through the recent state of the General Lateral Pressure Theory (GLPT). This theory is supported by physical model experiments and by the time instability of lateral pressure, which is also mentioned. At the end the substance of GLPT is summed up in a few simple points. The paper presents the latest information about the development of GLPT, gives some conclusions and gives hints on its practical application

2 Koudelka P. – Bubák A. (2004): Development of a Stand for Stress Analyses – Stage 2. Proc. 42nd NC Experimental Stress Analysis, 1-3.6.2004, Kašperské Hory. Škoda Výzkum, Plzeň, ps. 4.
In the course of some past ears, the experimental research of lateral pressure of multi-phase materials has been proceeding by means of physical as well as advanced numerical models. Original stand, pressure sensors and other instruments were developed for physical experiments for the monitoring of both components of lateral pressure, i.e. normal and tangential (shear) ones. The front wall of the stand with the sensors is arbitrarily moved, the side glass walls make possible the visual monitoring of displacements and deformations within a tested soil mass. The research using this stand has brought some unexpected and obviously new results of some which can be considered as substantial. The research has deal both with active and passive pressure. It was achieved during the experiment E3/2 with passive pressure due to rotation about the top so high pressure that the nearest glass side table cracked. Despite of the cracks the experiment was successfully finished but the stand renovation has been necessary. In framework of the second development stage of the stand were designed and reconstructed the thicker glass side walls with regarding front wall and particularly developed and carried out a new concept of front wall engine motion drown by computer.

3 Koudelka T. – Hudek J. – Koudelka P. – Křížek J. (2004): Numerical Analysis of the Layered Rock Cliff under Transport Bridge. Proc. 32nd NC Foundations - 2004, Brno, Czech Republic. ED. J. Jettmar-I. Vaníček, Akademické nakladatelství CERM, s.r.o., Brno, ISBN 80-7204-356-0, pp.294-299.
A slight but durable instable behaviour both of the road and tram bridge at the Prague “Chotkova road” up to Klárov and the rock mass around has been monitored long time yet. The movements have been monitored more than 20 years and the values to about some mm/year have been measured. The upper outer part of communication lies on the bridge at the layered rock cliff built. These phenomena evoke doubts about the mass stability, except of under the foundations of the bridge piers. Due to this it was necessary to analyse reliability of the whole slope with the very heterogeneously layered cliff in the “letenské” stratum. The Paper presents information about the analysis and its results.

4 Koudelka, P. – Koudelka, T. (2004a). History of Passive Non-cohesive Mass and Its Consequences for Theory of Earth Pressure. Proc. 5th IC Case Histories in Geotechnical Engineering, 2004, New York, Ed. Shamsher Prakash, University of Missouri-Rolla, Rolla (Missouri), USA, # 5.67.
Recently, the long-term research of passive pressure has been carried out. The rotation about the toe of the physical model sized 3.0*1.0*1.2 m has brought unexpected results similarly as the previous research of active pressure. The research contains among others the investigation of time stability of both pressure components, i.e. normal component and shear component. The paper presents latest information about physical modelling and its results and compares the results with the concept of the developed the General Lateral Pressure Theory (GLPT). This theory is supported also by the monitored time instability of lateral pressure, which is discussed as well. The recent state of the General Lateral Pressure theory in contradiction to the state of the recent earth pressure theory is mentioned.

5 Koudelka P., Koudelka T. 2004b. Contemporary State of the General Lateral Pressure Theory and Its Practical Application. Proc. 15th SEAGC 2004, Bangkok, SEAGS&Eng.Institute of Thailand, D.T.Bergado, ISBN ,# 265,pp. (6).
The paper presents through the recent state of the General Lateral Pressure Theory (GLPT). This theory is supported by physical model experiments and by the time instability of lateral pressure, which is also mentioned. At the end the substance of GLPT is summed up in a few simple points. The paper presents the latest information about the development of GLPT, gives some conclusions and gives hints on its practical application.

6 Kuklík P. – Koudelka T. - Koudelka P. (2004): Passive Earth Pressure in Non-cohesive Soils, Calculation and Measurement. Proc. IC of Computation Methods, 15-17.12.2004, Singapore. Ed. NSU-Singapore, ps. 4.
Both experimental and numerical research of earth pressure is in progress using an original medium size experimental stand and advanced original software. The stand reconstructed during 2003 makes it possible to move the front (retaining) wall arbitrari1y (rotation about the toe on top and translation) with the required arbitrarily slow velocity. Both components (normal and shear) on the pressure on the front wal1 are monitored simultaneously and continuously by two-component sensors. Also the displacement of the front retaining wall is monitored automatica11y and continuously. The paper will present the results of two physical long-term experiments and theirs back analysis. Moving of rigid wall onwards or backwards respectively activated the quality of the pressure. Numerical modeling, based on the comprehensive non-linear analysis, was partially provided using self developed code SIFEL, partially employing ADINA professional computer code.



Publications 2002
1 Koudelka P. (2002a): Influence of different ULS code systems of partial factors and derived values in slope design. Proc. IWS Kamakura 2002 (Japan), Balkema Publ., Lisse/Abingdon/Exton (PA)/Tokyo, pp.333-339.
2 Koudelka P. (2002b): Influence of the final draft EC7-1 and other ULS code systems of partial factors and derived values in slope design. TC23 report. ITAM Asc CzR, Prague, ps.15.
3 Koudelka P. (2002c): An Efficiency Analysis of Design Theories for Slopes. Proc. Proc.30th NC Foundations, Brno. CzGS, 11-12.11.2002, Brno, ISBN 80-7204-252-1, pp.34-41.
4 Koudelka, P. – Koudelka T. (2002a): Comparative Numerical Experiments with Lateral Pressure of Noncohesive Sand. Proc. NC Eng. Mechanics, 2002, Svratka, FSI VUT Brno, Houfek et.al., ISBN 80-214-2104-6, abs.pp.135-136.
5 Koudelka, P. – Koudelka T. (2002b): Briefly on the Extreme and Intermediate Lateral Pressures on Structures. Proc. 12th DEC Geotechnical Engineering, 2002, Passau, DGGT, Gudehus et.al., ISBN 3-7739-5973-7, pp.343-346.
6 Koudelka P. – Valach J. (2002): Bi-component Press Sensors and their Use for Lateral Pressure Measurements of Granular Mass Models. Proc. IC ISSMGE/TC2 on Physical Modelling in Geotechnics, 2002, St. John´s (NFLD, Canada), Vol.3,pp.107-111.

Extension 2002

Abstracts 2002
1 Koudelka P. (2002a): Influence of different ULS code systems of partial factors and derived values in slope design. Proc. IWS Kamakura 2002 (Japan), Balkema Publ., Lisse/Abingdon/Exton (PA)/Tokyo, pp.333-339.
One of the long developed geotechnical codes, which are based on Limit States theory is EC 7-1, which shall to come in force in near future. This code prescribes the system of partial factors deriving the design values of soil properties. The procedure is in contradiction with the principle of superposition and leads to the Substitutive Properties Paradox. The Paper shows results of a comparative analysis quantifying the generally low efficiency of EC 7-1 ULSD system (case G1 – C before) for slope design.

2 Koudelka P. (2002b): Influence of the final draft EC7-1 and other ULS code systems of partial factors and derived values in slope design. TC23 report. ITAM Asc CzR, Prague, ps.15.
This report summarises the progress made in Czech Republic with the implementation of Limit State Design (LSD) in geotechnical engineering. LSD in civil engineering uses since 60-ties independent to West Europe. After year 1989 in 90-ties the Czech Republic have become the member of CEN and its standards have been preparing for association to European Union. In spite of it, due to number year opinion, Czech geotechnical professionals see some unsatisfactory points of the conventional LSD theory in geotechnics and thus also of several important paragraphs of EC 7-1 included. A research is carried out to be cleared difficulties with LSD in geotechnics
The previously presented cases of differences of the properties of substitutive material, the different behaviour of idealised soil mass of slopes and the corresponding history of earth pressures beyond the retaining wall show that the present application of the Ultimate Limit State in EC7-1 (as well as in the respective Czech Standards ČSN) is not satisfactory. The design reliability fluctuates from too conservative to too optimistic below the usual safety margin.

3 Koudelka P. (2002c): An Efficiency Analysis of Design Theories for Slopes. Proc. Proc.30th NC Foundations, Brno. CzGS, 11-12.11.2002, Brno, ISBN 80-7204-252-1, pp.34-41.
One of the long developed geotechnical codes, which are based on Limit States theory is EC 7-1, which shall to come in force in near future. This code prescribes the system of partial factors deriving the design values of soil properties a statistical derivation of characteristic values. The procedure is in contradiction with the principle of superposition and leads to the Substitutive Properties Paradox. The Paper shows results of a comparative analysis quantifying the generally low efficiency of preliminary EC 7-1 (1994) ULSD system (case G1 – C befor) for slope design. The approach 2 and approach 3 according to the final version of EC7-1 (10/2001) appear more convenient but both approaches do not appear to be the final solution. The Paper dealing with the principal problem of the Limit State Design theory in geotechnics should be a reminder of the general neglect of the most important presumption of the one of basic mechanics principles, i.e. principle of superposition (Koudelka 1996, 1998).

4 Koudelka, P. – Koudelka T. (2002a): Comparative Numerical Experiments with Lateral Pressure of Noncohesive Sand. Proc. NC Eng. Mechanics 2002, Svratka, FSI VUT Brno, Houfek et.al., ISBN 80-214-2104-6, abs.pp.135-136.
Two medium-term experiments with lateral pressure of flowing loose sand acting on a retaining wall were performed. The experiments showed some rather unexpected behaviour of the granular mass, especially its deformations and failures during three different wall movements. The measurements included both components of the pressure of the mass. Two analogous numerical model experiments were made, based on the General Lateral Pressure Theory (GLPT). The paper presents the main results of a detailed numerical analysis of the second numerical experiment using an advanced FORESTER programme. The analysis involves all three basic types of active wall movements. The results are compared with the results of the respective phases of the physical experiment.

5 Koudelka, P. – Koudelka T. (2002b): Briefly on the Extreme and Intermediate Lateral Pressures on Structures. Proc. 12th DEC Geotechnical Engineering, 2002, Passau, DGGT, Gudehus et.al., ISBN 3-7739-5973-7, pp.343-346.
The present conventional theory of earth pressure contains several discrepancies. The theory is used generally also for designs of transport structures in traffic infrastructure. The fundamental objections to the conventional theory concern pressure at rest, ideas of shearing resistance mobilisation and unitary acting of extreme pressures (active and passive) and, also residual pressure. The paper presents the second part of a more general theory (GLPT) which is proposed to eliminate the discrepancies. The first part of GLPT on pressure at rest was presented formerly. The proposed GLPT has been used for the algorithm of the computing programme FORESTR yet.

6 Koudelka P. – Valach J. (2002): Bi-component Press Sensors and their Use for Lateral Pressure Measurements of Granular Mass Models. Proc. IC ISSMGE/TC2 on Physical Modelling in Geotechnics, 2002, St. John´s (NFLD, Canada), Vol.3, pp.107-111.
The paper concentrates on experimental technology and analysis of the two main problem of the lateral pressure of granular materials. Both the presented information about the pressure record and the analysis procedure are based on the Czech invention of the bi-component sensor. The paper contains also more detailed explanation of adjoining effects of milieu.



Publications 2001
1. Koudelka P. – Procházka P. (2001): Apriori Integration Method – Analysis, Similarity and Optimization of Slopes. 2001, Academia, Prague, ps. 168.
2 Koudelka, P. (2001a): “Numerical Analysis of a Physical Experiment with Retained Mass by GLPT”. Proc.RC Geotechnical Engineering in Soft Ground, Shanghai, Tongji University Press, pp.563-568.
3 Koudelka, P. (2001b): Substitutive Property Paradox in Geotechnics and Its Risks. Proc.29th NC Foundations, Brno, CzGS, Brno, pp.
4 Koudelka, P. – Koudelka T. (2001a): On Lateral Pressure at Rest of Granular Materials. Proc. NC Engineering Mechanics 2001, Svratka, IT ASc CzR Prague, Abstr. pp.143-144.
5 Koudelka, P. – Koudelka T. (2001b): Advanced numerical model based on the theory of General Lateral Pressure. Proc. XVth IC SMGE, 2001, Istanbul, Balkema, Lisse/Abingdon/Exton (PA)/Tokyo, Vol.2, pp.1175-1178.
6 Koudelka, P. – Šmíd J. – Valach J. – Čihař J. (2001): Application of Bi-component Tensors and Experimental Analysis of Noncohesive Granular Model Masses. Proc.39th NC Experimental Stress Analysis, Tábor, ITAM ASc CzR Prague, pp.175-180.

Extension 2001

1. Koudelka P. – Procházka P. (2001): Apriori Integration Method – Analysis, Similarity and Optimization of Slopes. 2001, Academia, Prague, ps. 168.
The revised English edition on the AIM (Apriori Integration Method) is based on the kernel of the initial Czech Publication (Koudelka – Procházka 1997) dealing with the method itself, the slope similarity and minimization process, which have remained valid and did not require any changes in spite of the lapse of time. This kernel has been translated with minor amendments and supplemented with a paragraph dealing with the application of the method. Other chapters concerning particularly the design theories etc. , have been revised and brought up to date. The annexes of the publication were supplemented with a diskette with a simple MINSLOPE programme comprising com=lete results of minimization of a simple slope in soil and soft rock mass. It can be stored in a laptop computer and enables designers to decide about the reliability of slope for in situ material conditions. This program is an ancestor of the program APRIN, which has been widely used for assessment of subway slopes.

2 Koudelka, P. (2001a): “Numerical Analysis of a Physical Experiment with Retained Mass by GLPT”. Proc.RC Geotechnical Engineering in Soft Ground, Shanghai, Tongji University Press, pp.563-568.
Two medium-term experiments with lateral pressure of flowing loose sand acting on a retaining wall were performed. The experiments showed some rather unexpected behaviour of the granular mass, especially its deformations and failures during three different wall movements. The measurements included both components of the pressure of the mass. Two analogous numerical model experiments were made, based on the General Lateral Pressure Theory (GLPT). The paper presents the main results of a detailed numerical analysis of the first numerical experiment using an advanced FORESTER programme. The analysis involves all three basic types of active wall movements. The results are compared with the results of the respective phases of the physical experiment.

3 Koudelka, P. (2001b): Substitutive Property Paradox in Geotechnics and Its Risks. Proc.29th NC Foundations, Brno, CzGS, Brno, pp.
The whole EUROCODES series is based on Limit States theory which applies also to EC7. Its already more than twenty years´ development testified to the extraordinarily exacting character of the problems which had to be solved in the course of this development. Some of respective technical regulations, i.e. the Czech State Standards (ČSN) in the Czech Republic apply the Limit States Design more than thirty-five years (ČSN 73 1001 „Subsoil under shallow foundations“ of March 30, 1966). At present, when in the Czech Republic (as a member of CEN and a state associated to EU) the trial application of EC 7-1 has been introduced, the definite solution of the not entirely satisfactory theory and the inaccurately formulated provisions of EC 7-1 (despite of all improvements at last) arising therefrom are the object of intensive interest of Czech specialists. Increased interest of not only European specialists in the problems of Limit State Design and EC 7 was shown e.g. already at the IS „EUROCODE 7 - Towards Implementation“ in September 1996 in London, GeoEng 2000 in Melbourne (IS of TC 23) and it could be observed also at the XIVth IC SMFE in Hamburg 1997 and other conferences. This paper dealing with the principal problem of the Limit State Design theory would have to be a reminder of the general neglect of the basic mechanics principle in geotechnics.

4 Koudelka, P. – Koudelka T. (2001a): On Lateral Pressure at Rest of Granular Materials. Proc. NC Engineering Mechanics 2001, Svratka, IT ASc CzR Prague, Abstr. pp.143-144.
The paper concentrates on one of the three main problems of the lateral pressure theory of granular materials, i.e. the pressure at rest. Both the proposed view at the pressure at rest and the analysis procedure are based on the General Lateral Pressure (GLP) theory. The paper contains also more detailed theoretical explanation of the problem and some experimental results and their analysis.


5 Koudelka, P. – Koudelka T. (2001b): Advanced numerical model based on the theory of General Lateral Pressure. Proc. XVth IC SMGE, 2001, Istanbul, Balkema, Lisse/Abingdon/Exton (PA)/Tokyo, Vol.2, pp.1175-1178.
An advanced numerical model and computation program for retaining structures were developed by the theory of General Lateral Pressure (GLP). Concurrently, during years of 1998, 1999, two medium physical model experiments E1 and E2 with the ideal non-cohesive sand were carried out. The experiments were repeated in 2000 also numerically as experiments N1 and N2.. The paper presented information about the algorithm and program of the numerical model and a possible part of the comparative study of physical experiment E1 and numerical experiment N1.


6 Koudelka, P. – Šmíd J. – Valach J. – Čihař J. (2001): Application of Bi-component Tensors and Experimental Analysis of Noncohesive Granular Model Masses. Proc.39th NC Experimental Stress Analysis, Tábor, ITAM ASc CzR Prague, pp.175-180.
The paper concentrates on experimental technology and analysis of the two main problem of the lateral pressure of granular materials. Both the presented information about the pressure record and the analysis procedure are based on the Czech invention of the bi-component tensor. The paper contains also more detailed explanation of adjoining effects of milieu.



Publications 2000
1 Koudelka, P. (2000a): On the theory of General Lateral Pressure in granular multi-phase materials. IC GeoEng2000, Nov. 2000, Melbourne, Australia. Technomic Publ.Co.Inc., Lancaster/Basel, p.186 (6 ps.).
2 Koudelka, P. (2000b): Nonlinear bi-component lateral pressures and slip surfaces of granular mass. Proc. IC GeoEng2000, Nov. 2000, Melbourne, Australia. Balkema, Publ. p.72 (ps.8).
3 Koudelka, P. (2000c). Nonlinear lateral pressures and slip surfaces of granular mass. Proc. 17th Danubia-Adria Symp. on Experimental Methods in Solid Mechanics, Oct. 2000, Prague. Czech Republic. Ed. Czech TU, pp.163-166.
4 Koudelka, P. (2000d): Lateral pressures of granular mass – Experiment No.2. Proc.38th NC Experimental Stress Analysis, 6.-8.6.2000, Třešť, Czech Republic. Ed. TU Brno, pp.157-164.
5 Koudelka P. (2000e): Knowledge of Research of Lateral Pressure of Granular Materials (in Czech). Proc. 24th NC Foundation Engineering, 6-7.11.2000, Brno. Ed. ČSSI-ČGS, KC Brno, pp.241-245.
6 Koudelka P. (2000f): Inconsonance EC7-1 and Standard ČSN 73 0037 with Knowledge on Earth Pressure (in Czech). Proc. 24th NC Foundation Engineering, 6-7.11.2000, Brno. Ed. ČSSI-ČGS, KC Brno, pp. 236-240.
7 Koudelka, P. – Valach, J. (2000): Displacements and slip surfaces of granular mass behind a retaining wall – Experiment E2. Proc. NC Engineering Mechanics 2000, May 2000, Svratka, Czech Republic, Ed. J. Náprstek, ITAM-CAS, Prague, Vol.1, pp.121-124.

Extension 2000

Abstracts 2000
1 Koudelka, P. (2000a): On the theory of General Lateral Pressure in granular multi-phase materials. IC GeoEng2000, Nov. 2000, Melbourne, Australia. Technomic Publ.Co.Inc., Lancaster/Basel, p.186 (6 ps.).
The conventional theory stays still at the very old ideas and neglects any influence of the mass shear strength decrease on earth pressure due to the over-mobilization., also does not consider any other value of pressure at rest except of the value of active pressure at rest. The Paper designs a non-conventional conception of the lateral pressure theory on the advanced comprehensive non-linear dependence based.

2 Koudelka, P. (2000b): Non-linear bi-component lateral pressures and slip surfaces of granular mass. Proc. IC GeoEng2000, Nov. 2000, Melbourne, Australia. Balkema, Publ. p.72 (ps.8).
The paper presents information about the measurements of lateral pressure based on the Czech invention of bi-component tensors during the experiment E2 and the first presented part of the results and the analysis of the visual monitoring. For more detailed information about the experimental procedure see in Koudelka 1999c.

3 Koudelka, P. (2000c). Non-linear lateral pressures and slip surfaces of granular mass. Proc. 17th Danubia-Adria Symp. on Experimental Methods in Solid Mechanics, Oct. 2000, Prague. Czech Republic. Ed. Czech TU, pp.163-166.
In 1997 and 1998 an original experimental equipment was designed and developed including bi-component tensors, a large stand and others. The retaining wall of the stand is measured and can be arbitrarily moved. In 1998 and the first half 1999 was made the first medium-term experiment with a mass of very dry flowing sand which has brought some unexpected and new results.

4 Koudelka, P. (2000d): Lateral pressures of granular mass – Experiment No.2. Proc.38th NC Experimental Stress Analysis, June 2000, Třešť, Czech Republic. Ed. TU Brno, pp.157-164.
In 1997 and 1998 an original special experimental equipment (including bi-component sensors, a large stand and others) was designed and developed for the research of lateral pressure of granular materials. The retaining wall of the stand is measured and can be arbitrarily moved. In 1998 and the first half 1999 was made the first medium-term experiment with a mass of very dry flowing sand was made which has brought some little expected and new results. That was for the nearly same experiment was repeated in the second half 1999 exploiting three new more fitted sensors. The paper presents information about the research and the experiment no. 2 (marked as E2) and shows measured lateral pressures of the granular mass due to three types of movements of the retaining wall, i.e. rotation about the toe, rotation about the top and, finally, translative motion. The results of the experiment were inputs for the proposal of amendment EC7-1 (EUROCODE 7 Part 1 “Geotechnical design”), Art. 9.5.
The paper presents information about the measurements of lateral pressure based on the Czech invention of bi-component sensors during the experiment E2 and the first presented part of the results and the analysis of the visual monitoring. For more detailed information about the experimental procedure see in Koudelka 1999c.

5 Koudelka P. (2000e): Knowledge of Research of Lateral Pressure of Granular Materials (in Czech). Proc. 24th NC Foundation Engineering, 6-7.11.2000, Brno. Ed. ČSSI-ČGS, KC Brno, pp.241-245.
The contemporary conventional theory of earth pressure and standards are based on the old idea of a single shear soil mass surface defining earth pressure stress along the whole height of the retaining structure and some others assumptions which are not correct. The Paper presents both some important knowledge from the research and proofs for a more general theory of earth pressure.

6 Koudelka P. (2000f): Inconsonance EC7-1 and Standard ČSN 73 0037 with Knowledge on Earth Pressure. Proc. 24th NC Foundation Engineering, 6-7.11.2000, Brno. Ed. ČSSI-ČGS, KC Brno, pp. 236-240.
The Paper shows objections against the contemporary conventional theory of earth pressure and standards and designs a non-conventional conception of the lateral pressure on the advanced comprehensive non-linear dependence based. The conception takes into account the singularity of pressure at rest and the shear strength decrease after the peak value.

7 Koudelka, P. – Valach, J. (2000): Displacements and slip surfaces of granular mass behind a retaining wall – Experiment E2. Proc. NC Engineering mechanics 2000, May 2000, Svratka, Czech Republic, Ed. J. Náprstek, ITAM-CAS, Prague, Vol.1, pp.121-124.
The paper presents information about the visual monitoring and movements inside the ideal non-cohesive granular mass during the experiment E2 and about its different behaviour and development of slip surfaces during the different movement types of retaining structure. This is the first presented part of the results and the analysis.


Publications 1999
1 Koudelka, P. (1999a): Some Uncertainties of the Elastic-Plastic Earth Pressure Model. Proc. XIIth EC SMGE on Geotechnical Engineering for Transportation Infrastructure, Amsterdam, June 1999 (Netherlands). Ed. Balkema Publ., Vol. 1, pp. 369-374.
2 Koudelka, P. (1999b). Comment of conventional access inaccuracies and advanced General Earth Pressure Model (disc. pap.). Proc. IS Geotechnical Aspects of Underground Construction in Soft Ground, Tokyo, July 1999 (Japan). Balkema Publ., Vol. 2, ps.3
3 Koudelka, P. (1999c). Physical Model of Very Dry Flowing Sand. Proc. IS Geotechnical Aspects of Underground Construction in Soft Ground, Tokyo, July 1999 (Japan). Balkema Publ., Poster #29, ps.4
4 Koudelka, P. (1999d). Research of bi-component lateral pressures of multiphase granular materials. Proc. XIth International Scientific Conference on CE, October 1999, Brno (Czech Republic). Ed. TU Brno, Vol. 5, pp. 41-44.
5 Koudelka, P. (1999e): Long-time Tampering of an Old Brick Building by Settlement and Its Saving by Conventional Means (in Czech). Proc. 23rd NC Foundation Engineering, 8-9.11.2000, Brno. Ed. ČSSI-ČGS, KC Brno, ps. 5.
6 Koudelka P., Fischer C. (1999a). Earth pressure model with curved slip surfaces by AIM. Proc. IS Geotechnical Aspects of Underground Construction in Soft Ground, Tokyo, July 1999 (Japan). Ed. Balkema Publ., Vol. 1, 377-382.
7 Koudelka P., Fisher C (1999b): Lateral Pressure of Granular Masses on Circular Surfaces (in Czech). Proc. 5th NC on Engineering Mechanics, 10.-12.5.1999, Svratka (Czech Republic). Ed. J. Náprstek – C. Fisher, Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics - CzAC, Prague, International Federation for the Theory of Machines and Mechanisms, Vol.1, ps.21.

Extension 1999

Abstracts 1999
1 Koudelka, P. (1999a): Some Uncertainties of the Elastic-Plastic Earth Pressure Model. Proc. XIIth EC SMGE on Geotechnical Engineering for Transportation Infrastructure, Amsterdam, June 1999 (Netherlands). Ed. Balkema Publ., Vol. 1, pp. 369-374.
The currently used theoretical models and methods based on elastic-plastic relations (Fig.1/a) show in-omissible uncertainties caused by theoretical inaccuracies. In the course of time a new basic relation (Fig.1/b) for the contact of the structure with the soil mass has been devised and analyzed. After various analyses of the relation there reveals an outline of a more advanced earth pressure theory which could be called General Earth Pressure Theory (GEPT). An analysis (Koudelka P. 1998) has shown that the standard limit movements of the structure concerned are affected mostly by the pressures corresponding with the residual shear stress state. Another contribution to this outlined is this paper presenting samples of a quantitative analysis of the change of earth pressure produced by the reduction of mobilized stress from the extreme value to the residual value.

2 Koudelka, P. (1999b). Comment of conventional access inaccuracies and advanced General Earth Pressure Model (disc. pap.). Proc. IS Geotechnical Aspects of Underground Construction in Soft Ground, Tokyo, July 1999 (Japan). Balkema Publ., Vol. 2, ps.3.
Conventional computer models of earth pressure are based mostly or exclusively on the elastic-plastic constitutive relation (FEM, BEM, DPM) or on the limit equilibrium relations. A number reports presented at the Symposium have dealt with differences between the design analyses or predictions and results of field measurements on underground structures. This discussion paper is aimed to show and explain (within the possible short range available) very serious incorrectness’s and risks involved in conventional approaches.

3 Koudelka, P. (1999c). Physical Model of Very Dry Flowing Sand. Proc. IS Geotechnical Aspects of Underground Construction in Soft Ground, Tokyo, July 1999 (Japan). Balkema Publ., Poster #29, ps.4.
The paper “Earth pressure model with curved slip surfaces by AIM” (included in the Proceedings on pp. 377-382) presents a part of a broader work which is aimed at the creation of a more general theory of earth pressure. In order to initiate a more general discussion the poster contains 2 parts concerned with the behaviour of both theoretical and real models including some connected problems (slip or shear surfaces, values of earth pressure) as follows :
I the numerical model with circular shear surfaces by Apriori Integration Method (AIM) - for the derivation of formulae see the paper,
II the physical medium size model of a real non-cohesive granular (soil) mass. The modelling material is industrial very dry flowing sand. The poster is divided according to these models.

4 Koudelka, P. (1999d). Research of bi-component lateral pressures of multiphase granular materials. Proc. XIth International Scientific Conference on CE, October 1999, Brno (Czech Republic). Ed. TU Brno, Vol. 5, pp. 41-44.
A special experimental equipment for the research of lateral (earth) pressures of multiphase granular materials was designed and developed during the past two years in the Czech Republic by the Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (Academy of Sciences, support of GAÈR). The research should contribute to verify the mathematical models (1), (2), (3). The measurements of lateral pressure are based on the Czech invention of bi-component pressure sensors (Šmíd-Novosad) which enable simultaneous continuous measurements of normal and tangential components as well as dynamic pressures. Except from the presented research, this type of sensors was used also by Hohne (Germany) and Šmíd (Taiwan).

5 Koudelka, P. (1999e): Long-time Tampering of an Old Brick Building by Settlement and Its Saving by Conventional Means (in Czech). Proc. 23rd NC Foundation Engineering, 8-9.11.2000, Brno. Ed. ČSSI-ČGS, KC Brno, ps. 5.
The Paper presents a case of the old school building strong cracked due to long-term settlement. The investor could not provide a capital enough for an application of means of the special foundation engineering. Thus, there was applied an extending of the foundations by conventional means in some phases step by step using the observation method. The underground conditions are rather unfavourable (9 m soft clay sediments) and they are necessary plate foundations. Despite this fact the total amount is estimated at 50-60% usual costs.

6 Koudelka P., Fischer C. (1999a). Earth pressure model with curved slip surfaces by AIM. Proc. IS Geotechnical Aspects of Underground Construction in Soft Ground, Tokyo, July 1999 (Japan). Ed. Balkema Publ., Vol. 1, 377-382.
The A priori Integration Method (AIM) is a mathematical method which can replace the ancillary integration (strip etc.) methods in the minimization analyses of more complex functionals the analytical minimization of which is not possible or is too complicated. The method provides mathematically smooth solutions enabling the minimization with any accuracy required. That is important particularly in the case of complex goniometric functionals in which the geotechnical problems often results.

7 Koudelka P., Fisher C (1999b): Lateral Pressure of Granular Masses on Circular Surfaces (in Czech). Proc. 5th NC on Engineering Mechanics, 10.-12.5.1999, Svratka (Czech Republic). Ed. J. Náprstek – C. Fisher, Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics - CzAC, Prague, International Federation for the Theory of Machines and Mechanisms, Vol.1, ps.21.
The paper is continuing of a paper of the previous conference 3rd EM (Koudelka 1997) on similarity of granular materials with shear strength. The a-priory integrals of lateral pressure corresponding to Rankin’s stress state were derived in 1999 by the Apriori Integration Method (AIM). This paper presents some results of a numerical analysis of functionals both of passive and active pressure considering circular slip surfaces and similarity of materials. The results show the presented numerical model is more general and respects a general pressure theory.

Koudelka, P. (2019): Similarity Characteristics of Soils – A Step towards Construction Reliability. Proc. 29th International European Safety and Reliability Conference – ESREL Hannover 22-26.9.2019 (Germany). Ed. M. Beer – E. Zio, Research Publicity Services, ISBN 978-981-11-2724-3, pp.2211-2216
Experiences of soil mechanics show that different soils can have practically the same or approximately same technical properties. A similarity of soils from point of view of bearing capacity/stability (ULS) analyses depends on more parameters and their combinations and due to it a comparison is more complex. It appears a criterion of soil suitability to the geotechnical construction should be useful and the problem may be named “constructive similarity”. Experience exploitation is important part of a correct and reliable design. In geotechnics, very different random material properties make problem of the experience exploitation much more difficult. The experience exploitation needs a clinical scale for constructive evaluation of a soil similarity and suitability. That general (independent on the structure type) scales are constructive characteristics k_π and k_λ. The Paper concerns with an analysis of the soil similarity according to constructive characteristics k_π and k_λ exploiting the last version of the soil DATABASE ITAM 2013. The analysis is performed from the point of view of reliability of soils for geotechnical constructions and applies especially constructive characteristics〖 k〗_λ. Reliability of designs according to the standard EN 1997-1, AP 1/2, is analysed and a conclusion is recommended.

Publications 1998
1 Koudelka, P. (1998a). Effects and Some Risks of Designs Based on Ultimate Limit State. Engineering Mechanics, Vol. 5, No. 4, pp. 1-16.
2 Koudelka, P. (1998b). “Ultimate Limit State of Retaining Structures – Analysis of Limit Standard Structure Movements”. Proc. 6th Symp. Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Struga (Makedonia), MAM/FCE Skopje, Vol. 2, pp.289-296.
3 Koudelka P. (1998c): Slope Stability – Reliability of Material Partial Factors of granular Mass Properties (in Czech). Stabilita svahů - spolehlivost dílčích součinitelů vlastností u zrnitých těles. Proc. 4th NC Engineering Mechanics, 11-12.5.1998, Svratka (Czech Republic). IFTMM (International Federation for the Theory of Machines and Mechanisms), CzASc - ŽĎAS, a.s., Praha-Žďár n.Sáz., Vol.II, 363-368.
4 Koudelka P. (1998d): Analysis of Limit Movements during Earth Pressure (in Czech). Analýza mezních posunů při zemním tlaku. Proc. 26th NC Foundations, 9-10.11.1998, Brno (Czech Republic). Ed. ČSSI ČGS, Congress Centre Brno, pp.197-200.

Extension 1998
1 Koudelka, P. (1998):

Abstracts 1998
1 Koudelka, P. (1998a): Effects and Some Risks of Designs Based on Ultimate Limit State. Engineering Mechanics, Vol. 5, No. 4, pp. 1-16.
The Article presents for discussion comments on some provisions and methods of EC 7 - Geotechnical Design - Part 1: General Rules, and on analogous Czech standards based on the limit state theory, some of which have been in use since 1966. The commentaries on individual problems presented further on arise from the results of long-term studies only a minor part of which has been published previously. The commentaries are documented by analyses and examples. The main part of Article was shown in the XIVth International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering - Hamburg 1997 as the poster no. 19. The Article is concerned with the problems arising from the different nonlinear behaviour of granular materials which has not been respected so far either in theory or in design codes. By way of example the author analyses the following articles of EC 7-1 which are compared with appropriate Czech standards in some cases:
Definition of the characteristic value of ground properties in Art, 2.4.3 (paras. 5 - 8)
Partial safety coefficients for ground properties for the cases of slope stability in Art.2.4.2 (paras. 14 - 15).
Values of movement required for the development of an active limit soil pressure in Art.8.5.4 (para.2).
The deliberation result in the conclusion that geotechnical structures are more general system than man-made structures (of concrete, steel, timber, etc.) and that the situation in design theory in geotechnics has attained the stage requiring the development of a more general theory of Limit States, particularly the Ultimate Limit State. This conclusion results in the necessity to overexert some articles of EC7-1.

2 Koudelka, P. (1998b). “Ultimate Limit State of Retaining Structures – Analysis of Limit Standard Structure Movements”. Proc. 6th Symp. Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Struga (Makedonia), MAM/FCE Skopje, Vol. 2, pp.289-296.
The Paper presents an analysis of a case of the movements required for the development of the limit soil pressure against a solid retaining structure till the top shear strength on a shear surface in the soil mass has been attained. It deals with the limit values of three basic movements (rotation about the toe, translative motion, rotation about the top) towards both to the active and passive soil pressures values as included in EC7 -Geotechnical Design - Part 1: General Rules,Art.8.5.4,para.2 and in analogous Czech standard CSN 73 0037-Earth Pressure Acting on Structures, Art.74, 75. The analysis results in the conclusion that required movements do not respect the actual behaviour of soil mass and that the general using of their values cannot be recommended.

3 Koudelka P. (1998c): Slope Stability – Reliability of Material Partial Factors of granular Mass Properties (in Czech). Stabilita svahů - spolehlivost dílčích součinitelů vlastností u zrnitých těles. Proc. 4th NC Engineering Mechanics, 11-12.5.1998, Svratka (Czech Republic). IFTMM (International Federation for the Theory of Machines and Mechanisms), CzAS - ŽĎAS, a.s., Praha-Žďár n.Sáz., Vol.II, 363-368.


4 Koudelka P. (1998d): Analysis of Limit Movements during Earth Pressure (in Czech). Analýza mezních posunů při zemním tlaku. Proc. 26th NC Foundations, 9-10.11.1998, Brno (Czech Republic). Ed. ČSSI ČGS, Congress Centre Brno, pp.197-200.
In technical practice, numerical models consider usually value intervals of earth pressure between both effective values (active and passive) and these intermediate values are noted as raised (active pressure) or reduced (passive pressure). No attention is given over to both further intervals between the effective and residual pressures. The paper presents some results of the first part of a basic analysis of the limit movements for achievement of the top friction mobilization according to Czech standard and EUROCODE 7-1.

Publications 1997
1 Koudelka, P. (1997): Effects and Some Risks of Designs Based on Ultimate Limit State. Proc. XIVth IC SMFE - Hamburg 1997, poster #19, 20 ps. ITAM CzASc, Prague.
2 Koudelka, P. (1997): Similarity of Cohesive Granular Materials (in Czech). Podobnost zrnitých materiálů se smykovou pevností. Proc. 3rd NC Engineering Mechanics 12-13.5.1997, Svratka (Czech Republic). Ed. International Federation for the Theory of Machines and Mechanisms - ITAM CzASc - ŽĎAS, a.s., Praha-Žďár n.Sáz., Vol.1, pp.123-128.

Extension 1997

Abstracts 1997

Publications 1996
1 Koudelka, P. (1996): Philosophy of Earth Pressure Analysis by an Advanced Model. Proc. IS on EC7 Towards Implementation, 1996, London, Ed. ISE London, London, pp. 21-31.
2 Koudelka, P. (1996): On Philosophy of Limit States Theory in Geotechnics. Proc. IS on EC7 Towards Implementation, 1996, London. Ed. ISE London, London, pp. 53-60.
3 Koudelka, P. (1996): Earth Pressures by Advanced Model (in Czech). Zemní tlaky u pokročilého modelu. Proc. 2nd NC on Geotechnical Problems of Line Buildings (Geotechnické problémy líniových stavieb), 1996, Bratislava (Slovak Republic). Ed. Hula, Slovak TU, Faculty of CE, dept. Geotechnics, Bratislava, pp.207-212.

Extension 1996

Abstracts 1996

1 Koudelka, P. (1996): Philosophy of Earth Pressure Analysis by an Advanced Model. Proc. IS on EC7 Towards Implementation, 1996, London, Ed. ISE London, London, pp. 21-31.
The paper is concerned with the fundamental concept of earth pressure action on a retaining structure. The present concept of earth pressure action during the rotation of the structure with the assumption of a uniform shear strength mobilization in the whole soil mass shows a geometric discrepancy and appears inconsistent with reality.
A more consistent concept is shown on an example of analysis of earth pressures acting on an unsupported retaining wall by an advanced computation model based on a complex nonlinear constitutive relation. This relation considers all stages of shear strength mobilization in the soil mass including intermediate positions according to Fig.2. The paper presents an evaluation of the analysis according to Czech Standard ČSN 73 0037 and EC7, as well as some hitherto unconsidered conclusions for the philosophy of the earth pressures theory.

2 Koudelka, P. (1996): On Philosophy of Limit States Theory in Geotechnics. Proc. IS on EC7 Towards Implementation, 1996, London. Ed. ISE London, London, pp. 53-60.

3 Koudelka, P. (1996): Earth Pressures by Advanced Model (in Czech). Zemní tlaky u pokročilého modelu. Proc. 2nd NC on Geotechnical Problems of Line Buildings (Geotechnické problémy líniových stavieb), 1996, Bratislava (Slovak Republic). Ed. Hula, Slovak TU, Faculty of CE, dept. Geotechnics, Bratislava, pp.207-212.

Publications 1994
1 Koudelka, P. (1994): Irresponsibility like a Factor of Environment (in Czech). Neodpovědnost jako faktor životního prostředí. Proc. 22nd NC Foundation, 7-8.11.1994. Brno (Czech Republic). Ed. Dům techniky, s.r.o., Brno.

Extension 1994

Abstracts 1994

1 Koudelka, P. (1994): Irresponsibility like a Factor of Environment (in Czech). Neodpovědnost jako faktor životního prostředí. Proc. 22nd NC Foundation, 7-8.11.1994. Brno (Czech Republic). Ed. Dům techniky, s.r.o., Brno.

Publications 1993
1. Koudelka P. - Procházka P. (1993): Apriori Integration Method – Analysis, Similarity and Optimization of Slopes (in Czech). Výpočet stability svahů metodou apriorní integrace. Study ČSAV 1/93, ČSAV Academia, 1993, Praha, (Czech Republic), ps. 189.
2 Koudelka, P. (1993): Influence of Hysteresis on Earth Pressure (in Czech). Vliv hystereze na zemní tlak. Proc. 21st NC Foundation, 8-9.11.1994. Brno (Czech Republic). Ed. Dům techniky, s.r.o., Brno, pp. 110-115.

Extension 1993

Abstracts 1993

1. Koudelka P. - Procházka P. (1993): Apriori Integration Method – Analysis, Similarity and Optimization of Slopes (in Czech). Výpočet stability svahů metodou apriorní integrace. Study ČSAV 1/93, ČSAV Academia, 1993, Praha, (Czech Republic), ps. 189.
The English study edition on the AIM (Apriori Integration Method) is concerned on the method itself, the slope similarity and minimization process. Other chapters concern particularly the design theories etc. The publication contain results of minimization of a simple slope in soil and soft rock mass. It can enable designers a simple calculation to decide about the reliability of slope for in situ material conditions. The presented results were received applying the program APRIN, which has been widely used for assessment of subway slopes.


1 Koudelka, P. (1993): Influence of Hysteresis on Earth Pressure (in Czech). Vliv hystereze na zemní tlak. Proc. 21st NC Foundation, 8-9.11.1994. Brno (Czech Republic). Ed. Dům techniky, s.r.o., Brno, pp. 110-115.

Publications 1992
1 Koudelka, P. (1992): Model of Soil for Earth Pressures. Proc. 2nd IC NUMEG, 1992, Praha (Czech Republic). Ed. Czechoslovak Society for Soil Mechanics of Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences and IACMAG, Praha, pp. 208-211.
2 Koudelka, P. (1992): Safety of the Dependent Pressure Method (in Czech). Bezpečnost metody závislých tlaků. Inženýrské stavby, Vol.40/1, pp. 3-6.
3 Koudelka P. - Procházka P. (1992): Contribution to the Shape Optimization of Slopes. Proc. 2nd IC NUMEG, 1992, Praha (Czech Republic). Ed. Czechoslovak Society for Soil Mechanics of Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences and IACMAG, Praha.
4 Koudelka P. - Sládek at al. (1992): Well Deeping (in Czech). Studnařství. Lecture notes. Ed. ÚVPS Praha, Praha (Czech Republic).

Extension 1992

Abstracts 1992

1 Koudelka, P. (1992): Model of Soil for Earth Pressures. Proc. 2nd IC NUMEG, 1992, Praha Czech Republic). Ed. Czechoslovak Society for Soil Mechanics of Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences and IACMAG, Praha, pp. 208-211.

2 Koudelka, P. (1992): Safety of the Dependent Pressure Method (in Czech). Bezpečnost metody závislých tlaků. Inženýrské stavby, Vol.40/1, pp. 3-6.


3 Koudelka P. - Procházka P. (1992): Contribution to the Shape Optimization of Slopes. Proc. 2nd IC NUMEG, 1992, Praha (Czech Republic). Ed. Czechoslovak Society for Soil Mechanics of Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences and IACMAG, Praha.


3 Koudelka P. - Sládek at al. (1992): Well Deeping (in Czech). Studnařství. Lecture notes. Ed. ÚVPS Praha, Praha (Czech Republic).

Publications 1991
1 Koudelka, P. – Procházka, P. (1991): A Variational Formulation for Classical Models of the Slope Stability with Earthquake Effect. Proc. 2nd IC Case Histories in Geotechnical Engineering, 1991, Saint Luis (Miss.-USA), Ed. Shamsher Prakash, University of Missouri-Rolla, Rolla (Missouri), USA, pp. 1113-1116.
2 Koudelka, P. (1991): Preparation and Development of the Eurocode EC 7 (in Czech). Příprava a vývoj Eurocode EC7. Inženýrské stavby (Engineering Constructions, Jour.), Bratislava, Vol. 39/1, pp. 1-5.
3 Koudelka, P. (1991): Optimalizace svahů. Proc. 19th NC Foundations, 9-10.11.1991, Brno (Czech Republic). Ed. ČSSI ČGS, Dům Techniky - ČS Vědecko-technická společnost, Brno, pp. 231-236.

Extension 1991

Abstracts 1991

1 Koudelka, P. – Procházka, P. (1991): A Variational Formulation for Classical Models of the Slope Stability with Earthquake Effect. Proc. 2nd IC Case Histories in Geotechnical Engineering, 1991, Saint Luis (Miss.-USA), Ed. Shamsher Prakash, University of Missouri-Rolla, Rolla (Missouri), USA, pp. 1113-1116.
2 Koudelka, P. (1991): Preparation and Development of the Eurocode EC 7 (in Czech). Příprava a vývoj Eurocode EC7. Inženýrské stavby, Bratislava, Vol. 39/1, pp.1-5.
3 Koudelka, P. (1991): Optimalizace svahů. Proc. 19th NC Foundations, 9-10.11.1991, Brno (Czech Republic). Ed. ČSSI ČGS, Dům Techniky - ČS Vědecko-technická společnost, Brno, pp. 231-236.


Publications 1990
1 Koudelka, P. (1990): The Safety of the Dependent Pressures Method. Proc. 9th Danube European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, 1990, Budapest (Hungary). Ed. Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest, pp.83-91.
2 Koudelka, P. (1990): Euro codes – Rules for Design and Executing of Constructions (in Czech) Eurocodes - předpisy pro navrhování a provádění staveb. Bulletin, Ed. ČSVA Praha, Vol. 4/90, pp. 35-43.
3 Koudelka, P. – Procházka, P. (1990): Some Conclusions of Parametrical Study of Slope Stability with Pore Pressure (in Czech). Některé závěry z parametrické studie stability svahů s pórovým tlakem. Proc. NC on Small Computers in Geotechnics (Malé počítače v geotechnice), 1990, Praha. Ed. Čs. Vědecko-technická společnost of Czech Technical University in Prague, Praha, pp.88-93.
4 Koudelka P. - Procházka P. (1990): Calculation of Slope Stability Numerical Model Considering Earthquake Impacts. Výpočet modelu stability svahu s účinky zemětřesení. Proc. 18th NC Foundations, 12-13.11.1990, Brno (Czech Republic). Ed. ČSSI ČGS, Dům Techniky - ČS Vědecko-technická společnost, Brno, pp. 55-58.

Extension 1990

Abstracts 1990

1 Koudelka, P. (1990): The Safety of the Dependent Pressures Method. Proc. 9th Danube European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, 1990, Budapest (Hungary). Ed. Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest, pp.83-91.
2 Koudelka, P. (1990): Euro codes – Rules for Design and Executing of Constructions (in Czech) Eurocodes - předpisy pro navrhování a provádění staveb. Bulletin, Ed. ČSVA Praha, Vol. 4/90, pp. 35-43.
3 Koudelka, P. – Procházka, P. (1990): Some Conclusions of Parametrical Study of Slope Stability with Pore Pressure (in Czech). Některé závěry z parametrické studie stability svahů s pórovým tlakem. Proc. NC on Small Computers in Geotechnics (Malé počítače v geotechnice), 1990, Praha. Ed. Čs. Vědecko-technická společnost of Czech Technical University in Prague, Praha, pp.88-93.
4 Koudelka P. - Procházka P. (1990): Calculation of Slope Stability Numerical Model Considering Earthquake Impacts. Výpočet modelu stability svahu s účinky zemětřesení. Proc. 18th NC Foundations, 12-13.11.1990, Brno (Czech Republic). Ed. ČSSI ČGS, Dům Techniky - ČS Vědecko-technická společnost, Brno, pp. 55-58.

Publications 1989
1 Koudelka, P. (1989): Reliability of Calculations of Slope Stability (in Czech). Spolehlivost výpočtů stability svahů. Proc. NS Application of Reliability in Civil Engineering (Aplikace spolehlivosti ve stavebnictví), 1989, Praha. Ed. Dům Techniky - ČS Vědecko-technická společnost, Plzeň, pp. 73-77.
2 Koudelka, P. – Procházka, P. (1989): Interactive Design of Slopes (in Czech). Interaktivní projektování svahů. Proc. IInd NC ZÚ ICCADI 89, 1989, Praha, Ed. Dům Techniky - ČS Vědecko-technická společnost, Praha.

Extension 1989

Abstracts 1989

1 Koudelka, P. (1989): Reliability of Calculations of Slope Stability (in Czech). Spolehlivost výpočtů stability svahů. Proc. NS Application of Reliability in Civil Engineering (Aplikace spolehlivosti ve stavebnictví), 1989, Praha. Ed. Dům Techniky - ČS Vědecko-technická společnost, Plzeň, pp. 73-77.
2 Koudelka, P. – Procházka, P. (1989): Interactive Design of Slopes (in Czech). Interaktivní projektování svahů. Proc. IInd NC ZÚ ICCADI 89, 1989, Praha, Ed. Dům Techniky - ČS Vědecko-technická společnost, Praha.


Publications 1988
1 Koudelka, P. – Procházka, P. (1988): Stability of Steep Slopes (in Czech). Stabilita strmých svahů. Proc. NC on Founding on Slopes (Zakládání na svazích), 1988, Ústí n. Lab. Ed. Dům Techniky - ČS Vědecko-technická společnost, Ústí n. Lab., pp. 31-37.

Extension 1988

Abstracts 1988

1 Koudelka, P. – Procházka, P. (1988): Stability of Steep Slopes (in Czech). Stabilita strmých svahů. Proc. NC on Founding on Slopes (Zakládání na svazích), 1988, Ústí n. Lab. Ed. Dům Techniky - ČS Vědecko-technická společnost, Ústí n. Lab., pp. 31-37.

Publications 1987
1 Koudelka, P. (1987): Republic Square Station of Prague Metro (in Czech). Stanice Náměstí Republiky pražského metra. Inženýrské stavby (Engineering Constructions), Vol. 35/11, pp. 581-590.
2 Koudelka, P. (1987): Contribution to Application of the Limit State Theory for Slope Stability Analysis (in Czech). Příspěvek k užívání teorie mezních stavů při výpočtu stability svahů. Proc. NS on Efficiency Increase of Civil Construction Fabrication, 1987, Praha (Czechoslovakia). Dům Techniky ČS VTS Praha, pp. 99-111.
3 Koudelka P. (1987): Analysis of Retaining of Deep Excavations in Unfavourable Geological Conditions (in Czech). Výpočet pažení hlubokých stavebních jam v nepříznivých geologických poměrech. Proc. 15th NC Foundations, 12-13.11.1990, Brno (Czech Republic). Ed. ČSSI ČGS, Dům Techniky - ČS Vědecko-technická společnost, Brno, pp. 39-44.
4 Koudelka, P. – Procházka, P. (1987): The similarity of pore pressure effect to the stability of slopes. Proc. IXth EC on Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, 1987, Dublin. Ed. Balkema. Rotterdam/Brookfield, pp. 825-827.
5 Koudelka P. - Procházka P. (1987): Numerical solution of groundwater effect to the stability of slopes. Proc. VIIIth NC Mechaniki i fund (Mechanics and Foundations), 1987, Wróclaw, NOT PKG - TU Wróclaw, pp. 281-286.
6 Koudelka, P. – Procházka, P. (1987): Stability of slopes with pore pressure by the Apriori Integration Method. Proc. VIIIth NC Mechaniki i fund (Mechanics and Foundations), 1987, Wróclaw, NOT PKG - TU Wróclaw, pp. 261- 268.
7 Koudelka P. - Procházka P. (1987): Analysis of Slope Stability Considering Seismic Impacts (in Czech). Výpočet stability svahu se zahrnutím seismických vlivů. Proc. NS on San Francisco – Czech Contributions on the 11th IC SMFE in San Francisco, 1987, Praha (Czechoslovakia). Ed. Czechoslovak Committee for Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering – Czech Academy of Sciences, Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, 1987, Praha, pp. 109-116.

Extension 1987

Abstracts 1987

1 Koudelka, P. (1987): Republic Square Station of Prague Metro (in Czech). Stanice Náměstí Republiky pražského metra. Inženýrské stavby (Engineering Constructions), Vol. 35/11, pp. 581-590.
2 Koudelka, P. (1987): Contribution to Application of the Limit State Theory for Slope Stability Analysis (in Czech). Příspěvek k užívání teorie mezních stavů při výpočtu stability svahů. Proc. NS on Efficiency Increase of Civil Construction Fabrication, 1987, Praha (Czechoslovakia). Dům Techniky ČS VTS Praha, pp. 99-111.
3 Koudelka P. (1987): Analysis of Retaining of Deep Excavations in Unfavourable Geological Conditions (in Czech). Výpočet pažení hlubokých stavebních jam v nepříznivých geologických poměrech. Proc. 15th NC Foundations, 12-13.11.1990, Brno (Czech Republic). Ed. ČSSI ČGS, Dům Techniky - ČS Vědecko-technická společnost, Brno, pp. 39-44.
4 Koudelka, P. – Procházka, P. (1987): The similarity of pore pressure effect to the stability of slopes. Proc. IXth EC on Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, 1987, Dublin. Ed. Balkema. Rotterdam/Brookfield, pp. 825-827.
5 Koudelka P. - Procházka P. (1987): Numerical solution of groundwater effect to the stability of slopes. Proc. VIIIth NC Mechaniki i fund (Mechanics and Foundations), 1987, Wróclaw, NOT PKG - TU Wróclaw, pp. 281-286.
6 Koudelka, P. – Procházka, P. (1987): Stability of slopes with pore pressure by the Apriori Integration Method. Proc. VIIIth NC Mechaniki i fund (Mechanics and Foundations), 1987, Wróclaw, NOT PKG - TU Wróclaw, pp. 261- 268.
7 Koudelka P. - Procházka P. (1987): Analysis of Slope Stability Considering Seismic Impacts (in Czech). Výpočet stability svahu se zahrnutím seismických vlivů. Proc. NS on San Francisco – Czech Contributions on the 11th IC SMFE in San Francisco, 1987, Praha (Czechoslovakia). Ed. Czechoslovak Committee for Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering – Czech Academy of Sciences, Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, 1987, Praha, pp. 109-116.

Publications 1986
1 Koudelka P. (1986): Negative behaviour of real soil mass at consolidation. Proc. 14th NC Foundations, 10-11.11.1990, Brno (Czech Republic). Ed. ČSSI ČGS, Dům Techniky - ČS Vědecko-technická společnost, Brno, pp. 122-126.
2 Koudelka, P. – Procházka, P. (1986): Consequence of stability functional for Practice (in Czech). Význam minimalizace funkcionálu stability pro praxi. Proc. NC on Founding on Slopes (Zakládání na svazích), 1988, Ústí n. Lab. Ed. Dům Techniky - ČS Vědecko-technická společnost, Ústí n. Lab., pp. 31-37.


Extension 1986

Abstracts 1986

1 Koudelka P. (1986): Negative behaviour of real soil mass at consolidation. Proc. 14th NC Foundations, 10-11.11.1990, Brno (Czech Republic). Ed. ČSSI ČGS, Dům Techniky - ČS Vědecko-technická společnost, Brno, pp. 122-126.
2 Koudelka, P. – Procházka, P. (1986): Consequence of stability functional for Practice (in Czech). Význam minimalizace funkcionálu stability pro praxi. Proc. NC on Founding on Slopes (Zakládání na svazích), 1988, Ústí n. Lab. Ed. Dům Techniky - ČS Vědecko-technická společnost, Ústí n. Lab., pp. 31-37. 

Publications 1985
1. Koudelka, P. (1985): Stability of Anchored Walls Resisting to Increased Pressure (in Czech). Stabilita kotvených stěn při zvýšeném zemním tlaku. Inženýrské stavby (Engineering Constructions, Jour.), Bratislava (Czechoslovakia), Vol. 33/4, pp. 211-212.
2 Koudelka P. (1985): Volumetric Ceaselessness of Consolidated Soils (in Czech). Objemová nestálost konsolidovaných hornin. Proc. 13th NC Foundations, 11-12.11.1985, Brno (Czech Republic). Ed. ČSSI ČGS, Dům Techniky - ČS Vědecko-technická společnost, Brno, pp. 122-126.
3 Koudelka, P. – Procházka, P. (1985): New Knowledge of Parametrical Studies Calculating according to Apriory Integration Method (in Czech). Nové poznatky z parametrických studií stability svahu počítané metodou apriorní integrace. Proc. NC on Small Computers in Geotechnics (Malé počítače v geotechnice), 1990, Praha. Ed. Čs. Vědecko-technická společnost of Czech Technical University in Prague, Praha, pp. 106-111.
4 Kysela, Z. – Koudelka, P. – Procházka, P. (1985): Slope stability analysis in particular geology. Proc. XIth IC on Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, 1985, San Francisco. Ed. Balkema Rotterdam/Boston, Vol.9, pp.2431-2434.

Extension 1985

Abstracts 1985

1. Koudelka, P. (1985): Stability of Anchored Walls Resisting to Increased Pressure (in Czech). Stabilita kotvených stěn při zvýšeném zemním tlaku. Inženýrské stavby (Engineering Constructions, Jour.), Bratislava (Czechoslovakia), Vol. 33/4, pp. 211-212.
2 Koudelka P. (1985): Volumetric Ceaselessness of Consolidated Soils (in Czech). Objemová nestálost konsolidovaných hornin. Proc. 13th NC Foundations, 11-12.11.1985, Brno (Czech Republic). Ed. ČSSI ČGS, Dům Techniky - ČS Vědecko-technická společnost, Brno, pp. 122-126.
3 Koudelka, P. – Procházka, P. (1985): New Knowledge of Parametrical Studies Calculating according to Apriory Integration Method (in Czech). Nové poznatky z parametrických studií stability svahu počítané metodou apriorní integrace. Proc. NC on Small Computers in Geotechnics (Malé počítače v geotechnice), 1990, Praha. Ed. Čs. Vědecko-technická společnost of Czech Technical University in Prague, Praha, pp. 106-111.
4 Kysela, Z. – Koudelka, P. – Procházka, P. (1985): Slope stability analysis in particular geology. Proc. XIth IC on Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, 1985, San Francisco. Ed. Balkema Rotterdam/Boston, Vol.9, pp.2431-2434.

Publications 1984
1 Koudelka, P. – Procházka, P. (1984): Stability of Soil Slopes - Shortened Analysis by Application of Complex Coefficient and Stability Factor (in Czech). Stabilita zemních svahů a zkrácený výpočet. Stabilita zemních svahů - zkrácený výpočet užitím komplexního součinitele a jednotkové stability. Inženýrské stavby (Engineering Constructions, Jour.), Vol. 32/6, pp. 342-353.
2 Koudelka, P. – Procházka, P. (1984): Stability of Soil Slopes and Shortened Analysis (in Czech). Stabilita zemních svahů a zkrácený výpočet. Proc. NS on Doporučené výpočetní postupy pro návrh základových konstrukcí (Recommended Numerical Approaches for Foundation Design, 1984, Praha (Czechoslovakia). Ed. Research Institute of Civil Constructions, Praha, Vol. III, pp. 12-51.
3 Koudelka P. - Procházka P. (1984): Slope Stability Field with General Cylindrical Slip Surface (in Czech). Pole stability svahů s obecnou válcovou kluznou plochou. Proc. NS Exploitation of Small Computers for Foundation and Soil Mechanics Solutions (Využití malých počítačů pro řešení problematiky zakládání a mechaniky zemin, 1984, Praha. Ed. Research Institute of Civil Constructions, Praha, Vol. III, pp. 55-60.
4 Koudelka, P. – Procházka, P. (1984): Analysis of Slope Stability Functional (in Czech). Analýza funkcionálu stability svahu. Proc. 12th NC Foundations, 12-13.11.1984, Brno (Czech Republic). Ed. ČSSI ČGS, Dům Techniky - ČS Vědecko-technická společnost, Brno, pp. 95-99.

Extension 1984

Abstracts 1984

1 Koudelka, P. – Procházka, P. (1984): Stability of Soil Slopes - Shortened Analysis by Application of Complex Coefficient and Stability Factor (in Czech). Stabilita zemních svahů a zkrácený výpočet. Stabilita zemních svahů - zkrácený výpočet užitím komplexního součinitele a jednotkové stability. Inženýrské stavby (Engineering Constructions, Jour.), Vol. 32/6, pp. 342-353.
2 Koudelka, P. – Procházka, P. (1984): Stability of Soil Slopes and Shortened Analysis (in Czech). Stabilita zemních svahů a zkrácený výpočet. Proc. NS on Doporučené výpočetní postupy pro návrh základových konstrukcí (Recommended Numerical Approaches for Foundation Design, 1984, Praha (Czechoslovakia). Ed. Research Institute of Civil Constructions, Praha, Vol. III, pp. 12-51.
3 Koudelka P. - Procházka P. (1984): Slope Stability Field with General Cylindrical Slip Surface (in Czech). Pole stability svahů s obecnou válcovou kluznou plochou. Proc. NS Exploitation of Small Computers for Foundation and Soil Mechanics Solutions (Využití malých počítačů pro řešení problematiky zakládání a mechaniky zemin, 1984, Praha. Ed. Research Institute of Civil Constructions, Praha, Vol. III, pp. 55-60.
4 Koudelka, P. – Procházka, P. (1984): Analysis of Slope Stability Functional (in Czech). Analýza funkcionálu stability svahu. Proc. 12th NC Foundations, 12-13.11.1984, Brno (Czech Republic). Ed. ČSSI ČGS, Dům Techniky - ČS Vědecko-technická společnost, Brno, pp. 95-99.

Publications 1983
1 Koudelka, P. (1983): Advantageous Subgrade Interaction of Big Span Slab by Arrangement of Subbase (in Czech). Zvýhodnění interakce podloží základové desky velkého rozpětí úpravou podloží. Proc. 4th NS on Geotechnics, Hradec Králové (Czechoslovakia), Ed. ČSSI ČGS, Dům Techniky - ČS Vědecko-technická společnost, Brno (Czechoslovakia), pp.185-191.
2 Koudelka, P. – Procházka, P. (1983): Stability Fields of Slopes (in Czech). Pole stability svahů. Proc. NS Exploitation of Small Computers for Foundation and Soil Mechanics Solutions (Využití malých počítačů pro řešení problematiky zakládání a mechaniky zemin, 1984, Praha. Ed. Research Institute of Civil Constructions, Praha (Czechoslovakia).
3 Koudelka, P. – Procházka, P. (1983): Analysis of Waste Rock Bank Slip on Granit Subgrade (in Czech). Rozbor sesuvu násypu lomového odvalu na žulovém podloží. Proc. 11th NC Foundations, 7-8.11.1983, Brno (Czech Republic). Ed. ČSSI ČGS, Dům Techniky - ČS Vědecko-technická společnost, Brno, pp. 96-101.

Extension 1983

Abstracts 1983

1 Koudelka, P. (1983): Advantageous Subgrade Interaction of Big Span Slab by Arrangement of Subbase (in Czech). Zvýhodnění interakce podloží základové desky velkého rozpětí úpravou podloží. Proc. 4th NS on Geotechnics, Hradec Králové (Czechoslovakia), Ed. ČSSI ČGS, Dům Techniky - ČS Vědecko-technická společnost, Brno (Czechoslovakia), pp.185-191.
2 Koudelka, P. – Procházka, P. (1983): Stability Field of Slopes (in Czech). Pole stability svahů. Proc. NS Exploitation of Small Computers for Foundation and Soil Mechanics Solutions (Využití malých počítačů pro řešení problematiky zakládání a mechaniky zemin, 1984, Praha. Ed. Research Institute of Civil Constructions, Praha (Czechoslovakia).
3 Koudelka, P. – Procházka, P. (1983): Analysis of Waste Rock Bank Slip on Granit Subgrade (in Czech). Rozbor sesuvu násypu lomového odvalu na žulovém podloží. Proc. 11th NC Foundations, 7-8.11.1983, Brno (Czech Republic). Ed. ČSSI ČGS, Dům Techniky - ČS Vědecko-technická společnost, Brno, pp. 96-101.

Publications 1982
1 Koudelka. P. (1982): Analysis of Long-term Measurements of Consolidation of the Metro tunnels (in Czech). Analýza dlouhodobých měření konsolidace podloží tunelů metra. Proc. 10th NC Foundations, 7-8.11.1983, Brno (Czechoslovakia). Ed. ČSSI ČGS, Dům Techniky - ČS Vědecko-technická společnost, Brno (Czechoslovakia), pp. 244-249.
2. Koudelka, P. (1982): Analysis of Retaining Wall Loaded by Increased Earth Pressure (in Czech). Stabilita kotvených stěn při zvýšeném zemním tlaku. Proc. NC on Statics of Constructions in Extraordinary Conditions, 1982, Brno (Czechoslovakia). Ed. Dům Techniky - ČS Vědecko-technická společnost, Ostrava (Czechoslovakia), pp. 131-137.

Extension 1982

Abstracts 1982

1 Koudelka. P. (1982): Analysis of Long-term Measurements of Consolidation of the Metro tunnels (in Czech). Analýza dlouhodobých měření konsolidace podloží tunelů metra. Proc. 10th NC Foundations, 7-8.11.1983, Brno (Czechoslovakia). Ed. ČSSI ČGS, Dům Techniky - ČS Vědecko-technická společnost, Brno (Czechoslovakia), pp. 244-249.
2. Koudelka, P. (1982): Analysis of Retaining Wall Loaded by Increased Earth Pressure (in Czech). Stabilita kotvených stěn při zvýšeném zemním tlaku. Proc. NC on Statics of Constructions in Extraordinary Conditions, 1982, Brno (Czechoslovakia). Ed. Dům Techniky - ČS Vědecko-technická společnost, Ostrava (Czechoslovakia), pp. 131-137.

Publications 1981
1 Koudelka, P. (1981): Construction of Metro Tunnel Foundation Applying Subgrade Pre-consolidation (in Czech). Založení traťových tunelů metra prekonsolidací podloží. Proc. NS on Geotechnical Problems during Build the Capitol Prague up (Geotechnické problémy při výstavbě hl. m. Prahy), 1981, Praha. Ed. Dům Techniky - ČS Vědecko-technická společnost-Praha (Czechoslovakia), pp. 174-184.
2 Koudelka, P. (1981): Results of Long-term Measurements of the Metro tunnel Subgrade (in Czech). Výsledky dlouhodobých měření konsolidace podloží tunelů metra. Proc. 9th NC Foundations, 9-10.11.1983, Brno (Czechoslovakia). Ed. ČSSI ČGS, Dům Techniky - ČS Vědecko-technická společnost-Brno, Brno, Czechoslovakia, pp. 168-177.
3 Koudelka, P. – Procházka, P. (1981): Shortened Analysis of Soil Slopes (in Czech). Zkrácený výpočet zemních svahů. Proc. NC Stability Solutions of Slopes and their Safety (in Czech). Stabilitní řešení svahů a jejich zabezpečení, 1981, Most. Ed. Dům Techniky - ČS Vědecko-technická společnost, Ústí n. Lab., Czechoslovakia, pp. 1-17.
4 Procházka, P. – Koudelka, P. (1981): Modern Numerical Methods of Analysis of Slope Stability (in Czech). Moderní numerické metody výpočtu stability svahů. Proc. NS on Analyses of Slope Stability and Slope Safety (Výpočty stability svahů a jejich zabezpečení), 1981, Karlovy Vary (Czechoslovakia). Ed. Dům Techniky - ČS Vědecko-technická společnost-Praha, Praha (Czechoslovakia).
5 Koudelka, P. – Procházka, P. (1981): Numerical Models of Slope Stability Analysis and their Accordance to Verity (in Czech). Matematické modely vyšetřování stability svahů a jejich soulad se skutečností. Proc. NS on Analyses of Slope Stability and Slope Safety (Výpočty stability svahů a jejich zabezpečení), 1981, Karlovy Vary (Czechoslovakia). Ed. Dům Techniky - ČS Vědecko-technická společnost-Praha, Praha (Czechoslovakia).

Extension 1981

Abstracts 1981

1 Koudelka, P. (1981): Construction of Metro Tunnel Foundation Applying Subgrade Pre-consolidation (in Czech). Založení traťových tunelů metra prekonsolidací podloží. Proc. NS on Geotechnical Problems during Build the Capitol Prague up (Geotechnické problémy při výstavbě hl. m. Prahy), 1981, Praha. Ed. Dům Techniky - ČS Vědecko-technická společnost-Praha (Czechoslovakia), pp. 174-184.
2 Koudelka, P. (1981): Results of Long-term Measurements of the Metro tunnel Subgrade (in Czech). Výsledky dlouhodobých měření konsolidace podloží tunelů metra. Proc. 9th NC Foundations, 9-10.11.1983, Brno (Czechoslovakia). Ed. ČSSI ČGS, Dům Techniky - ČS Vědecko-technická společnost-Brno, Brno, Czechoslovakia, pp. 168-177.
3 Koudelka, P. – Procházka, P. (1981): Shortened Analysis of Soil Slopes (in Czech). Zkrácený výpočet zemních svahů. Proc. NC Stability Solutions of Slopes and their Safety (in Czech). Stabilitní řešení svahů a jejich zabezpečení, 1981, Most. Ed. Dům Techniky - ČS Vědecko-technická společnost, Ústí n. Lab., Czechoslovakia, pp. 1-17.
4 Procházka, P. – Koudelka, P. (1981): Modern Numerical Methods of Analysis of Slope Stability (in Czech). Moderní numerické metody výpočtu stability svahů. Proc. NS on Analyses of Slope Stability and Slope Safety (Výpočty stability svahů a jejich zabezpečení), 1981, Karlovy Vary (Czechoslovakia). Ed. Dům Techniky - ČS Vědecko-technická společnost-Praha, Praha (Czechoslovakia).
5 Koudelka, P. – Procházka, P. (1981): Numerical Models of Slope Stability Analysis and their Accordance to Verity (in Czech). Matematické modely vyšetřování stability svahů a jejich soulad se skutečností. Proc. NS on Analyses of Slope Stability and Slope Safety (Výpočty stability svahů a jejich zabezpečení), 1981, Karlovy Vary (Czechoslovakia). Ed. Dům Techniky - ČS Vědecko-technická společnost-Praha, Praha (Czechoslovakia).

Publications 1980
1 Koudelka, P. – Procházka, P. (1980): Appraisal of Slope Stability according to Apriory Integration Method (in Czech). Posouzení stability svahů apriorní integrací. Inženýrské stavby (Engineering Constructions, Jour.), Bratislava, Czechoslovakia, Vol. 28/3, pp. 79-84.

Extension 1980

Abstracts 1980

1 Koudelka, P. – Procházka, P. (1980): Appraisal of Slope Stability according to Apriory Integration Method (in Czech). Posouzení stability svahů apriorní integrací. Inženýrské stavby (Engineering Constructions, Jour.), Bratislava, Czechoslovakia, Vol. 28/3, pp. 79-84.

Publications 1979
1 Koudelka, P. – Procházka, P. (1979): Stability of Soil Slopes – Stability Fields and Slip Surfaces (in Czech). Stabilita zemních svahů - pole stability a kluzné plochy. Proc. 7th NC Foundations, 12-13.11.1983, Brno (Czechoslovakia). Ed. ČSSI ČGS, Dům Techniky - ČS Vědecko-technická společnost, Brno, Czechoslovakia, Vol. 1, pp. 240-247.
2 Procházka, P. – Koudelka, P. (1979): Slope Stability Assessment by Apriory Integration Method (in Czech). Posouzení stability svahu metodou apriorní integrace. Proc. 7th NC Foundations, 12-13.11.1983, Brno (Czechoslovakia). Ed. ČSSI ČGS, Dům Techniky - ČS Vědecko-technická společnost, Brno, Czechoslovakia, Vol. 1, pp. 253-258.

Extension 1979

Abstracts 1979

1 Koudelka, P. – Procházka, P. (1979): Stability of Soil Slopes – Stability Fields and Slip Surfaces (in Czech). Stabilita zemních svahů - pole stability a kluzné plochy. Proc. 7th NC Foundations, 12-13.11.1983, Brno (Czechoslovakia). Ed. ČSSI ČGS, Dům Techniky - ČS Vědecko-technická společnost, Brno, Czechoslovakia, Vol. 1, pp. 240-247.
2 Procházka, P. – Koudelka, P. (1979): Slope Stability Assessment by Apriory Integration Method (in Czech). Posouzení stability svahu metodou apriorní integrace. Proc. 7th NC Foundations, 12-13.11.1983, Brno (Czechoslovakia). Ed. ČSSI ČGS, Dům Techniky - ČS Vědecko-technická společnost, Brno, Czechoslovakia, Vol. 1, pp. 253-258.



Publications 1978
1. Koudelka, P. (1978): Technical-economic Analysis of Structures of Excavated Stations of the Prague Metro (in Czech). Technicko-ekonomický rozbor konstrukcí hloubených stanic pražského metra. Inženýrské stavby (Engineering Constructions, Journ.), Vol. 26/2, pp. 46-55.
2. Koudelka, P. (1978): Prefabrication of Excavated Stations of the Prague Metro (in Czech). Prefabrikace hloubených konstrukcí stanic metra v Praze. Proc. NC Prefabrication in Engineering Constructions, 1978, Brno (Czechoslovakia), Ed. Dům Techniky - ČS Vědecko-technická společnost - Keramoprojekt Brno, Brno, Czechoslovakia, pp. 161-174.

Extension 1978

Abstracts 1978

1. Koudelka, P. (1978): Technical-economic Analysis of Structures of Excavated Stations of the Prague Metro (in Czech). Technicko-ekonomický rozbor konstrukcí hloubených stanic pražského metra. Inženýrské stavby (Engineering Constructions, Journ.), Vol. 26/2, pp. 46-55.
2. Koudelka, P. (1978): Prefabrication of Excavated Stations of the Prague Metro (in Czech). Prefabrikace hloubených konstrukcí stanic metra v Praze. Proc. NC Prefabrication in Engineering Constructions, 1978, Brno (Czechoslovakia), Ed. Dům Techniky - ČS Vědecko-technická společnost - Keramoprojekt Brno, Brno, Czechoslovakia, pp. 161-174.