PhD Programme

Open PhD positions


In our research group, we investigate the regulation of haematopoietic stem cell (HSC) maintenance and fate by transcription factors and their target genes, determine whether these elements are altered in human leukaemias (in particular acute myeloid leukaemia, AML), and elucidate their contribution to leukaemogenesis…

Project: Impact of inflammation on haematopoietic stem and progenitor cells: Unraveling the effects and mechanistic insights

Cancer Biology

The main function of the ubiquitin-proteasome system (UPS) is to degrade unneeded or damaged proteins. Cullin-RING ubiquitin ligases (CRLs) mediate ubiquitination of numerous substrates. Our main research focus is to reveal novel substrates of CRLs involved in cancer progression, stress response or cell cycle…

Project: Proteasome control of apoptosis regulation in cancer

Signal Transduction

Our laboratory is focused on understanding the molecular mechanisms governing signal transduction from the plasma membrane receptors to the cytoplasm…

Project: Inhibitory plasma membrane receptor LAIR-1 in mast cell physiology and mastocytosis

Genomics and Bioinformatics

Genomics, bioinformatics, next-generation sequencing, cancer transcriptomics: Activity of our laboratory is based on advanced applications of genomics, transcriptomics and bioinformatics, the most vigorously developing disciplines of contemporary life sciences…

Project: Ancient DNA population genomics: detection of population substructure in human populations

Transcriptional Regulation

We investigate embryonic development using an integrative approach combining molecular biology, cell biology, developmental biology, genetics, biochemistry, and bioinformatics in order to get insight into the molecular mechanisms underlying the process of animal development and its tinkering during the course of evolution…

Project: Developmental genetics of amphioxus: a window into the evolution of vertebrate body plan

Tissue Morphogenesis and Cancer

In our laboratory we study processes and mechanisms, which govern epithelial morphogenesis and homeostasis, and how their deregulation can lead to developmental defects and cancer…

Project: Fibroblast mechanical forces in mammary epithelial morphogenesis

Epigenetic Regulations

The group studies evolution of genes and their regulations, particularly post-transcriptional regulations and genes that mediate it, mainly in the context of the female germline in mice…

Project: Evolution of small RNA silencing pathways in animals

RNA Biology

Our long-term goal is to determine how the spliceosome assembles at the right time and place inside the cell. We are investigating how nuclear architecture contributes to the correct spliceosome formation, and studying the molecular principles of the control mechanism that distinguishes correctly assembled spliceosome particles from the defective ones…

Project: Analysis and modulation of RNA splicing in retinal dystrophy

Cell Motility

In the Laboratory of Cell Motility, we study the eukaryotic flagellum and cilium (the terms are interchangeable), a fascinating organelle with motile, signalling and sensory roles…

Project: Microtubule arrangement in primary cilium axoneme