PhD Programme

Organization of PhD studies


Graduate students get advanced knowledge about the chosen field of study and acquire practical lab training, e.g., they learn to plan, perform and critically evaluate a scientific experiment. In addition, they learn how to read, evaluate, and write scientific publications and how to present their results.

PhD students are enrolled at Charles University (usually within the Faculty of Science or the First Faculty of Medicine), at the University of Chemistry and Technology in Prague or other university in study programmes that are administratively managed by so-called “Graduate Boards.“ In the first three years of study, students take several recommended courses and lectures. Students, in collaboration with their supervisors, choose from lectures and courses organized by the graduate boards and courses organized at IMG (list of courses). In addition, students are encouraged to present their data at international conferences and attend practical courses pertaining to their chosen field. In addition, a student gives a talk about his/her project at the Institute seminar series or at the PhD Conference.

Supervision during graduate studies

The main role in planning and organizing the graduate project and progress is played by the IMG supervisor and a thematically corresponding graduate board of Charles University or University of Chemistry and Technology. Graduate boards coordinate graduate programmes among the universities and the Czech Academy of Sciences and supervise graduate students in selected fields during their study. The student’s progress and achievements (e.g., courses, lectures, publications) are submitted to the graduate board at the end of each academic year. The final examination and the defence of PhD thesis is also passed in front of the graduate board.

Study at IMG is coordinated by the PhD committee, which can be addressed by students with any proposals and changes related to the PhD study. IMG monitors the course of study of individual PhD students in the form of interviews with the PhD Committee (so-called “Advising Talks”), which take place at the end of the 2nd and 4th years of the PhD study and aim to advise students in further research or consult their possible problems related to scientific work, but also other aspects of PhD studies.

Requirements for PhD

Graduate study usually takes 3–5 years; the maximum is 8 years. Requirements for graduation slightly vary among individual graduate boards, but in general, a student needs to accomplish the following:

  1. participate at least in two recommended lectures or courses,
  2. pass an English exam (e.g., First Certificate),
  3. pass the final exam organized by the graduate board,
  4. publish two publications in journals with defined impact factor; the student must be the first author on at least one of these publications,
  5. defend the PhD thesis.