Processing and Analysis of Microscopic Images in Biomedicine

  • Date & Time: 8. 4. 2024 - 12. 4. 2024
  • Location: IMG building

The course will cover the basics in image data acquisition, processing and analysis including methods of stereology. Apart from a theoretical background, the emphasis will be put on practical experience.

The course will address fundamental aspects of image data acquisition, processing, and analysis, encompassing techniques in stereology. Alongside theoretical principles, the course will prioritize hands-on practical learning. Participants will gain proficiency in utilizing the freely available software package Fiji for both basic and advanced analyses. They will learn to assess co-localizations, analyze data from FRAP and electron microscopy, track particles, segment objects in images, and explore methods of employing artificial intelligence for image segmentation.

Additionally, participants will master techniques to enhance data quality through deconvolution using Huygens software. An interactive session featuring Imaris software will be complemented by practical exercises. Furthermore, this year introduces a new series of practical sessions utilizing napari, a Python-based environment for image processing. Independent practical tasks involving Fiji and Huygens will also constitute a significant component of the course.

While the course aligns with the Microscopy Methods in Biomedicine, prior attendance is not a prerequisite for participation.