The Academy of Sciences of the Czech rebublic - ASCR

The first phase of the civil construction works for the COMPASS-U project has been completed


The Institute of Plasma Physics of the CAS has completed extensive modifications of the Experimental hall and the Assembly hall belonging to the COMPASS large research infrastructure.As part of these modifications the concrete walls of the Experimental hall were strengthened from 60 cm to 150 cm and an additional floor was installed in the Assembly hall.The building modifications were successfully completed on 28th June 2023 with the issuance of the Building Final Approval.

11 Sep 2023


15th Frontiers in Low Temperature Plasma Diagnostics 2024


IPP is pleased to announce that the 15th Frontiers in Low Temperature Plasma Diagnostics (FLTPD XV) workshop is organized by the Department of Pulsed Plasma Systems. The event will take place at the Conference Centre of the Academy of Science of the Czech Republic in Liblice Castle from April 28 to May 2, 2024.

7 Sep 2023


Scientist from IPP joined the Journal of Thermal Spray Technology Editorial Board


Jan Čížek from the Materials Department of IPP was elected a member of the Journal of Thermal Spray Technology Editorial Board (JTST).

28 Jun 2023


The first use of the PAS method on cold sprayed deposits selected as the Best Paper of International Thermal Spray Conference 2023


The introduction of the world’s first use of positron annihilation spectroscopy (PAS) method for the analysis of cold sprayed additively manufactured materials was selected as the Best Paper of the 2023 International Thermal Spray Conference (held in Quebec City, Canada).

28 Jun 2023


Research published by MI department selected as Best Paper of 2022 in the Journal of Thermal Spray Technology



The research of functional diamond-reinforced composite coatings deposited by cold spray technology published in the Journal of Thermal Spray Technology received the 2022 Best Paper award. Within the international team of authors of the study were scientists from the Department of Materials Engineering of the IPP, Jan Cizek and Tomas Chraska.


28 Jun 2023


Model of a tokamak from LEGO®


With the support of IPP, students of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of the Czech Technical University built an educational DEMO tokamak model from a LEGO® kit within the framework of the Strategy AV21 to illustrate what fusion reactors in fusion power plants will look like.

19 Jun 2023
