Research team Fiber lasers and nonlinear optics ÚFE
We have received support for four major new projects. Two of them were awarded in the Excellent Research call of the Programme Johannes Amos Comenius of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports and two from the TREND programme of the Ministry of Industry and Trade. The projects will deal with new laser technologies or sensor research.

ÚFE received support for four major projects. In the closely watched call "Excellent Research" of the Programme Johannes Amos Comenius of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, we have received two other projects with high potential for practical application, the LasApp project focused on new laser technologies and the SenDISo project dedicated to sensor research.  The LasApp project will be led by Pavel Peterka from ÚFE, and the first research aim is focused on fiber lasers and will be coordinated by Pavel Honzátko. The LasApp led by ÚFE involves 5 other  partners:  Institute of Physics of the CAS (HiLASE center in Dolní Břežany), the Faculty of Science of Charles University, the Institute of Plasma Physics of the CAS (TOPTEC center in Turnov), the Technical University of Liberec and the Institute of Scientific Instruments of the CAS in Brno. The SenDISo project will be led by Jakub Dostálek from the Institute of Physics and the Nano-optics research team led by Marek Piliarik from ÚFE will participate in the project.

From the TREND programme of the Ministry of Industry and Trade (the TREND programme is administered by TAČR) we have received two projects. The project "Development of sensors for the detection of hydrogen and carbon monoxide in the energy and automotive industry" led by Tesla Blatná, on which Synthesis and characterization of nanomaterials research team of Jan Grym from ÚFE will work. The project "Development of an industrial nanosecond fibre laser with high pulse energy and high average power" will be led by Ondřej Schreiber from Narran, formerly a researcher at ÚFE, who was successful at the SPIE Photonics West conference in San Francisco. From our Institute, Fibre Lasers and Nonlinear Optics team led by Pavel Honzátko will work on the project.

IPE carries out fundamental and applied research in the scientific fields of photonics, optoelectronics and electronics. In these fields, IPE generates new knowledge and develops new technologies.

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