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Centre Telč


welcome to the website of the Centre Telč of the Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics of the CAS, which provides information about realization and reasearch programme of this project.The project of building the research and development centre was co-funded under the Operational Programme Research and Development for Innovation from the European Regional Development Fund and from the state budget.


More info...


Lecture by Prof. Yoshikawa

29 Jan 2024

Professor Nobuhiro Yoshikawa from The University of Tokyo, Japan, will deliver a lecture titled 'Simulation Software for Developing CFRP Tank - Optimum Design and Manufacturing.' The lecture is scheduled for Monday, February 26, 2024, at 14:00 at ITAM in Prague.


Lecture by Dr. Pospíšil

8 Jan 2024

Lecture Journey with Pixel Detectors of the Medipix/Timepix Type in the World of Physics, Technology, and Biomedicine will be given by Ing. Stanislav Pospíšil, DrSc, Emeritus Director of the Institute of Technical and Experimental Physics at the Czech Technical University (ČVUT) at the ITAM in Prague on January 24, 2024, at 10:00 AM


Experimentální výzkum vlivu vodíku na oceli podzemních zásobníků v ČR

5 Jan 2024
7.11. bylo v ÚTAMu uskutečněno první otevírání unikátního vodíkového autoklávu, spojené s vyjmutím testovacích těles po jejich 1/2 roční expozici v prostředí blízkém podzemním úložištím. Výzkumný program probíhá v rámci přípravy tuzemských úložiští na směs zemního plynu s vodíkem. Tyto činnosti jsou v souladu s plánem EU "Vodíková strategie pro klimaticky neutrální Evropu - COM(2020) 301". Práce probíhají s významnou podporou společností Gas Storage CZ, s.r.o. a MND a.s. Dále na výzkumu spolupracují VŠCHT Technopark Kralupy a SVÚM a.s.
V současné době probíhá vyhodnocovací fáze testu s následným porovnáním se stanovenými referenčními vlastnostmi trub, které nebyly ve styku s vodíkovou atmosférou.
Více informací:
Ústav teoretické a aplikované mechaniky AV ČR


Joint E-RIHS and JPI-CH user meeting event

10 Nov 2023

 HS Academy has launched a new series of user meeting events, organized in collaboration with the Joint Programming Initiative on Cultural Heritage and Global Change (JPI-CH).


Balistické testování odolnosti a dynamické odezvy drátkobetonových panelů

6 Nov 2023

Řešitelský tým ÚTAMu odjel 23.10. do Brna měřit pomocí rychlé tenzometrie reálnou dynamickou odezvu různých druhů drátkobetonových kompozic do zkušebny firmy Prototypa. Složení panelů vzniká současně na VÚT Brno a ve Výzkumném ústavu stavebních hmot. V kooperaci s firmou Bogges zajišťuje ÚTAM tato pokročilá měření, která ve výsledku poslouží jako vstupní data důležitým numerickým modelům.
Na jistě akční a unikátní zkoušky se můžete podívat na našem videu.
Práce probíhají v rámci bezpečnostního výzkumu za podpory projektu TAČR „Prostředky pro zvýšení balistické ochrany vozidel a kritické infrastruktury“.


Více informací:
Ing. Martin Šperl, Ph.D.
Ústav teoretické a aplikované mechaniky AV ČR


“You are Cursed by the God YHW:” an early Hebrew inscription from Mt. Ebal

11 Oct 2023
You are cursed by the God YHW - this is the text of the curse that scientists managed to decode from a small lead tablet found on Mount Ebal in the West Bank. The inscription is two centuries older than all the Hebrew texts known to date in Israel. The text that the researchers uncovered is written in Proto-Hebrew script, which can be dated to about 1400-1200 BCE. The lead amulet could not be mechanically opened without fatal damage. Experts therefore used X-ray computed tomography to read the text, including virtual table straightening. Daniel Vavřík from the Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics of the CAS made a significant contribution to the international research. The cursing tablet (defixe) was discovered during the analysis of material left over from the excavations of Israeli archaeologist Adam Zertal, who was engaged in research on Mount Ebal in Samaria in the West Bank between 1982 and 1989. He discovered two altars there. The smaller Late Bronze Age altar, which the archaeologist dated to the mid-13th century BC, lay directly below the larger Iron Age altar. The amulet probably came from the altar's filling. According to biblical tradition, the first Israelite leader, Joshua, was to build an altar on Mount Ebal as part of a ceremony to renew his covenant with the Lord shortly after the Israelites returned to Canaan from Egypt. The lead tablet has external dimensions of 20 × 20 × 4 mm. It was created by folding a lead strip with engraved text so that it would remain hidden inside and not be visible from the outside.


Cultural Heritage Protection enters Higher Education with CHePiCC online

4 Jul 2023

 'Cultural Heritage Protection in Climate Change online' project concludes with launch of online course and publication of Summer University Concept



4 May 2023

The Charisma project team is happy to announce that the results of the second Work Package are finally ready!

Here you can find an article for the presentation of PR2

Here you can find the report


IPERION HS: 7th call open for ARCHLAB & FIXLAB – deadline May 31, 2023

27 Mar 2023

 An additional 7th call for Transnational (TNA) Access to the services offered by ARCHLAB and FIXLAB platforms within IPERION HS is open until May 31st, 2023.


You can access also services of our Laboratory of X-ray Tomography.

More info about the call here.



Climatic Wind Tunnel

Designed as a closed circuit with controlled wind velocity and temperature conditions. It consists of climatic and aerodynamic parts. While the aerodynamic part provides well-fitted conditions to study wind effects on scaled model of prototypes, an equipment of the climatic part is suited for investigation of influences of weather including the wind, temperature, rain and heat radiation. Using the cooling/heating exchanger, cycle temperature changing of the airflow is available in the whole tunnel within the range of -10 to 30 C in relatively short time period. Integral part of the tunnel equipment consists of instruments for airflow diagnostic, data acquisition system, direct pressure surface measurement, precise thermometry and of many other types of handy accessories for instant use. Workshops for manufacturing of testing models are available in the same building.



Roman-catholic diocese of St.Pölten and the city of Brno own a great many buildings, such as churches, rectories and monasteries. These structures do not always have a purpose, which consequently has a negative impact on urban development. Not being in use causes their decay. The current problems are of the same character on both sides of the regions' borders, caused mainly by a negative demographic development and past political events in the course of the 20th century.



Utilization of nanomaterials for sustainable conservation of historical sculptures and architectonic works of litavský limestone.  More at:


GAČR 14-20374P

Během karbonatace vápna je třeba sledovat kvantitativní zastoupení polymorfů CaCO3 (kalcit, aragonit, vaterit) a jejich formační kinetiku. Relativní množství odlišných krystalických forem CaCO3 silně ovlivňuje vlastnosti vápenných malt. Kinetika procesu karbonatace a tvorba polymorfů CaCO3 ve vápenných pastách a omítkách bude zkoumána rentgenovou práškovou difrakcí, Ramanovou spektroskopií a infračervenou spektroskopií s Fourierovou transformací. Termogravimetrická analýza bude použita k určení stupně hydratace a rovněž karbonatace. Skenovací elektronová mikroskopie bude použita ke zkoumání mikrostruktury vzorků na morfologickém základu. Vápenné omítky jsou důležitým stavebním materiálem a v oblasti kulturního dědictví hrají klíčovou roli jako optimální materiál pro opravu historických budov. Očekává se, že výsledky této studie budou mít zásadní přínos ke stávajícím znalostem o kinetickém chování, vývoji fází a morfologii během karbonatační reakce vápenných past a malt.



In the second half of 1990s, an increased attention was paid to the safeguarding of the built heritage and its integration into the life of contemporary society. The complexity of problems of cultural heritage called for modern interdisciplinary approach and this was started in a systematic way in 1995 by founding of a new department of the Institute - the Associated Research Centre for Historic Structures and Sites (ARCHISS) - joining together researchers from two institutes of the Academy of Sciences. The process continued, because of success in grant project competitions and now there are scientists involved in the research from other institutes and universities and two operating research units - one in Prague and one in another World Heritage City of Telč.
