References - Cooperation with public and commercial subjects


Institute of Computer Science,
The Czech Academy of Sciences
Mgr. Pavel Juruš, Ph.D.
Mgr. Philippe Dubost, MBA
Tel.: +420 266 053 270


In recent years, the Institute of Computer Science has collaborated with more than 70 entities from the commercial and public spheres. Among others, for example with:

Fakultní Thomayerova Nemocnice

Our Department of Statistical Modeling collaborated with Thomayer University Hospital during the years 2021-2023 on a project aiming to enhance the rehabilitation process for patients who suffered from stroke. Our role was to develop methods and tools for collecting and analysing the measurement data.

Reference article: COMIRESTROKE—A clinical study protocol for monitoring clinical effect and molecular biological readouts of COMprehensive Intensive REhabilitation program after STROKE

Magistrát hlavního města Prahy

The department of the complex systems at ICS collaborates with the City of Prague on high-fidelity meteorological and air pollution simulations. Principal areas of interest are located in Holešovice, Dejvice and Nové město. These comprehensive simulations of selected locations represent a valuable source of unique information for the urban planning and future development of Prague, the capital of the Czech Republic. This cooperation presents a practical example of advanced and modern techniques reflecting "smart city" approaches.

NET4GAS, s.r.o.

NET4GAS provides international and domestic transportation of natural gas in the Czech Republic. It also takes care of the quality and reliability of the transmission system. The cooperation between the Institute of Informatics of the CAS and NET4GAs consisted in statistical analysis of the provided data with a view to early detection of possible faults in the distribution network.

Unicorn a.s.

AVAST Software s.r.o.

CISCO SYSTEMS (Czech Republic) s.r.o.

Škoda Auto a.s. (Volkswagen AG)

ADASTRA, s.r.o.

Centrum pro zjišťování výsledků vzdělávání (Cermat)

ČEPS, a.s.

Český hydrometeorologický ústav

GasNet s.r.o.

IKEM Praha

Javlin, a.s.

Kapsch Telematic Services s.r.o.

(TAČR grant)

Ministerstvo financí ČR

Operátor ICT, a.s.

OTE, a.s.

Psychiatrické centrum Praha

(GAČR grant)

The Science and Technology and Facilities Council (UK)