Electron Transfer in (Bio)Molecular Systems: Time-Resolved Vibrational Spectroscopy and Theory

Grant Agency
Grant Agency of the Czech Republic
Molecular Electrochemistry.
Year from
Year to

New mechanisms of acceleration and control of protein electron transfer will be unraveled and utilized by combination of ultrafast time-resolved vibrational spectroscopy and quantum chemical molecular dynamics applied to metalloprotein (azurin) mutants derivatized with organometallic photosensitizers and synthetic Donor-Bridge-Acceptor supramolecules. We will focus on coupling between electron-transfer dynamics and structural motions of reacting systems and their environment, electron hopping through tryptophan residues, characterization of Trp•+ intermediate in proteins, and electronic/vibrational communication through the bridge, namely peptide bonds, as well as pi-pi interactions along electron-transfer pathways. Dynamic effects of additional vibrational excitation of the bridge and product structural reorganization upon ultrafast electron transfer will be studied. This research will provide a deep insight into electron-transfer mechanisms and reveal new ways of designing efficient, fast-operating systems for light-energyharvesting, molecular photonics, and photocatalysis.

prof. RNDr. Vlček Antonín CSc.

antonin.vlcek at jh-inst.cas.cz
+420 26605 2093