2019 2019
Výzkum exoplanet a jejich atmosfér a života ve vesmíru - éra TESS, PLATO a ARIEL Strategie AV21 - VP16 Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
prof. RNDr. Civiš Svatopluk CSc., DSc.
2018 2019
Powerful light sources
Technology Agency CR
prof. RNDr. Civiš Svatopluk CSc., DSc.
2018 2023
Centrum pokročilých aplikovaných přírodních věd
Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic
prof. RNDr. Civiš Svatopluk CSc., DSc.
2016 2017
Formamide and chemical evolution of life
Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic
prof. RNDr. Civiš Svatopluk CSc., DSc.
2014 2016
Metal oxide nanoparticles and their reactivity studied by high resolution FT infrared spectroscopy
Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic
prof. RNDr. Civiš Svatopluk CSc., DSc.
2014 2017
Advanced phosphor for high power LEDs and laser diods
Technology Agency CR
prof. RNDr. Civiš Svatopluk CSc., DSc.
2011 2012
Long wavelenght VCSEL based semiconductor laser spectroscopy in 1200-2000 nm spectral range
Other national agency
prof. RNDr. Civiš Svatopluk CSc., DSc.
2010 2013
Theoretical and Experimental Studies Related to the Prebiotic Chemistry of Nucleic Acids
Grant Agency of the Czech Republic
prof. RNDr. Civiš Svatopluk CSc., DSc.
2009 2012
Diagnostic and characterization of nonlinear properties of semiconductor lasers and novel crystals based on salts of inorganic anions and organic cations
Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic
prof. RNDr. Civiš Svatopluk CSc., DSc.
2009 2012
Research and development of system of identification of explosives
Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic
prof. RNDr. Civiš Svatopluk CSc., DSc. prof. RNDr. Španěl Patrik Dr. rer. nat.
2009 2012
Can laser plasmas produce chiral molecules?
Grant Agency of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
prof. RNDr. Civiš Svatopluk CSc., DSc.
2007 2009
Research of new methods of detection of explosives .
Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic
prof. RNDr. Civiš Svatopluk CSc., DSc. prof. RNDr. Španěl Patrik Dr. rer. nat.
2007 2011
Fourier transform semiconductor laser spectroscopy.
Grant Agency of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
prof. RNDr. Civiš Svatopluk CSc., DSc.
2006 2008
Chemistry of large laser sparks.
Grant Agency of the Czech Republic
prof. RNDr. Civiš Svatopluk CSc., DSc.
2006 2010
Heterogeneous and hybrid nanocomposite materials for solar cells.
Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
prof. RNDr. Civiš Svatopluk CSc., DSc. prof. RNDr. Kavan Ladislav CSc., DSc.
2001 2005
Fast tunable MID-IR and IR laser diode spectrometer based on non-linear optical effects.
Grant Agency of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
prof. RNDr. Civiš Svatopluk CSc., DSc.