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The role of impaired autophagy and peroxisome function in NAFLD development and their recovery for improved efficacy of omega-3 supplementation

Given the lack of approved pharmacotherapies for NAFLD, this project aims to develop new research paradigms that could better explain the role of autophagy in the progression of this disease.

The project has the following specific aims:

1.  to investigate the role of autophagy in the development of hepatic steatosis, using in vitro cultured hepatocytes and a suitable mouse model;

2. to test whether autophagy stimulation improves peroxisomal function and delay/reverse NAFLD (in vitro cultured hepatocytes and a mouse model);

3. to examine how various chemical forms of omega-3 affect different stages of NAFLD (mouse model);

4. to verify the efficacy of combined treatment with omega-3 supplementation and pharmacological intervention with autophagy inducers (mouse model).


Supported by the Czech Science Foundation (project no. 22-04100L; 2023-2025; PI: Martin Rossmeisl, MD, PhD, IPHYS; collaboration with Prof. M. Wieckowski, Nencki Institute of Experimental Biology).