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Conference: Let's Transfer Science - Technology Transfer at the Faculty of Science

Start date Feb 06, 2024

We cordially invite all interested parties to the conference "Let´s Transfer Science - Technology Transfer at the Faculty of Science", which will take place on Tuesday, February 6, 2024 at 9:00 a.m. in the Large Geology Auditorium at Albertov 6. Its aim is to raise awareness of technology transfer, its importance and benefits for our faculty. The conference will include networking of research teams with each other or with investors. Seating capacity is limited, please register. Refreshments are provided for registered participants.

Published Jan 18, 2024

Workshop BioImage Analysis Fundamentals

Start date Feb 05, 2024 - Feb 09, 2024

The Vinicna Microscopy Core Facility (VMCF) cordially invites all interested parties to a workshop on Fundamentals of Bioimage Analysis. Taking place from 5 to 9 February 2024, it will introduce you to the world of bioimage analysis, introduce the capabilities of image processing and evaluation tools, and teach you how to effectively visualize, analyze, and interpret your own data. Registration required.

Published Jan 03, 2024

15th Conference of Young Demographers

Start date Feb 07, 2024 - Feb 09, 2024

We are happy to invite you to the 15th Conference of Young Demographers which will take place on 7–9 February 2024 at Albertov 6. To celebrate 15 years of conference, we invited three guests, our previous attendees: Olga Kurtinová (Faculty of Science, Charles University), Liili Abuladze (Tallinn University) and Cosmo Strozza (University of Southern Denmark). The registration for passive participation is open until 29 January, 2024.

Published Jan 22, 2024

Ancient roots of phytohormone signalling

A new study on the plant signaling molecule, auxin, has been published in the prestigious journal Cell. The study was co-authored by Matyáš Fendrych and Shiv Mani Dubey from the Faculty of Science, Charles University.

Published Dec 21, 2023

Single-atom engineering revolutionizes medicine, chemistry and energy

New materials for energy acquisition and storage, nano-robots detecting or eliminating germs in the human body or substances accelerating and streamlining a number of chemical reactions in industrial production will be developed by a revolutionary method of single-atom engineering as part of the Technology Beyond Nanoscale (TECHSCALE) project. Palacký University (UP) has succeeded in the prestigious Excellent Research call in the Jan Amos Komenský Operational Programme, with partners from Charles University and CEITEC-VUT. The five-year research received funding of almost half a billion Czech koruna.

Published Jan 08, 2024

Unveiling Nature's Patterns

A new review on repeated adaptation has just been published in the prestigious journal Trends in Ecology and Evolution. The paper is a result of a collaborative effort between the Faculty of Science, Charles University and the University of Bern and the main author is Magdalena Bohutínská.

Published Jan 18, 2024

The faculty is involved in Research and Enterprise Network for Infrastructures

The Faculty of Science, Charles University will be involved in a cooperation project under the Czech-Saxon Interreg programme starting this year. The principal investigator for the Faculty of Science, Charles University is doc. RNDr. Jiří Mls, CSc. from the Institute of Hydrogeology, Engineering Geology and Applied Geophysics.

Published Jan 16, 2024

Coordinative Chain Transfer and Chain Shuttling Polymerization

Robert Mundil (Soft Matter research group from the Dept. of Physical and Macromolecular Chemistry) with Catarina Bravo, Nicolas Merle and Philippe Zinck (University of Lille, France) published a paper in Chemical Reviews, which is the most cited chemical journal with impact factor 62.1. The published review provides the state of the art in the field with a focus on the last 10 years. Congratulations!

Published Jan 12, 2024

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