Recognition of foreign qualifications
ENIC-NARIC. net – gateway to recognition of academic and professional qualifications
ENIC is European Network of Information Centres in the European Region developed in order to enhance academic mobility, higher education and qualification recognition. NARIC are National Academic Recognition Information Centres in the European Union developed in order to facilitate the recognition of foreign degrees and qualifications.
In the year 2004, both networks adopted Joint ENIC-NARIC Charter approved by the committee of Lisbon Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications.
Czech NARIC is an integral part of the international center ENIC-NARIC ( Its main activities include cooperation with national information centers of other countries, gathering information about academic recognition and mobility, expert consultation, providing information about Czech higher education system and supporting and executing the Lisbon convention (enic-naric (enic-naric[at]msmt[dot]cz)).
Recognition of foreign education and qualifications in the Czech republic
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Source: The Ministry of education, youth and sports