Larval development in the Oligocene frog Eopelobates (Pelobatidae) and general features in the development of fossil non-pipoid anurans
Principal aim of the project is to study the larval development of the Oligocene genus Eopelobates (Anura: Pelobatidae), based on a series of premetamorphic and metamorphic tadpoles. The tadpoles are preserved as skeletons and soft tissue parts, and may be compared with data on the development of Eopelobates anthracinus and Pelobates decheni from the late Oligocene of Germany. These fossil samples will be compared with corresponding information on the development of contemporary Pelobates, which will make it possible to assess evolutionary trends of complete ontogenies, during the period Oligocene-Recent. The mentioned developmental series are the only ones which represent non-pipoid anurans. Also recently discovered tadpole from the late Jurassic of China seems to belong neither to Palaeobatrachidae nor to Pipidae. Information on the development of both fossil and recent Pelobatidae may supposedly help to clarify the problem of North American late Cretaceous "Eopelobates".