
In the list of publications, you will find the complete output of our researchers since 1961.

  1. Physical Review B 71 (2005) 195318(1)-195318(7).
  2. E. M. Hankiewicz, Jian Li, T. Jungwirth, Qian Niu, Shun-Qing Shen, J. Sinova
    Physical Review B 72 (2005) 155305(1)-155305(5).
  3. T. Jungwirth, K.Y. Wang, J. Mašek, K.W. Edmonds, J. König, J. Sinova, M. Polini, N.A. Goncharuk, A.H. MacDonald, M. Sawicki, R.P. Campion, L.X. Zhao, C.T. Foxon, B.L. Gallagher
    Physical Review B 72 (2005) 165204(1)-165204(13).
  4. K. Nomura, J. Wunderlich, J. Sinova, B. Kaestner, A.H. MacDonald, T. Jungwirth
    Physical Review B 72 (2005) 245330(1)-245330(5).
  5. P. Hazdra, J. Voves, E. Hulicius, J. Pangrác
    Optical characterization of MOVPE grown $\delta$-InAs layers in GaAs
    physica status solidi (c) 2 (2005) 1319-1324.
  6. S. Civiš, V. Horká, T. Šimeček, E. Hulicius, J. Pangrác, J. Oswald, O. Petříček, Y. Rouillard, C. Alibert, R. Werner
    Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy 61 (2005) 3066-3069.
  7. J. Oswald, J. Pangrác, E. Hulicius, T. Šimeček, K.D. Moiseev, M.P. Mikhailova, Yu.P. Yakovlev
    Electroluminescence of type II broken gap P-Ga0.84In0.16As0.22Sb0.78/p-InAs heterostructures with high mobility electron channel at the interface
    Journal of Applied Physics 98 (2005) 083512-1-083512-5.
  8. S. Civiš, V. Horká, J. Cihelka, T. Šimeček, E. Hulicius, J. Oswald, J. Pangrác, A. Vicet, Y. Rouillard, A. Salhi, C. Alibert, R. Werner, J. Koeth
    Room temperature diode laser photoaccoustic spectroscopy near 2.3 µm
    Applied Physics B: Laser and Optics 81 (2005) 857-861.
  9. Z. Chobola, V. Juránková, J. Vaněk, E. Hulicius, T. Šimeček, C. Alibert, Y. Rouillard, R. Werner
    Noise spectroscopy measurement of 2.3 µm CW GaSb based laser diodes
    Elektronika 1, pp.70-73, (2005), Poland. ISSN 0033-2089.
  10. Z. Arnold, R. Ibarra, A. Algarabel, C. Marquina, M. De Teresa, L. Morellon, J. Blasco, C. Magen, O. Prokhnenko, J. Kamarád, C. Ritter
    Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 17 (2005) S3035-S3055.
  11. J. Kamarád, O. Prokhnenko, K. Prokes, Z. Arnold
    Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 17 (2005) S3069-S3075.
  12. L. Diaz, M. Santos, C. Ballesteros, M. Maryško, J. Pola
    IR laser-induced chemical vapor deposition of carbon-coated iron nanoparticles embedded in polymer
    Journal of Materials Chemistry 15 (2005) 4311-4317.
  13. K. Knížek, Z. Jirák, J. Hejtmánek, M. Veverka, M. Maryško, G. Maris, T.M. Palstra
    European Physical Journal B 47 (2005) 213-220.
  14. P. Richard, S. Jandl, M. Poirier, P. Fournier, V. Nekvasil, L. Sadowski
    Physical Review B 72 (2005) 14506(1)-14506(10).
  15. C. Magen, L. Morellon, A. Algarabel, R. Ibarra, Z. Arnold, J. Kamarád, A. Lograsso, L. Schlagel, K. Pecharsky, O. Tsokol, A. Gschneidner
    Physical Review B 72 (2005) 24416(1)-24416(7).
  16. S. Jandl, A. Mukhin, Y. Ivanov, V. Nekvasil, L. Sadowski
    Physical Review B 72 (2005) 24423(1)-24423(7).
  17. O. Prokhnenko, Z. Arnold, J. Kamarád, C. Ritter, O. Isnard, A. Kuchin
    Journal of Applied Physics 97 (2005) 113909(1)-113909(8).
  18. J. Kuneš, W. Ku, E. Pickett
    Exchange coupling in Eu monochalcogenides from first principles
    Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 74 (2005) 1408-1411.
  19. J. Kamarád, F. Albertini, Z. Arnold, F. Casoli, L. Pareti, A. Paoluzi
    Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 290 (2005) 669-672.
  20. C. Yaicle, F. Fauth, C. Martin, R. Retoux, Z. Jirák, M. Hervieu, B. Raveau, A. Maignan
    Pr0.5Ca0.5Mn0.97Ga0.03O3, a strongly strained system due to the coexistence of two orbital ordered phases at low temperature
    Journal of Solid State Chemistry 178 (2005) 1652-1660.
  21. M. Puyet, A. Dauscher, B. Lenoir, M. Dehmas, C. Stiewe, E. Muller, J. Hejtmánek
    Journal of Applied Physics 97 (2005) 83712(1)-83712(4).
  22. K. Závěta, K. Lachowicz, M. Maryško, Z. Arnold, P. Dluzewski
    Magnetic properties of nanogranular CoxCu1-x structures
    Journal of Alloys and Compounds 392 (2005) 12-19.
  23. Physical Review B 71 (2005) 54420(1)-54420(6).
  24. O. Prokhnenko, J. Kamarád, K. Prokeš, Z. Arnold, A. Andreev
    Physical Review Letters 94 (2005) 107201(1)-107201(4).
  25. J. Holsa, M. Lastusaari, M. Maryško, M. Tukia
    A few remarks on the simulation and use of crystal field energy level schemes of the rare earth ions
    Journal of Solid State Chemistry 178 (2005) 435-440.
  26. K. Nomura, J. Sinova, T. Jungwirth, Q. Niu, A. H. MacDonald
    Physical Review B 71 (2005) 041304(1)-041304(4).
  27. C. Rüster, C. Gould, T. Jungwirth, J. Sinova, G.M. Schott, R. Giraud, K. Brunner, G. Schmidt, L.W. Molenkamp
    Physical Review Letters 94 (2005) 027203(1)-027203(4).
  28. A.D. Giddings, M.N. Khalid, T. Jungwirth, J. Wunderlich, S. Yasin, R.P. Campion, K.W. Edmonds, J. Sinova, K. Ito, K. Y. Wang, D. Williams, B.L. Gallagher, C.T. Foxon
    Physical Review Letters 94 (2005) 127202(1)-127202(4).
  29. Physical Review Letters 94 (2005) 047204(1)-047204.
  30. J. Hlinka, R. Currat, M. de Boissieu, F. Livet, Yu.M. Vysochanskii
    Two-length-scale behavior near the ferroelectric phase transition of Sn2P2S6
    Physical Review B 71 (2005) 052102(1)-052102( ).
  31. J. Olejníček, J. Píchal, J. Blažek, P. Špatenka
    Review of Scientific Instruments 76 (2005) 073103-1-073103-6.
  32. Science of Heat and Thermophysical Studies A Generalized Approach to Thermal Analysis
    Elsevier, Amsterdam 2005, ISBN 978-0-444-51954-2, 0-444-51954-8, pp. 1-472
  33. B. Hlaváček, J. Šesták, L. Koudelka, P. Mošner, J. J. Mareš
    Forms of vibrations and structural changes in liquid state
    Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry 80 (2005) 271-283.
  34. Filling a cavity with zero-point electromagnetic radiation
    Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures 29 (2005) 213-217.
  35. Weak localization-an experimental tool to investigate electromagnetic vacuum fluctuations
    Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures 29 (2005) 375-379.
  36. An attempt at quantum thermal physics
    Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry 82 (2005) 681-686.
  37. Laser Physics 15 (2005) 211-216.
  38. V. Bovtun, W. Stark, J. Kelm, V. Pashkov, Y. Yakimenko
    Characterization of carbon black filled rubber compounds by the microwave coaxial method
    Materialprüfung, 47 (2005) 118 – 122.
  39. P. Lejček, V. Havlová
    Journal of Crystal Growth 275 (2005) 1591-1596.
  40. Journal of Crystal Growth 275 (2005) e1597-e1602.
  41. Materials Science and Technology 21 (2005) 393-398.
  42. Materials Science Forum 482 (2005) 63-70.
  43. M. Polcarová, P. Lejček, J. Brádler, V. Paidar, A. Jacques
    Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 38 (2005) A33-A38.
  44. V. Zablotskyy, M. Jirsa, P. Petrenko
    Superconductor Science and Technology 18 (2005) 200-205.
  45. M. Muralidhar, N. Sakai, M. Jirsa, M. Murakami, N. Koshizuka
    Superconductor Science and Technology 18 (2005) L9-L12.
  46. G. Vértesy, I. Mészáros, I. Tomáš
    Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 285 (2005) 335-342.
  47. M. Jirsa, V. Zablotskyy, P. Petrenko, M. Muralidhar
    Journal of Low Temperature Physics 139 (2005) 103-109.
  48. Pinning in bulk RE-123 compounds
    Book Critical Currents in Superconductors, Ed. T. Takizawa, M. Murakami Chapter VII, Tokyo, Japan, ISBN 4-902385-11-2, p. 105-126
  49. M. Muralidhar, N. Sakai, M. Jirsa, M. Murakami, N. Koshizuka
    Superconductor Science and Technology 18 (2005) S47-S51.
  50. M. Kisielewski, A. Maziewski, V. Zablotskyy
    Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 290-291 (2005) 776-778.