The Academy of Sciences of the Czech rebublic - ASCR



Show Archive of Grant Projects

Project Title (Principal Investigator) Project ID Provider
Prague Asterix Laser System (Ing. Miroslav Krůs, Ph.D.)
 LM2023068  MEYS
V4F (Ing. Miroslav Krůs, Ph.D.)  1101096317  EC
European Laser Research Infrastructures serving Science and Industry (Laser4EU) (Ing. Miroslav Krůs, Ph.D.)
Boranes: Routes to inertial confinement of proton-boron fusion (Ing. Miroslav Krůs, Ph.D.)
 GA2307563S  CSF
Observations of exceptional points in atomic physics using XUV laser pulses (Ing. Miroslav Krůs, Ph.D.)  GA2021179S  CSF