The Academy of Sciences of the Czech rebublic - ASCR

SUMmer TRAIning Course 2023

SUMmer TRAIning Course 2023 was held this year despite the fact that the COMPASS tokamak is already gone and the COMPASS-U has not yet arrived. Students from all over the world got a chance to get their hands on real scientific work in nuclear fusion research! The 19th 2-weeks summer training course (SUMTRAIC) took place from Monday, August 28th to Friday, September 8th at IPP and it was organized by Dr. Jordan Cavalier.



SUMTRAIC is a training school to get practical experience with tokamak operation. The main goal is to acquaint participants with all aspects of experimental plasma physics on a tokamak. In two weeks, participants from multiple countries obtained basic working experience in the fusion research, including preparation of the experimental campaign, operation of the tokamak, data analyses and presentation of results. This year the event was attended by 13 foreign students.
Photo: IPP.

11 Oct 2023