Ústav pro českou literaturu AV ČR Institute of Czech literature of the CAS
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Czech Library

Czech Library is a long-standing book series that aims to present representative works of Czech literature, from its earliest beginnings to the present day, in a standardised and reliable format. In 2019, its publishing out exceeded 100 volumes.

The Czech Library edition is published jointly by the Institute of Czech Literature CAS, the Czech Library Endowment Fund, and Host publishing house.

More than a third of authors published in the Czech Library series were included by CERMAT in its List of Literary Genres and Authors for standardised tests in Czech language and literature.

For individual works included in the Czech Library, the ICL publishes interpretive syntheses in a structure corresponding to the requirements for state high school matriculation, namely the Czech Library Seminar series. Individual interpretations can be downloaded free of charge from the Czech Library website.

The ICL has been a co-publisher of the Czech Library since 2016. The Editorial Board of the Czech Library was created through a cooperation agreement between the ICL and Czech Library Endowment Fund (NFČK). Its chairman is Jiří Flaišman, head of the ICL’s Publishing and Textology Department, which also provides professional editorial staff for the Czech Library.

The ICL’s cooperation in publishing the Czech Library is part of the AV21 Strategy program of the Czech Academy of Sciences.

Contact address: hesova@ucl.cas.cz.