Mission of the Institute of Biophysics AS CR
Who we are?
Scientists of the Institute of Biophysics AS CR (IBP) are talented and highly motivated specialists, conducting research of fundamental importance. According to the results of the latest evaluation performed by an international committee, IBP is one of the best research institutes in the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic. Each year IBP publishes around 100 original results in journals that ensure high standards of peer review. These results are mostly of general significance and open new ways of investigation for a number of other scientists in the whole world. The number of scientists who make use of our results continuously grows and at present reaches 3000 per year. This expansion of knowledge leads finally to practical applications that are important for human society.
What are we engaged in?
IBP is engaged in basic research in the field of biophysics,more precisely, in the research of the structure, function and dynamics of biological systems (biomolecules, cell components, cells and cell populations) using a broad spectrum of methods (molecular biology, biochemistry, biophysics, bioinformatics, etc.). IBP contributes to increasing the level of knowledge and education, to the development of biotechnologies and to the transfer of reseach results to practical applications, particularly in the field of diagnostics and treatment of deleterious human diseases. In the field of biophysics, IBP is involved in international cooperation including organization of international conferences and seminars (see „International Cooperation“). In collaboration with universities, IBP takes care of approximately 60 PhD students and substantially participates in teaching activities (IBP provides 60 semestral lectures for different universities). The mission and conception of the Institute of Biophysics.
What we aim for?
We aim to further increase our national reputation as a top centre of excellent research and we want to become one of the best research centres according to international standards. IBP will provide extraordinally good conditions for the most talented scientists in order to make discoveries in our research area that improve the quality of life for all people around the world. These scientists have in our Institute academic freedom, financial and technical support. The leaders of our teams can freely spend their money throughout the year in order to ensure maximum effectiveness of the research. The research results are regularly evaluated and determine the amount of the financial support for the next year.